Executive Committee - June 26, 2019 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
June 26, 2019 - 5:30pm
50 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102

San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

Chair Kennelly called the meeting to order at 5:45 pm.
Present: Chair Kennelly, Vice Chair Paz
Not present: Commissioners Khojasteh, Radwan (excused), Rahimi (excused)
Staff present: Director Pon, Deputy Director Fernández Sykes, Commission Clerk Shore

2. Public Comment
There was no public comment.

3. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
a. Approval of March 27, 2019 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes.
Chair Kennelly invited the Executive Committee to review the minutes from March 27, 2019. She deferred the vote due to lack of quorum.

Chair Kennelly asked Director Pon about Executive Committee approval of ad-hoc committees’ minutes. Director Pon recommended that the Executive Committee continue to approve them, and ask committee chairs to provide their minutes in summary form. Commission Clerk Shore will send Chair Kennelly the names of the committee chairs.

Chair Kennelly inquired about the border visit discussed during the last Executive Committee meeting. Vice Chair Paz said he had suggested the visit. The Executive Committee also discussed holding a hearing on asylee families in San Francisco. Vice Chair Paz stated that families are coming to community centers, but there is very little information about them outside of the school district’s data on students. Director Pon said the Labor Council’s WE RISE SF reached out to families on the border and is now seeing cases in San Francisco. Vice Chair Paz suggested holding a meeting in September and asked who could be invited in addition to OCEIA grantees. Director Pon suggested inviting experts and those who had visited the border.

Chair Kennelly asked if a formal letter could be sent requesting data of OCEIA grantees, SFUSD, and the Labor Council. Director Pon said OCEIA staff could forward the letter on behalf of the Commission.

Commissioners discussed inviting Supervisors who have been involved or expressed interest in the issue, including Supervisors Ronen, Safai, Walton, and President Yee and representatives from SFUSD.

Chair Kennelly asked about possible locations, including the Board Chambers. OCEIA staff will look into Board chambers, although it may be difficult to book. Vice Chair Paz suggested partnering with the Human Rights Commission. Staff will reach out to Supervisors and the HRC.

Chair Kennelly and Vice Chair Paz plan to keep the July Executive Committee with one agenda item, planning the September special hearing. OCEIA staff can report back on progress. If the Full Commission meets on July 22 or 23, Chair Kennelly plans to schedule the Executive Committee at 4:30 pm on the same day.

Chair Kennelly asked Commission Clerk Shore for an update on Commissioners’ availability for the rescheduled Full Commission meeting on July 22 or 23. Six Commissioners have not yet responded. Commission Clerk Shore will keep Chair Kennelly and Vice Chair Paz updated.

4. Discussion/Action Item: Follow-up on discussion from May 13, 2019 hearing
a. Proposed changes to fee waiver
As requested by the IRC, Director Pon contacted the City Attorney to inquire about whether they are planning to file or join a complaint, and has not heard back yet. She can also forward a request from Protect Democracy. Chair Kennelly asked about a possible meeting with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Director Pon said the City would need to provide data and evidence of an economic burden, and any such meeting must be approved by the Mayor’s Office and City Attorney. Chair Kennelly will contact ILRC to inquire about the status of litigation.

b. Immigration risks of cannabis
Director Pon provided an update on follow-up items from the hearing. OCEIA staff sent the City Attorney draft content on the immigration risks of cannabis for their review. OCEIA staff has not yet received the letter from the Executive Committee. Chair Kennelly will follow up with Commissioner Rahimi.

5. Staff Reports (Director Pon)
a. Director’s Updates
In response to a question from Vice Chair Paz, Director Pon stated that staff had received positive feedback about the Immigrant Leadership Awards event. Chair Kennelly thanked staff for their work. Director Pon thanked the Executive Committee for their leadership.

b. IRC Annual Report and Outreach Materials
Director Pon stated that OCEIA staff has received positive feedback on the IRC’s annual report and outreach materials. Chair Kennelly offered to provide a volunteer to deliver the reports to City officials. Director Pon said OCEIA staff can deliver the reports.

c. Letter related to March 11, 2019 Special Hearing with Yemeni community members.
Director Pon forwarded the IRC’s letter, and received responses from President Yee’s office and the Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector. Vice Chair Paz will follow up with the City Attorney’s office. Chair Kennelly suggested that he provide an update from Protect Democracy. Director Pon said the Chair and Vice Chair can schedule the meeting.

d. Election and Retreat Planning
Director Pon asked the Executive Committee if they would be open to holding an election and retreat in October. Chair Kennelly suggested organizing a neighborhood meeting in October. Vice Chair Paz said holding both on the same day would be difficult for some Commissioners. Vice Chair Paz suggested polling Commissioners. Chair Kennelly said she would email the Commission Clerk with dates in order to poll Commissioners.

Director Pon suggested that the Executive Committee plan out the Commission’s activities for the following year, and present the plan to the Full Commission. Chair Kennelly suggested that the Executive Committee draft the plan at its August 28 meeting.

e. Reappointment Hearings
Director Pon stated that the reappointment hearing for IRC terms expired in June 2019 have not yet been scheduled by the Rules Committee. Vice Chair Paz will submit his application.

6. Old Business
There was no old business.

7. New Business
There was no new business.

8. Adjournment
Chair Kennelly adjourned the meeting at 6:39 pm.