Executive Committee - October 12, 2017 - Minutes
San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission
Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, October 12, 2017
2:45 p.m. PDT
50 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102
1. Call to Order and Roll Call Vice Chair Paz called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. Present: Chair Kennelly (3:05), Vice Chair Paz, Commissioner Khojasteh Also Present: Commissioner Gurvits Staff: Executive Director Adrienne Pon, Clerk Jamie Richardson, Deputy Director Isis Fernandez Sykes
2. Public Comment There was no public comment.
3. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
Vice Chair Paz invited the committee to review the minutes from August 23, 2017. Commissioner Khojasteh made a motion to approve the minutes. Vice Chair Paz seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
4. Action Item: Follow Up Discussion on IRC Mid-Year Planning Retreat **This item was heard out of order, after item 5. a. Approval of Priorities b. Approval of Ad-hoc Committees c. Approval of Next Steps
Led by Vice Chair Paz, the Executive Committee conducted a dialogue on the topics discussed at the IRC Mid-Year Planning Retreat on September 27, 2017. Director Pon reviewed the top “Key Issues” identified by commissioners, which include: immigrant safety net; advocating for a Clean DREAM Act; and Unaccompanied Minors. Director Pon recommended the Clean DREAM Act Ad-Hoc Committee be renamed to reflect comprehensive immigration reform efforts. Chair Kennelly asked the committee for a motion to approve this suggestion. Vice Chair Paz made a motion to approve this change, seconded by Commissioner Khojasteh. The motion was approved unanimously. Vice Chair Paz provided an overview of the first meeting of the Ad-Hoc Committee on the Safety Net. Vice Chair Paz stated a need for the committee to have additional staff assistance with analysis of resources available to immigrants. Director Pon stated the development and approaching launch of an online “Immigrant Portal” this year could address that need. Chair Kennelly stated a need for each Ad-Hoc Committee to establish regular meeting times that can be noticed for the public. Chair Kennelly recommended the addition of a standing item to each Full Commission Hearing for Ad-Hoc Committee report-outs. Chair Kennelly asked the committee for a motion to approve this suggestion. Commissioner Khojasteh made a motion to approve this additional agenda item, seconded by Vice Chair Paz. The motion was approved unanimously. Vice Chair Paz exited the meeting at 4:10 PM.
5. Old Business This item was heard out of order, after item 3.
The Executive Committee held a discussion on the IRC Full Commission Special Hearing on the Travel Ban on October 2, 2017. Commissioner Khojasteh suggested the Commission enact a phone bank to call on Congress. The Executive Committee discussed logistical feasibility and goals of hosting a phone bank, including target audiences. Director Pon stated more information and preparation will be needed to execute such an event. Commissioner Khojasteh presented a draft resolution to the Committee as a follow up to the IRC Special Hearing on the Travel Ban on October 2, 2017 and discussed next steps with the Executive Committee. Director Pon recommended if this resolution is intended for the Board of Supervisors, that the resolution be put on the agenda for the full commission to review. Vice Chair Paz recommended the following action items: 1. The Commission issues a press release on the Muslim Travel Ban on October 18, 2017 for members of the public to call on representatives in Congress and announcing a date for the phone bank event. 2. The Commission issues a formal resolution opposing on the Muslim Travel Ban and urging others to call on Congress to take action. Chair Kennelly proposed an agenda item be added to the Full Commission Hearing on November 13, 2017: authorization of the Executive Committee to draft resolutions on previously discussed topics and point of views agreed upon by the Commission. Vice Chair Paz and Commission Khojasteh concurred. Commissioner Khojasteh proposed that a draft resolution advocating for a Clean DREAM Act will presented at the Full Commission Hearing on November 13, 2017, with the hopeful date of release on November 14, 2017.
(Information/Discussion) There was no additional report from Director Pon.
6. New Business Chair Kennelly invited the Executive Committee to add any items of new business. Commissioner Gurvits asked staff about the possibility of IRC official email accounts, suggesting that the accounts be assigned by the Commissioner’s seat number (i.e. irccommissioner1@sfgov.org) instead of the commissioner’s name. Commissioner Khojasteh concurred with Commissioner Gurvits’ statement. Staff will check into the feasibility of this. Chair Kennelly lead a discussion on potential dates for the Annual Consular Corps holiday reception. Chair Kennelly recommended an additional agenda item be added to the IRC Full Commission Hearing on November 13, 2017 for event planning, which will be twofold: Consular Corps Reception and June Immigrant Leadership Awards event.
7. Adjournment Chair Kennelly adjourned the meeting at 4:32 pm.
### Minutes prepared by the Clerk, Jamie Richardson and reviewed by Executive Director Adrienne Pon. |