Executive Committee - April 27, 2022 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
April 27, 2022 - 5:30pm
Online: https://ccsf.webex.com/ccsf/onstage/g.php?MTID=ea4fb4928a8495d3b2c334d8a1148772b
Phone: 1-415-655-0001 / Access code: 2489 178 7564
San Francisco, CA 94102

1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Chair Kennelly called the meeting to order at 5:37 p.m.
Present: Chair Kennelly, Vice Chair Paz, Executive Committee member Souza, and Commissioner Ricarte.
Not present: Commissioner Khojasteh.
Staff present: Director Pon, Commission Clerk Shore, Operations and Grants Administrator Chan, Deputy Director Whipple.

2. Ramaytush Ohlone Land Acknowledgment
Chair Kennelly read the land acknowledgment statement.

3. Public Comment
There was no public comment.

4. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
a. Approval of March 23, 2022 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Vice Chair Paz motioned to approve the March 23, 2022 Executive Committee meeting minutes, seconded by Commissioner Souza. The minutes were approved.

5. Discussion/Action Items
a. Immigrant Leadership Awards Planning (Co-Chairs Fujii and Ricarte)
Commissioner Ricarte, co-chair of the Awards Committee, provided an overview of the 2022 Immigrant Leadership Awards. All Commissioners are asked to submit at least one nomination by May 6, 2022, and the Awards Committee will meet on May 10, 2022. The virtual awards event is scheduled for June 13, 2022, with a dress rehearsal on June 6, 2022. Chair Kennelly tentatively scheduled an additional Executive Committee meeting on May 18, 2022, with May 16, 2022 as a back-up date. OCEIA staff will check with Commissioner Khojasteh on his schedule. Commissioners discussed proposed changes to the nominations form. Director Pon suggested adding language referencing economic/financial interests, and Conflict of Interest laws. Vice Chair Paz motioned to approve the nominations form with the changes, seconded by Commissioner Souza. The motion was approved. OCEIA staff will make the changes and send out the online form on Thursday, April 28, 2022.

b. Follow-Up Actions on Anti-AAPI Hate Hearing (Commissioner Khojasteh)
OCEIA staff sent the Executive Committee notes provided by the City officials who spoke at the Commission’s March 14, 2022 hearing on anti-AAPI hate. OCEIA staff asked departments that were unable to attend the hearing to provide written responses on their progress addressing anti-AAPI hate, per the Commission’s request. The Department of Public Health (DPH) is working on the request.

c. Multilingual COVID-19 Communications (Commissioner Khojasteh)
Commissioner Khojasteh asked OCEIA staff to request information from DPH on their multilingual COVID-19 communications. DPH requested more information on what the Commission would like to know. Clerk Shore will ask Commissioner Khojasteh, and Director Pon will request the COVID Command Center report.

d. Follow-Up Actions on IRC Annual Strategic Planning Retreat: COVID-19 Recovery and Anti-AAPI/Anti-Immigrant Hate
Chair Kennelly thanked Commissioners for a productive retreat. Commissioners identified two key priorities in the pre-retreat survey: COVID-19 recovery efforts, and anti-AAPI/anti-immigrant hate. During the retreat, Commissioners discussed supporting a Universal Basic Income (UBI) pilot for undocumented immigrants in San Francisco. Commissioner Souza asked if the Commission should create a working group on the subject. Chair Kennelly suggested that the Executive Committee plan the strategy first. Director Pon suggested that the Executive Committee define the Commission’s strategies, goals, and concrete actions in the two priority areas. Commissioner Souza suggested that the listening tours could be a tool to advance UBI. Chair Kennelly suggested that the Executive Committee develop its action plan at its next meeting. Commissioner Ricarte noted that the Guaranteed Income Advisory Group sunsets two years after its creation, and suggested inviting the department that will plan for next steps. Director Pon suggested inviting Nicole Agbayani, director of the Office of Financial Empowerment. Chair Kennelly suggested inviting her to join the next Executive Committee meeting. Chair Kennelly deferred the discussion on anti-AAPI hate until Commissioner Khojasteh is present.

e. Debrief on Deputy City Attorney’s Presentation on Chartered Commissions
Chair Kennelly thanked Director Pon for inviting Deputy City Attorney Cabrera to the Commission’s retreat. Chartering the Commission was not identified as a priority by any Commissioners in the pre-retreat survey. Chair Kennelly did not see a clear benefit, and noted that many Commissioners may lose their seats on the Commission. Commissioner Souza discussed how to protect the Commission during an anti-immigrant administration. Chair Kennelly stated that being a Charter Commission would not provide guaranteed protection as Charter Commissions have been completely defunded in the past, as Deputy City Attorney Cabrera outlined. Director Pon discussed the Commission’s successful partnership with OCEIA, a working department of the City Administrator’s Office. Commissioner Souza stated that the intent of the resolution was to engage in a discussion about how to expand the Commission’s capacity and support the work of OCEIA, including in language access. She agreed that it was not a priority. Director Pon stated that OCEIA is in conversations with Supervisors about expanding its languages services, is in good budget shape, and suggested that the Commission focus on increasing its influence by impacting policies affecting immigrant communities. Commissioner Souza agreed and suggested tabling the resolution. Chair Kennelly closed the conversation and suggested that the Commission focus on the outcomes of the retreat.

f. Proposed Letter in Support of City College of San Francisco’s Cantonese Program Chair Kennelly said that she and Commissioner Wang have not yet been able to discuss the letter, and suggested that the update be calendared for the Full Commission meeting.

6. Staff Reports (Director Pon)
a. Director’s Updates
Director Pon provided an update on OCEIA’s community grant process and invited Deputy Director Whipple to provide an update on programs. Deputy Director Whipple discussed the recent San Francisco Pathways to Citizenship Initiative workshop and the Community Ambassadors Program expansion into new neighborhoods.

b. Language Access Recommendations
Director Pon said there has been no further discussion at the Board level and there is no update on language access ordinance recommendations at this time.

c. IRC Report
Director Pon stated that OCEIA staff will modify the suggested edits to the IRC Report and send the report to the Executive Committee for a final review before printing.

d. Reappointment of Commissioners
Director Pon said Commissioners up for reappointment in June 2022 will be sent information on how to reapply to the Commission.

7. Old Business
Commissioner Souza asked how to schedule Language Access Committee meetings. Director Pon asked her to inform Clerk Shore when she would like to meet and OCEIA staff can calendar the meetings. Chair Kennelly suggested that the Commission schedule committee meetings consecutively on the same days.

8. New Business
Chair Kennelly stated that she has appointed Commissioner Ricarte to the Executive Committee, and he has accepted. Chair Kennelly thanked Commissioner Ricarte for accepting the position.

9. Adjournment
Chair Kennelly adjourned the meeting at 7:27 p.m.