Executive Committee - February 25, 2020 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
February 25, 2020 - 4:30pm
50 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102

San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

Chair Kennelly called the meeting to order at 4:54 p.m.
Present: Chair Kennelly, Vice Chair Paz, Commissioner Rahimi.
Not present: Commissioners Khojasteh (excused), Radwan (excused).
Staff present: Director Pon, Commission Clerk Shore.

2. Public Comment
There was no public comment.

3. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
a. Approval of January 9, 2020 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Commissioner Rahimi motioned to approve the Executive Committee minutes from January 9, 2020. Vice Chair Paz seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.

4. Discussion/Action Items:
a. Follow-up Actions: January 2020 Retreat Director Pon will provide the Commission’s strategic plan to the Executive Committee.

Chair Kennelly asked what actions the Commission can take regarding the 2020 census. Commissioner Rahimi suggested a social media campaign and census event. Director Pon suggested that Commissioners volunteer at OCEIA’s SF Counts events. SF Counts is partnering with Sunday Streets to host a census zone at their events, and Commissioners are encouraged to staff the table and provide information about the census.

Vice Chair Paz asked if the Commission can also join in the April 1, 2020 census day events in its official capacity as a Commission. Director Pon agreed.

Commissioner Rahimi noted that a recent Republican National Committee mailer resembling a census questionnaire may cause confusion, and asked if the City Attorney could challenge it legally. OCEIA staff can research the matter.

Director Pon suggested that the Commission make a statement about the census at each meeting. Chair Kennelly will encourage Commissioners to sign up to volunteer for Sunday Streets and the April 1, 2020 event. OCEIA staff will include census volunteer opportunities on the agenda for the March 9, 2020 hearing.

b. Appointment of Awards Committee
Chair Kennelly inquired about the date of the awards. OCEIA staff will research the availability of the venue during the week of June 8, 2020.

During the February 10, 2020 Full Commission meeting, Chair Kennelly appointed Commissioner Fujii to the Awards Committee, and Commissioner Rahimi volunteered. Chair Kennelly will invite Commissioner Ricarte and Vice Chair Paz will invite Commissioner Ruiz. Commissioners discussed interpretation needs for committee meetings. Chair Kennelly will schedule the Awards Committee meetings to take place immediately before the Executive Committee meetings.

c. Proposal for Information Request Letter to Office of Controller (Commissioner Monge)
Chair Kennelly will contact Commissioner Monge.

d. Proposal to Draft Letter to Businesses on Controller’s List
Chair Kennelly questioned whether drafting a letter to businesses was within the purview of the Commission. She suggested that the Commission consider an alternative action. The Commission is advisory to the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor’s Office, and could raise the concern with the Board and Mayor’s Office for them to move forward with next steps.

Director Pon will ask the City Attorney if drafting a letter to businesses is within the Commission’s purview. She suggested that the item be placed on the next Full Commission agenda as an action item authorizing the Executive Committee to follow up as appropriate. Once the Commission receives advice from the City Attorney, the Executive Committee can decide on the appropriate action plan.

e. Proposal for Joint IRC/HRC Hearing on Hate Crimes
OCEIA staff has posted a public notice of the special joint hearing on March 12, 2020. Director Pon will follow up with the Human Rights Commission to see if the Commission is available to move forward with the hearing, or if they would like to reschedule it.

Commissioner Rahimi noted the urgency of the matter in light of the incident that took place in the Bayview the previous day, and asked if the Commission could move forward with the hearing even if the Human Rights Commission is unable to partner on it. Chair Kennelly said that in that case, the hearing would be held on the date of the Immigrant Rights Commission’s regular meeting. Director Pon said the Executive Committee could invite community members to testify. She will contact the Human Rights Commission on behalf of the Immigrant Rights Commission and can offer to take the testimony if the Human Rights Commission is not able to do so.

5. Staff Reports (Director Pon)
a. Director’s Updates
Director Pon noted that OCEIA has two staff transitions that do not affect the Commission.

b. Form 700, Harassment Prevention Training, Implicit Bias Training
Director Pon reminded Commissioners that they are required to complete the Form 700 and mandatory trainings. OCEIA staff recommends that Commissioners complete all City trainings. Director Pon stated that the ethics training is helpful and suggested inviting the Ethics City Attorney to an upcoming Commission meeting.

6. Old Business
a. Follow-up Actions: Special Hearings on Asylees and DACA
Commissioner Rahimi discussed asking the City for additional funding to support organizations that serve immigrants. Director Pon cautioned against requesting additional funding for OCEIA. The Commission can write a letter to the Mayor’s Office and Board of Supervisors identifying the concerns raised by community members at its special hearings, and request that the City be prepared.

7. New Business
a. Proposed Resolution (Commissioner Rahimi)
Commissioner Rahimi stated that it is not worthwhile for the Commission to pass its own resolution on Iran. He will update the Commission if the State Democratic Party passes such a resolution.

8. Adjournment
Chair Kennelly adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m.