Executive Committee - December 5, 2019 - Minutes
San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Chair Kennelly called the meeting to order at 5:44 pm.
Present: Chair Kennelly, Vice Chair Paz, Commissioners Khojasteh, Rahimi.
Not present: Commissioner Radwan (excused).
Staff present: Director Pon, Commission Clerk Shore.
2. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
3. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
a. Approval of October 18, 2019 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Rahimi motioned to approve the Executive Committee meeting minutes from October 18, 2019. Chair Kennelly seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
4. Discussion/Action Items:
a. IRC Holiday Event
Director Pon provided an update on the holiday reception and OCEIA staff’s outreach for the event.
b. Follow-up Actions from November 14, 2019: Special Hearing Testimony on DACA
Commissioners discussed potential short-term and long-term actions to protect immigrants who could lose Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Vice Chair Paz asked if the Executive Committee can meet with Assemblymember David Chiu. Director Pon will ask the City Attorney about the number of Commissioners that can join such a meeting.
Vice Chair Paz proposed that the Commission ask the City to provide more resources to OCEIA for its work supporting DACA recipients. Director Pon suggested that the Executive Committee write a letter requesting emergency funds to support DACA recipients who may lose their employment authorization and protection from deportation, should a SCOTUS decision be unfavorable. Vice Chair Paz motioned that the Executive Committee send the letter to the Mayor’s Office immediately, and confer with Commissioner Monge on working with the Board of Supervisors. Commissioner Rahimi and Chair Kennelly will write the letter. Commissioner Rahimi stated that the letter can reference key findings from both the hearing on asylees and the DACA hearing.
Commissioner Rahimi asked if the City Attorney could attend Commission meetings and advise the Commission. The Chair and Vice Chair can write a letter asking the City Attorney to advise the Commission.
c. Follow-up Action from November 14, 2019: Commissioner Monge’s Proposal for a Letter to the Office of the Controller requesting information
During the November 14, 2019 Full Commission meeting, Commissioner Monge proposed that the Executive Committee send a letter to the Office of the Controller. Chair Kennelly will ask Commissioner Monge if he can draft the letter.
d. January IRC Retreat and Elections Planning
Vice Chair Paz discussed pragmatic actions the Commission can take on DACA in 2020. Chair Kennelly said the census should be one of the Commission’s priorities. She asked Vice Chair Paz to write down his ideas for the retreat. Executive Committee members can send their ideas to the Clerk. Chair Kennelly asked Commissioners to submit their ideas before the Executive Committee’s next meeting on December 16, 2019.
OCEIA staff has provided the Executive Committee with the results of its pre-retreat survey. The retreat can include policy items, infrastructure, and outreach and events. Each Executive Committee member can facilitate or co-facilitate a portion of the retreat, and guide the Commission to making a decision. OCEIA staff will ask Commissioners for nominations before the elections.
The Commission’s annual report, annual event, and public hearings are organized by OCEIA staff. Director Pon said Commissioners need to help plan the Commission’s events and invite speakers and community members to its hearings. Chair Kennelly suggested that the Executive Committee draft a document on Commissioners’ roles, including the tasks mentioned above.
The Commissioners’ reappointment hearing has not yet been scheduled. Commissioner Khojasteh asked about eligibility rules for Commissioners. Director Pon will check with the City Attorney.
Clerk Shore provided an update on Commissioners’ availability for the January 13, 2020 retreat. Chair Kennelly will follow up with Commissioners who have not yet responded.
5. Staff Reports (Director Pon)
a. Director’s Updates
OCEIA staff will draft the next annual report based on this year’s template.
Commissioners must complete the online Implicit Bias training by December 31, 2019. They will receive their account information via email.
b. Policy Update
Director Pon deferred this item to the next meeting due to the late hour.
c. LAO Quarterly Report
Director Pon submitted the LAO Quarterly Complaint Report and recommended that the Commission discuss language access at the retreat since the number of complaints submitted is so low but community feedback indicates the City can do better. The Commission was an early advocate of the language access law.
6. Old Business
a. Â Updates on Follow-up Actions from September 9, 2019 Special Hearing on Asylees
This item was discussed as part of item 4b.
b. Updates on Follow-up Actions from October 7, 2019 District 10 Neighborhood Meeting
This item was not discussed.
7. New Business
This item was heard out of order.
Commissioner Khojasteh hopes OCEIA and the Commission can work with District Attorney-Elect Chesa Boudin to help his office establish an immigration unit. Director Pon suggested that Commissioner Khojasteh send an introductory email. Commissioner Khojasteh proposed that the Commission invite the new District Attorney to a Commission meeting to speak about his vision for the immigration unit. Chair Kennelly and Vice Chair Paz agreed.
8. Adjournment
Chair Kennelly adjourned the meeting at 7:09 pm.