Executive Committee - March 22, 2017 - Minutes
San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission
Executive Committee Meeting
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
5:30 p.m. PST
50 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102
1. Call to Order and Roll Call Chair Kennelly called the meeting to order at 5:43 pm. Present: Chair Kennelly; Vice Chair Paz; Commissioners Maldonado; Fuentes. Not Present: Commissioner Gaime (excused). Staff: Executive Director Pon; Deputy Director Sykes; Clerk Richardson. |
2. Public Comment There was no public comment. |
3. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
Chair Kennelly suggested members of the Executive Committee review the minutes for approval. Commissioner Paz motioned to approve the Executive Committee Meeting Minutes from February 22, 2017. Commissioner Fuentes seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. |
4. New Business
Director Pon provided an overview of plans for the Special Hearing in April 2017, “Impacts of Federal Policy and Presidential Executive Orders on Immigrants and Communities.” Director Pon stated that due to the lack of other available City Hall rooms, the hearing will take place at the regularly scheduled Full Commission Meeting date on Monday, April 10, 2017 from 3:30-7:30 pm. in Room 416 at City Hall. Executive Committee members discussed priorities for suggested speakers and agreed on topics to be discussed. |
5. Old Business
Chair Kennelly opened up the discussion with a focus on June 2017 activities. Director Pon provided an overview of activities that OCEIA has under development and invited the IRC to join, noting that June is important because it is both Immigrant Heritage Month as well as the 20th Anniversary of the Immigrant Rights Commission. Director Pon stated that as a follow-up to the IRC Annual Planning Retreat, the Commission could co-host a series of positive “immigrant stories” for the entire month of June, as well an awards presentation to honor key immigrant rights leaders in the community. Commissioner Paz recommended that the Commission host a regional “Immigrant Rights Summit” and invite well-known immigrant rights champions to be keynote speakers. Director Pon noted that the Executive Committee should consider planning this summit at least six months in advance of the event.
Director Pon provided an update on the IRC Annual Report. Executive Committee members will send any last feedback to Director Pon on or before March 29, 2017.
Chair Kennelly inquired about any new developments on materials for Commissioners in regards to the trainings for community conversations and listening sessions. Director Pon noted that these materials are currently under development. Commissioner Maldonado asked about the status of a new applicant to the Commission, Angeles Roy. Director Pon added that the Board of Supervisors’ Rules Committee is currently scheduling her appointment hearing.
6. Adjournment Chair Kennelly adjourned the meeting at 6:45 pm.
Minutes prepared by Clerk Jamie Richardson and reviewed by Executive Director Adrienne Pon. |