Full Commission - April 11, 2022 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
April 11, 2022 - 5:30pm
Online: https://ccsf.webex.com/ccsf/onstage/g.php?MTID=eacfed45a924082cc28f633b65eafd85d
Phone: 1-415-655-0001 / Access Code: 2498 741 9933

Note: As authorized by California Government Code Section 54953(e) and the Mayor’s 45th Supplement to her February 25, 2020 emergency proclamation, this meeting will be held remotely without providing a physical location. Members of the Immigrant Rights Commission will participate and vote by video. Members of the public may observe the meeting and provide public comment online. View instructions for providing public comment.

1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Chair Kennelly called the meeting to order at 5:40 p.m.
Present: Chair Kennelly, Vice Chair Paz, Commissioners Enssani (6:39 p.m.), Fujii, Khojasteh, Latt, Obregon, Rahimi, Ricarte, Souza, Wang.
Not present: Commissioners Gaime (excused), Ruiz (excused).
Staff present: Director Pon, Commission Clerk Shore, Operations and Grants Administrator Chan.

2. Ramaytush Ohlone Land Acknowledgment
Chair Kennelly read the land acknowledgment statement.

3. Action Item: Resolution to Allow Teleconferenced Meetings (Chair Kennelly)
a. Adoption of resolution making findings to allow teleconferenced meetings under California Government Code Section 54953(e)
Commissioner Rahimi motioned to adopt the resolution to allow teleconferenced meetings, seconded by Commissioner Wang. The motion was approved unanimously.

4. Public Comment
There was no public comment.

5. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
a. Approval of March 23, 2022 Full Commission Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Ricarte noted that the correct date of the meeting minutes was March 14, 2022. Commissioner Khojasteh motioned to approve the meeting minutes as corrected, seconded by Commissioner Fujii. The corrected minutes were approved.

6. Action Item: 2022 Planning Retreat – Approval of IRC Policy and Action Plan
Chair Kennelly and Director Pon welcomed Commissioners to the strategic planning retreat and introduced facilitator Taryn Reed of SNP, who the led Commissioners in a warm-up exercise. The facilitator provided an overview of the goals of the retreat, the tools the Commission can use to take action, and examples of actions the Commission has taken to impact local policy. The Commissioners’ pre-retreat survey identified COVID-19 recovery and anti-Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI)/anti-immigrant hate as key priorities for the year. The retreat facilitator asked Commissioners to identify actionable items they would like to accomplish this year on both topics and which Commissioners will lead them.

Commissioners discussed the importance of COVID-19 recovery efforts for immigrant communities. Vice Chair identified a Universal Basic Income program for immigrant families as an actionable step to address the economic recovery, and provided information about current proposals. Commissioners expressed support for such a program, and discussed participating in community events, including meeting with community members as part of a listening tour. Commissioner Khojasteh suggested that the Executive Committee discuss which Commissioners would lead the effort. Commissioner Khojasteh presented potential follow-up actions on the Commission’s work to address anti-AAPI hate and Vice Chair Paz discussed the importance of cross-cultural solidarity around the issue. Chair Kennelly thanked the facilitator, OCEIA staff and Commissioners.

7. Action Item: Annual Officer Elections (Director Pon)
Director Pon provided an overview of the elections procedure.
a. Election of Commission Chair
OCEIA staff received two nominations for Commission Chair (Celine Kennelly and Ryan Khojasteh). Director Pon asked Commissioners if they would like to make any other nominations from the floor. Commissioners made no further nominations and nominations were closed.Through a roll call vote, Chair Kennelly was elected unanimously by the 11 Commissioners present. Chair Kennelly accepted the position.

b. Election of Commission Vice Chair
OCEIA staff received three nominations for Commission Vice Chair (Mario Paz, Franklin Ricarte, and Sarah Souza). Director Pon asked Commissioners if they would like to make any other nominations from the floor. Commissioners made no further nominations. Director Pon asked the nominees if they accepted their nominations, and the nominees accepted. In the Commission’s first roll-call vote for Vice Chair, Vice Chair Paz received six votes, Commissioner Ricarte received two votes, and Commissioner Souza received three votes. In the Commission’s second roll-call vote, Vice Chair Paz received eight votes, Commissioner Ricarte received one vote, and Commissioner Souza received two votes. Vice Chair Paz was re-elected Vice Chair of the Commission and accepted the position.

8. Deputy City Attorney Reports
a. Presentation on Charter Commissions
Deputy City Attorney Alicia Cabrera provided an overview of the differences between Charter and non-Charter Commissions and answered questions from Commissioners. She noted that Commissions created by ordinance have the same powers as Charter Commissions, but Charter Commissions have additional trainings, restrictions, and requirements.

9. Staff Reports (Director Pon)
a. Director’s Updates
Director Pon noted that Commissioners whose terms are expiring in June 2022 are encouraged to reapply for their seats. She also provided an update on the Redistricting Task Force meetings for which OCEIA’s language access staff is providing interpretation assistance.

10. Adjournment
Chair Kennelly thanked Commissioners for a productive conversation and adjourned the meeting at 8:39 p.m.