Executive Committee - October 2, 2019 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
October 2, 2019 - 3:00pm
50 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102

San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

Chair Kennelly called the meeting to order at 3:20 pm.
Present: Chair Kennelly, Vice Chair Paz, Commissioners Radwan, Rahimi (3:28 pm)
Not present: Commissioner Khojasteh
Staff present: Director Pon, Commission Clerk Shore.

2. Public Comment
There was no public comment.

3. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
a. Approval of August 28, 2019 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Vice Chair Paz motioned to approve the August 28, 2019 Executive Committee meeting minutes. Commissioner Radwan seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.

4. Discussion/Action Items:
a. Next Steps from September 9, 2019 Special Hearing
Chair Kennelly asked Commissioners to review recommendations submitted through written and oral testimony on what the City can do to support asylum seekers in San Francisco.

Vice Chair Paz discussed the recommendation to establish a sister city relationship with a Mexican city. Commissioner Radwan discussed the recommendation to meet with organizations that support people in Mexico. Director Pon noted that sister city relationships are usually between City governments. The Commission can recommend such a relationship but it is at the call of the Mayor’s Office.

Commissioner Rahimi noted the lack of attorneys mentioned by several speakers during the hearing. He asked if the Commission could encourage the City to provide more funding to legal service organizations, or perhaps OCEIA could hire attorneys. Vice Chair Paz and Director Pon noted that the problem is a lack of trained immigration attorneys, not a lack of funding. Vice Chair Paz suggested establishing an Americorps-type program that could provide training to paralegals to help support immigration attorneys. Commissioner Rahimi suggested that some of the funding go toward developing such a training program.

Commissioner Rahimi noted the recommendation to bring service providers together to coordinate services for unaccompanied minors, including legal, medical, housing, food, and trauma-informed services.

Commissioners discussed how to present their recommendations. Commissioner Rahimi suggested passing a resolution. Director Pon proposed that asking for a dialogue with a City official may be a better first strategy. Director Pon suggested that OCEIA staff finalize the minutes from the hearing, and the Executive Committee write a short two-page report on what they heard from community members and what their recommendations are.

b. IRC Retreat and Elections Planning
Director Pon noted that the Chair has scheduled the retreat for January 2020. The Executive Committee can defer planning the retreat to their next meeting.

c. District 10 Neighborhood Meeting Planning
The District 10 Neighborhood Meeting is scheduled for October 7, 2019 at Visitacion Valley Branch Library. Director Pon provided an update on planning and outreach by OCEIA staff. She asked for Commissioners’ support inviting community members.

d. 2020 Immigrant Summit/Symposium Brainstorm
This item was heard out of order.
Vice Chair Paz discussed holding a regional convening on unaccompanied minors. Director Pon noted the amount of work involved in organizing a conference, and discussed various conferences held by National Immigrant Integration Conference (NIIC), Cities for Action, and the UN. Director Pon asked who the audience would be and what the goal or outcome would be. Chair Kennelly suggested holding a smaller convening or roundtable. Vice Chair Paz asked OCEIA staff to provide the Executive Committee with recommendations. Chair Kennelly asked about timing. Director Pon noted that the census is in April and the Immigrant Leadership Awards is in June. Commissioner Radwan suggested a smaller event to discuss the census before it takes place or to discuss DACA before it expires. Director Pon stated that DACA was more urgent, and suggested holding a roundtable discussion on what to do for those who could lose their work authorization permits and might be deportable. Director Pon discussed planning the DACA event for November 12, 2019, with their regular meeting as a back-up plan. She asked Commissioners for a list of speakers they would like to invite.

5. Staff Reports (Director Pon)
a. Director’s Updates
Director Pon provided an update on OCEIA’s upcoming 2020 census community event on October 6, 2019 at Civic Center’s First Sundays Block Party. Director Pon invited Chair Kennelly to speak as part of the program.

Director Pon requested that the Executive Committee reschedule their October 23, 2019 meeting. Commissioners discussed changing the date to October 17, 2019. Chair Kennelly has rescheduled the meeting for October 18, 2019.

Director Pon stated that OCEIA staff has not yet been notified by the Rules Committee of Commissioners’ reappointment hearing dates.

Vice Chair Paz asked about the Commission’s holiday party. Director Pon said Commissioner Fujii had some ideas of possible venues.

b. Policy Update
The Policy Update was deferred to the next meeting.

6. Old Business
There was no old business.

7. New Business
There was no new business.

8. Adjournment
Chair Kennelly adjourned the meeting at 4:50 pm.