Executive Committee - June 22, 2022 - Minutes
Note: As authorized by California Government Code Section 54953(e) and the Mayor’s 45th Supplement to her February 25, 2020 emergency proclamation, this meeting will be held remotely without providing a physical location. Members of the Immigrant Rights Commission will participate and vote by video. Members of the public may observe the meeting and provide public comment online. View instructions for providing public comment.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Chair Kennelly called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m.
Present: Chair Kennelly, Vice Chair Paz, Commissioners Khojasteh, Souza (5:37 p.m.)
Not present: Commissioner Ricarte (excused)
OCEIA staff present: Acting Director Whipple, Commission Clerk Shore, Operations and Grants Manager Chan, Policy and Civic Engagement Officer Noonan.
2. Ramaytush Ohlone Land Acknowledgment
Chair Kennelly read the land acknowledgment statement.
3. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
4. Action Item: Resolution to Allow Teleconferenced Meetings
a. Adoption of resolution making findings to allow teleconferenced meetings under California Government Code Section 54953(e) Vice Chair Paz motioned to approve the resolution, seconded by Commissioner Khojasteh. The motion was approved unanimously by the four Commissioners present.
5. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
a. Approval of May 18, 2022 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
b. Approval of May 25, 2022 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Souza motioned to approve the minutes from the May 18, 2022 and May 25, 2022 Executive Committee meetings. Vice Chair Paz seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously by the four Commissioners present.
6. Discussion/Action Items
a. Debrief on 2022 Immigrant Leadership Awards
The virtual Immigrant Leadership Awards event was held on June 13, 2022 to honor the contributions of local immigrant leaders and champions. Chair Kennelly, Acting Director Whipple, Vice Chair Paz and Commissioner Souza thanked Awards Committee Co-Chairs Fujii and Ricarte, Commissioners, OCEIA staff and honorees. Acting Director Whipple will schedule a follow-up meeting with the Awards Committee and will share the event video when it is completed.
b. IRC Summer Schedule
The Full Commission is scheduled to meet July 11 and August 8, 2022. Chair Kennelly noted that the Commission normally cancels one or two of its monthly meetings during the summer to accommodate Commissioners’ travel schedules. She asked Commissioners if they had a preference on which meeting or meetings to cancel. Vice Chair Paz noted that he is away in July but did not have a strong preference. Commissioners did not express a preference. Chair Kennelly will decide on which meeting or meetings to cancel. The Executive Committee can continue to meet if needed.
c. Proposed Statement/Letter on Anti-Immigrant Attacks at Everett Middle School
Vice Chair Paz reviewed the update he presented at the last Executive Committee meeting regarding erroneous information reported by some media outlets. The middle school now has a new principal and Vice Chair Paz said he was not sure if a letter would be helpful at this point. Commissioner Souza said she had discussed reframing the letter to focus on mental health resources for newcomer students. Chair Kennelly noted that the Executive Committee had not voted on the proposed letter. Vice Chair Paz said he would be out of the office and deferred to Commissioner Souza, who volunteered to draft a letter. Vice Chair Paz motioned to move forward with drafting a statement or letter around the provisioning of additional resources for newcomers promoting the general safety of students withing SFUSD. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Souza. The motion was approved unanimously by the four Commissioners present.
d. Proposed Letter to City College of San Francisco
OCEIA staff drafted the letter and the Executive Committee voted to approve it at their May 18, 2022 meeting. Acting Director Whipple provided an update at the May 25, 2022 Executive Committee meeting that the Cantonese program has been maintained, but at the expense of other language courses. OCEIA staff reached out to the world languages department chair but have not heard back. Acting Director Whipple noted that more lay-offs have been announced, including in the English as a Second Language (ESL) department. Clerk Shore volunteered to revise the letter. Commissioner Souza suggested that the letter continue to mention the Cantonese program. Acting Director Whipple suggested that the letter mention the Cantonese program but include language to broaden its focus. Chair Kennelly asked Clerk Shore to update the draft and send it to the Executive Committee for their review.
e. Follow-Up Actions on COVID-19 Recovery and Anti-AAPI/Anti-Immigrant Hate
Vice Chair Paz provided an update on the proposal for a Universal Basic Income (UBI) program for immigrants, as a way to ensure that the COVID-19 recovery includes immigrant communities. The Human Rights Commission is taking the lead on the matter, and Vice Chair Paz is working to facilitate communication with OCEIA. Acting Director Whipple noted that the proposed budget includes some funding for the program. Once the budget is approved, Acting Director Whipple can invite a representative from the Human Rights Commission to a future Executive Committee or Full Commission meeting.
Commissioner Khojasteh provided an update on anti-Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) and anti-immigrant hate. Commission Clerk Shore noted that OCEIA staff had contacted the City departments that did not attend the hearing to request a written response highlighting their work addressing anti-AAPI hate. The Department of Police Accountability has provided a written response, which OCEIA staff shared with the Executive Committee. OCEIA staff will continue to follow up with other City departments. Commissioner Khojasteh suggested that the Commission revisit the matter after the summer to see which departments have responded, and add it to the agenda in the fall.
f. Planning for IRC Hearing on Housing
Chair Kennelly noted that the Executive Committee had discussed holding a hearing on housing in September. Commissioner Souza suggested inviting community members to ask them to identify the most pressing housing issues they are facing, and inviting MOHCD to provide data on the percentage of immigrants who are accessing its affordable housing program DAHLIA. Commissioner Souza will share a list of potential speakers to invite with the Chair and Vice Chair. Vice Chair Paz expressed the importance of inviting a diverse group of speakers and engaging the Full Commission. He noted that other City departments are involved in affordable housing issues as well. Chair Kennelly said the Executive Committee can review the plan in July and OCEIA staff can create the invitation.
7. Staff Reports
a. Director’s Updates
Acting Director Whipple provided updates on OCEIA’s work. A search is underway for the new director, and the budget is near final. OCEIA is hosting a San Francisco Pathways to Citizenship Workshop on July 9 at City College’s Chinatown/North Beach Center. Commissioners are invited to participate, and encouraged to share with community members. DreamSF has selected its ninth cohort. The Board of Supervisors has not yet scheduled a hearing on the Language Access Ordinance report.
b. IRC Report
Acting Director Whipple presented Commissioners with the designed IRC report. Commissioners previously reviewed and provided feedback on its content. Chair Kennelly thanked Commission Clerk Shore and Senior Communications Specialist Richardson for their work writing and designing the report.
c. Reappointment Hearings
Acting Director Whipple noted that the reappointment hearings have not yet been scheduled. OCEIA staff have reminded Commissioners to reapply for their seats. Four Board-appointed Commissioners are up for renewal, as are Commissioners appointed by the Mayor. Following the resignation of Commissioner Fujii at the end of June, there will be three vacancies on the Commission: one Board-appointed and two Mayoral seats. OCEIA staff will inform the Commission when the hearings are scheduled.
8. Old Business
There was no old business.
9. New Business
There was no new business.
10. Adjournment
Chair Kennelly adjourned the meeting at 6:21 p.m.