Executive Committee - September 26, 2018 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
September 26, 2018 - 5:30pm
50 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102

San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Vice Chair Paz called the meeting to order at 5:41 pm.

Present: Vice Chair Paz, Commissioner Khojasteh
Not Present: Chair Kennelly
Staff Present: Director Pon, Deputy Director Fernández Sykes, Commission Clerk Shore

2. Public Comment
There was no public comment.

3. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
a. Approval of May 23, 2018 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Khojasteh noted that he was not present during the May 23, 2018 meeting. He moved to defer approval of the minutes until a future meeting when Chair Kennelly is present. Vice Chair Paz seconded the motion. The Executive Committee passed the motion and will review the May 23, 2018 minutes at their next meeting.

4. Old Business

a.   Staff Report (Director Pon)
Director Pon provided an update on the anticipated changes to public charge and the Commission’s statement. OCEIA staff have drafted content on Proposition N that Director Pon will share with Commissioners. Director Pon noted that the next Immigrant Rights Commission will include speakers on housing and the digital divide.

b.   Annual Report
Director Pon provided an overview of the new draft of the Immigrant Rights Commission report written by OCEIA staff. She invited Commissioners to read and make suggestions to the draft report. Commissioner Khojasteh and Vice Chair Paz read the report and suggested several changes to the content. Director Pon said OCEIA staff would make the changes and send it back to them for review. Director Pon asked Commissioners for their input on the recommendations in the report. Commissioner Khojasteh and Vice Chair Paz will brainstorm policy recommendations to include.

c.   Strategic Plan
Director Pon stated that OCEIA staff are also updating the Immigrant Rights Commission’s strategic plan, and will send the updated draft back to the Executive Committee. She said her goal is to finalize the document in advance of next year’s planning retreat.

5. New Business
Commissioner Khojasteh discussed holding a hearing on DACA one year after the Immigrant Rights Commission’s 2017 DACA hearing. Director Pon recommended that the Commission meet with Supervisors instead and provide their own testimony. Commissioner Khojasteh suggested that the Commission meet with Supervisors annually to discuss the funding needs of organizations that work with immigrant communities.

Deputy Director Fernández Sykes discussed the need for funding of safety net services in addition to immigration legal services. Director Pon suggested that funding for wraparound services be included in affirmative relief grants since many organizations provide both kinds of services. She suggested that the Commission use its planning retreat to decide what they want to focus on next year.

Vice Chair Paz discussed the increasing number of families becoming homeless and the creation of a homeless shelter at Buena Vista Horace Mann Elementary School. Director Pon suggested that the Commission invite representatives from the school district to speak to the Commission at a public hearing following the planning retreat.

6. Adjournment
Vice Chair Paz adjourned the meeting at 6:28 pm.