Executive Committee - October 18, 2019 - Minutes
San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Chair Kennelly called the meeting to order at 12:33 pm.
Present: Chair Kennelly, Commissioners Radwan, Rahimi.
Not present: Vice Chair Paz, Commissioner Khojasteh (excused)
Staff present: Director Pon, Commission Clerk Shore.
2. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
3. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
a. Approval of October 2, 2019 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Radwan motioned to approve the October 2, 2019 Executive Committee meeting minutes. Commissioner Rahimi seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
4. Discussion/Action Items:
a. November 12, 2019 Special Hearing Planning
Commissioners discussed potential conflicts with the date of the Commission’s special hearing on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Chair Kennelly asked OCEIA staff to poll Commissioners regarding their availability on November 14, 2019, with November 18, 2019 as a back-up date. Director Pon discussed potential speakers suggested by OCEIA staff. Commissioner Rahimi suggested that the Commission pass a resolution at the hearing. Director Pon noted that a resolution would need to be drafted and approved by the Executive Committee prior to the hearing.
b. December Holiday Event Planning
Commissioners discussed possible venues for the holiday event, including suggestions by Commissioner Fujii. Commissioner Rahimi suggested that the Full Commission cancel its December meeting and host the holiday event on December 9, 2019. Chair Kennelly agreed. Commissioner Radwan will contact Commissioner Fujii and research possible venues.
c. Next Steps from September 9, 2019 Special Hearing on Asylees
Chair Kennelly reviewed the ideas Commissioners discussed at the last Executive Committee meeting. Director Pon suggested that the Executive Committee write a two-page report from the minutes, including a set of recommendations. Chair Kennelly noted that the Executive Committee already has minutes from OCEIA staff and written testimony from two of the speakers. Commissioner Rahimi volunteered to write the report by November 1, 2019. Chair Kennelly agreed.
d. Next Steps from October 7, 2019 District 10 Neighborhood Meeting
Chair Kennelly thanked OCEIA staff and said that the District 10 Neighborhood Meeting was an excellent hearing with some workable recommendations. She suggested that the Commission write a letter to the Police Chief reporting on the concerns they heard at the meeting, and then report back to District 10 about what they learn. Director Pon suggested the Commission Chair invite the Police Chief to an Executive Committee meeting. Chair Kennelly will write a note, which Director Pon will forward to the Police Chief.
Chair Kennelly noted that OCEIA’s Community Ambassadors Program (CAP) was highly praised at the neighborhood meeting, and asked what the Commission can do to help promote it. Director Pon said the Commission can ask OCEIA staff to provide a report on CAP for the record at the next full Commission meeting.. Chair Kennelly asked if the Commission could request a report from CAP at its November meeting.
Chair Kennelly asked about community members’ requests for citizenship and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. Commissioner Radwan asked if the San Francisco Pathways to Citizenship Initiative could hold a naturalization workshop in District 10. The large-scale workshops require a venue that can hold several hundred people. Director Pon suggested that the Lawyers in the Library collaborative hold a smaller workshop at the Visitacion Valley Branch Library. Director Pon will make the request.
Chair Kennelly noted that District 10 has an active Complete Count Committee to prepare residents for the 2020 census.
e. January IRC Retreat and Elections Planning
Chair Kennelly asked the Commission Clerk to resend the pre-retreat survey and to give Commissioners a deadline of November 8, 2019 to complete it. The Executive Committee will use the feedback to help plan the retreat.
Director Pon said the Executive Committee can identify key issues the Commission will work on in the next year. She suggested that the Executive Committee help plan the retreat, and that members of the Executive Committee help facilitate different parts of the discussion.
Chair Kennelly asked OCEIA staff to reschedule the November 27, 2019 Executive Committee meeting to December 5, 2019 at 5:30 pm, and to reschedule the December 25, 2019 Executive Committee meeting to December 16, 2019 at 12:00 pm.
f. Ad Hoc Committees Status
Commissioners discussed the status of the Communications, Policy, and Safety Net Ad-Hoc Committees. The Awards Committee can be reappointed at the retreat. Chair Kennelly disbanded the ad-hoc committees and stated that the Commission can revisit the topic at the retreat. The Commission Clerk will notify Commissioners that the ad-hoc committees have completed their work for the year and have been dissolved at the call of the chair.
5. Staff Reports (Director Pon)
a. Director’s Updates
Director Pon deferred this item.
b. Policy Update
Director provided an update on public charge and DACA.
6. Old Business
There was no old business.
7. New Business
Director Pon stated that the LAO Quarterly Report will be presented to the Commission in November.
8. Adjournment
Chair Kennelly adjourned the meeting at 2:06 pm.