Executive Committee - July 28, 2021 - Minutes
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Vice Chair Paz called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.
Present: Vice Chair Paz (left at 6:11 p.m.), Commissioners Khojasteh (arrived at 5:38 p.m.), Rahimi.
Not present: Chair Kenelly.
Staff present: Director Pon, Commission Clerk Shore, Operations and Grants Administrator Chan.
2. Ramaytush Ohlone Land Acknowledgment
At the request of Vice Chair Paz, Commissioner Khojasteh chaired the remainder of the meeting, and read the Ramaytush Ohlone land acknowledgment statement.
3. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
4. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
a. Approval of May 26, 2021 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
b. Approval of June 23, 2021 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Rahimi motioned to approve the May 26, 2021 and June 23, 2021 Executive Committee meeting minutes. Vice Chair Paz seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
5. Discussion/Action Items
a. IRC Awards Follow-Up Actions
Commissioner Khojasteh and Vice Chair Paz thanked OCEIA staff and SNP Communications for their work organizing the virtual awards event. Director Pon stated that OCEIA staff are reviewing the final video of the awards event.
b. Anti-AAPI Hate Special Hearing Follow-Up Actions
Commissioner Khojasteh thanked OCEIA staff for sending the Executive Committee the edited letter, recommendations, and resource guide. Commissioner Khojasteh motioned to vote to formalize the letter and recommendations. Vice Chair Paz seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Commissioner Khojasteh amended his motion to authorize OCEIA to include the resource guide created by OCEIA staff. Vice Chair Paz seconded the amended motion. The amended motion was approved. Commissioner Khojasteh requested that the resource guide be translated, and that the letter include the signatures of the Chair and Vice Chair, with the names of Commissioners Khojasteh and Rahimi listed below.
c. Language Access Special Hearings Follow-Up Actions
Director Pon suggested that the Executive Committee appoint a Commissioner to replace Commission Monge as chair of the Language Access Committee. Clerk Shore provided the names of the other Commissioners who form part of the committee. She also reminded Commissioners to share the Language Access Community Survey with their networks.
6. Staff Reports (Director Pon)
a. Director’s Updates
Director Pon provided updates on two new OCEIA staff members, Chloe Noonan and Julia Rivera.
b. Reappointment of Commissioners
Commissioners have been notified that their seats are up for reappointment. OCEIA staff will follow up when the Board of Supervisors returns to office in September.
7. Old Business
There was no old business.
8. New Business
Commissioner Rahimi stated that the Democratic County Central Committee had passed a resolution in support of including a pathway to citizenship in federal bills, including through budget reconciliation. In response to a question from Commissioner Khojasteh, Director Pon stated that the Commission could draft and issue its own resolution on the matter. Commissioner Khojasteh asked if the Commission would continue to hold virtual meetings for the time being. Director Pon stated that no changes have yet been announced.
9. Adjournment
Commissioner Khojasteh adjourned the meeting at 6:21 p.m.