Executive Committee - August 28, 2019 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
August 28, 2019 - 5:30pm
50 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102

San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

Vice Chair Paz called the meeting to order at 5:46 pm.
Present: Vice Chair Paz, Commissioners Radwan (late), Rahimi, Khojasteh (late)
Not present: Chair Kennelly (excused)
Staff present: Director Pon, Commission Clerk Shore

2. Public Comment
There was no public comment.

3. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
This item was heard out of order.
a. Approval of March 27, 2019 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Rahimi motioned to approve the March 27, 2019 minutes. Commissioner Radwan seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.

b. Approval of July 23, 2019 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Rahimi motioned to approve the July 23, 2019 minutes. Commission Khojasteh seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.

4. Discussion/Action Item:
a. Special Hearing Planning
Vice Chair Paz asked Director Pon for a report on the planning of the special hearing. Director Pon provided an update on the hearing location, co-sponsorship, invited speakers, and agenda. Commissioners discussed how to make community members feel more comfortable participating in the hearing. Director Pon asked Commissioners to help invite community members, caseworkers, and people who are willing to testify.

b. IRC Retreat and Election Planning
Director Pon asked Commissioners for their feedback on the draft pre-retreat survey. OCEIA staff will send out the survey and the Executive Committee will plan the retreat. Commissioner Rahimi suggested changing the question about the Commission’s collaboration with OCEIA to provide a drop-down selection of choices. Many Commissioners are not familiar with the ways the Commission can collaborate with other organizations. Director Pon asked Commissioners to contact the Commission Clerk by the following day with any other edits. The survey will be sent out after the special hearing.

OCEIA staff is working on finalizing the venue of the October 7, 2019 retreat and neighborhood meeting. The Executive Committee has identified District 10 as the location. Director Pon discussed holding the meeting in a location that would draw a diverse group of community members.

Director Pon will update the election protocols and send them to Commissioners. The Commission will elect the Chair and Vice Chair. The Chair appoints the Executive and Ad-Hoc Committees. Director Pon stated that the Executive Committee may ask the Commission to vote on amendments to the Commission’s bylaws. At the last retreat, the Commission voted to amend its bylaws to add a new position of Chair Emeritus.

Vice Chair Paz stated that he wanted to make sure anyone who was interested in a leadership position be given the opportunity. Commissioner Radwan noted that last year, a Commissioner expressed interest.

Commissioner Rahimi suggested that the Commission disband the Ad-Hoc Committees due to the time commitment involved and the lack of quorum for many committee meetings. Director Pon stated that the committees are at the call of the Chair and Vice Chair. Commissioner Radwan suggested that the Executive Committee recommend during the retreat to dissolve the Ad-hoc Committees. Director Pon suggested that prior to the retreat, the Executive Committee discuss what dissolving the Ad-Hoc Committees would look like.

Commissioner Rahimi asked Director Pon for an update on the re-appointment hearings. The hearings have not yet been scheduled. Vice Chair Paz will submit his re-application form.

Commissioner Radwan asked how to handle Commissioners who do not attend meetings. Director Pon stated that OCEIA staff sends a quarterly report to the Mayor’s Office and the Board of Supervisors. When Commissioners are up for re-appointment, the appointing body reviews their attendance record. Vice Chair Paz asked if the Executive Committee could review Commissioners’ attendance records, and ask the Commission Chair to reach out to Commissioners to ask if they are still interested in staying on the Commission. Director Pon agreed and suggested that the Executive Committee devote part of the retreat agenda to discussing how to increase attendance and participation.

Commissioner Khojasteh asked if it is possible for Commissioners to call in to Executive Committee meetings. Director Pon stated that it is not currently possible. OCEIA staff has asked the City Attorney about the matter. Due to open meeting laws, the Commission must provide equal access to everyone. Commissioner Rahimi discussed using a phone line that would be open to the public. Director Pon said OCEIA staff can research the matter. Commissioner Rahimi stated that he values meeting with Commissioners in person.

Director Pon stated that OCEIA staff recommends that the Executive Committee plan the retreat, and make recommendations of what the Commission can do. What is the worst case scenario, for example an economic recession, escalated attacks on immigrants, and increased needs of immigrant communities, and how would the Commission respond? Vice Chair Paz stated that DACA would be a major issue in 2020 and requested an update on the timeline. Director Pon asked what the Commission could do. Vice Chair Paz has created a plan for DACA employees that he can share.

Director Pon suggested that the Commission convene a symposium of service providers, researchers and policymakers to develop a citywide rapid response plan. Commissioner Rahimi suggested that the Commission separately invite the City Attorney and employers who have DACA employees to discuss how to protect DACA recipients from deportation and how to ensure that they remain employed. Director Pon suggested that the symposium be in the place of a hearing. Vice Chair asked if it would be possible to procure a sponsor. Director Pon will help to determine that. Vice Chair Paz suggested that the Commission hold the event in late January. Director Pon suggested February or March. Commissioner Rahimi asked that the item be added to the next meeting agenda.

5. Staff Reports (Director Pon)
a. Director’s Updates
Director Pon provided an updated on OCEIA’s upcoming activities. On September 6, 2019, OCEIA will hold a Citizenship Month press event at Lady Shaw Senior Housing. Commissioners are invited to attend and the Chair or Vice Chair can speak. On September 7, 2019 the San Francisco Pathways to Citizenship Initiative will host a naturalization workshop. On October 6, 2019, OCEIA will launch the 2020 Census with an outdoor, public event.

6. Old Business
There was no old business.

7. New Business
Commissioner Rahimi stated that the Small Business Commission would like to hold a hearing with the Immigrant Rights Commission on the impact of local, state, and national policies on their businesses.

Commissioner Khojasteh discussed the immigration consequences of immigrants without driver’s licenses. Committing a “hit and run” is considered a crime of moral turpitude, which is a deportable offense. He asked if the City could inform immigrants that driving under the influence is a serious crime in the United States, and educate people not to run away at the scene of an accident. Director Pon stated that the Public Defender’s Office can create a flyer and OCEIA can ask a community expert to review it, and help distribute it. Commissioner Khojasteh suggested using in-language videos to disseminate the message.

8. Adjournment
Vice Chair Paz adjourned the meeting at 7:01 pm.