Executive Committee - March 23, 2016 - Minutes
San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission
Executive Committee Meeting
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
5:30 p.m. PST
50 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102
1. Call to Order and Roll Call Vice Chair Gaime called the meeting to order at 5:47pm. Present: Chair Kennelly; Vice Chair Gaime; Commissioners Fuentes; Maldonado; Price Not Present: Commissioner Paz Staff: Executive Director Pon; Commission Clerk Richardson |
2. Public Comment There was no public comment. |
3. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
Commissioner Fuentes motioned to approve the Executive Committee Meeting Minutes from February 24, 2016. Commissioner Price seconded the motion. The motion was approved with no opposition.  |
4. Action Items
Chair Kennelly lead a debrief discussion from the Consular Roundtable Discussion, remarking that consulates are very interested in working with the Commission in the future. Staff will draft thank you letters for the consulates that attended this meeting. Â
Commissioners discussed potential dates and agenda items for a District 10 Neighborhood Meeting. Staff will coordinate the logistics for this meeting.
Commissioners discussed avenues to get involved in the discussion of the Municipal ID Card update. Vice Chair Gaime proposed hosting a roundtable discussion for people to provide suggestions to improve program. Chair Kennelly suggested inviting someone from the County Clerk’s office to discuss the Municipal ID Card program with the Commission sometime in the coming months. Director Pon suggested that the IRC give the new County Clerk time to review her programs and direction and that an invitation will be extended to attend a future Commission meeting.
Commissioner Price submitted a drafted statement letter to Sheriff Hennessy addressing the Due Process For All Ordinance; subject to the review and approval by the Chair and Vice Chair of the Commission. Director Pon will finalize and transmit the letter on behalf of the IRC.
Chair Kennelly deferred discussion on this agenda item until Commissioner Enssani submits a statement to the Executive Committee for review. Â |
5. New Business Director Pon discussed Mayor Lee’s letter to the California State Senate supporting the Fair Day in Court Act of 2016. Commissioners directed staff to draft a letter of support for Mayor Lee’s leadership on this issue.  The Executive Committee members discussed creating a media campaign to generate more civic engagement among San Francisco residents, particularly immigrants.  |
6. Old Business There was no old business. |
7. Adjournment Chair Kennelly adjourned the meeting at 6:50 pm. Â Â Â Minutes prepared by the Clerk, Jamie Richardson and reviewed by Executive Director Adrienne Pon. |