Executive Committee - May 18, 2022 - Minutes
Note: As authorized by California Government Code Section 54953(e) and the Mayor’s 45th Supplement to her February 25, 2020 emergency proclamation, this meeting will be held remotely without providing a physical location. Members of the Immigrant Rights Commission will participate and vote by video. Members of the public may observe the meeting and provide public comment online. View instructions for providing public comment.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Vice Chair Paz called the meeting to order at 5:36 p.m.
Present: Vice Chair Paz, Commissioners Ricarte, Souza (5:39 p.m.).
Not present: Chair Kennelly (excused), Commissioner Khojasteh (excused).
OCEIA staff present: Acting Director Whipple, Commission Clerk Shore, Operations and Grants Administrator Chan, Policy and Civic Engagement Officer Noonan, Senior Communications Specialist Richardson.
2. Ramaytush Ohlone Land Acknowledgment
Vice Chair Paz read the land acknowledgment statement.
3. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
4. Action Item: Resolution to Allow Teleconferenced Meetings
a. Adoption of resolution making findings to allow teleconferenced meetings under California Government Code Section 54953(e)
This item was heard out of order due to lack of quorum at the beginning of the meeting. Commissioner Ricarte motioned to approve the resolution, seconded by Commissioner Souza. The motion was approved.
5. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
a. Approval of April 27, 2022 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
This item was heard out of order due to lack of quorum at the beginning of the meeting. Commissioner Ricarte motioned to approve the April 27, 2022 Executive Committee meeting minutes, seconded by Commissioner Souza. The motion was approved.
6. Discussion/Action Items
a. Immigrant Leadership Awards (Co-Chairs Fujii and Ricarte)
Commissioner Ricarte discussed the Awards Committee’s recommended nominees for the 2022 Immigrant Leadership Awards. Commissioner Ricarte motioned to approve the recommended nominees, seconded by Commissioner Souza. The motion was approved.
b. Proposed Letter in Support of City College of San Francisco’s Cantonese Program
Acting Director Whipple noted that OCEIA staff had sent the Executive Committee a draft letter for their review. Commissioner Ricarte motioned to approve the letter, seconded by Commissioner Souza. The motion was approved.
7. Staff Reports
a. Director’s Updates
Acting Director Whipple provided an update on the resolution introduced by Supervisor Mar and approved by the Board of Supervisors regarding language access services for victims of violence. He also provided an update on OCEIA’s work, including expanding the Community Ambassadors Program to the Sunset neighborhood, and reviewing grant proposals for the next fiscal year.
b. IRC Report
Acting Director Whipple thanked Commission Clerk Shore for drafting the report and Commissioner Souza for her additions. OCEIA staff sent the Executive Committee the revised version and are in the process of designing the report.
8. Old Business
Vice Chair Paz provided an update on the proposal for a Universal Basic Income for immigrant families. He has been invited to serve on a panel with several members of the Human Rights Commission, and will represent the Immigrant Rights Commission.
9. New Business
Commissioner Souza noted that a newcomer student had been attacked at Everett Middle School, and proposed that the Commission release a statement or letter urging schools to provide more support for newcomers. Commissioner Souza volunteered to draft the letter. The item will be added to the next Executive Committee meeting agenda.
10. Adjournment
Vice Chair Paz adjourned the meeting at 6:05 p.m.