Full Commission - December 13, 2021 - Minutes
San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission Full Commission Meeting
December 13, 2021 at 5:30 pm PST
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Chair Kennelly called the meeting to order at 5:43 p.m.
Present: Chair Kennelly, Vice Chair Paz (6:07 p.m.), Commissioners Gaime (5:57 p.m.), Khojasteh (left at 7:05 p.m.), Latt, Obregon (6:02 p.m.), Ricarte, Ruiz, Souza, Wang.
Not present: Commissioners Enssani (excused), Fujii (excused), Mena (excused), Rahimi (excused).
OCEIA Staff present: Director Pon, Commission Clerk Shore, Operations and Grant Administrator Chan, Spanish Language Specialist Cosenza, Language Access Unit Supervisor Jozami, Policy and Civic Engagement Officer Noonan, Deputy Director Whipple.
OCEIA staff provided instructions in Spanish on how to access interpretation services during the meeting.
2. Ramaytush Ohlone Land Acknowledgment
Chair Kennelly read the land acknowledgment statement.
3. Welcoming New Commissioner
Chair Kennelly welcomed Commissioner Latt and invited him to make remarks. Commissioner Latt thanked Chair Kennelly. As an immigrant who has worked with immigrant communities as a case worker and now works at San Francisco State University, he said he looks forward to working with the Commission.
4. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
5. Action Item: Resolution to Allow Teleconferenced Meetings (Director Pon)
a. Adoption of resolution making findings to allow teleconferenced meetings under California Government Code Section 54953(e)
Director Pon provided an overview of the resolution to continue to allow teleconferenced meetings. The vote was heard out of order due to lack of quorum at the beginning of the meeting. Chair Kennelly motioned to approve the resolution, seconded by Commissioner Ricarte. The motion was approved unanimously by the 10 Commissioners present.
6. Action Item: Approval of Previous Minutes
a. Approval of November 8, 2021 Full Commission meeting minutes
This item was heard out of order. Commissioner Souza motioned to approve the November 8, 2021 Full Commission meeting minutes, seconded by Vice Chair Paz. The minutes were approved by nine Commissioners, with Commissioner Latt abstaining.
7. Action Item: Language Access Ordinance Quarterly Complaint Report
a. Adoption of LAO Quarterly Complaint Report
This item was heard out of order. Director Pon introduced Policy and Civic Engagement Officer Noonan and invited her to make remarks. Officer Noonan presented an overview of the Language Access Ordinance quarterly complaint report. Ten complaints were received between September and December 2021. Chair Kennelly motioned to adopt the quarterly report, seconded by Commissioner Souza. The report was adopted unanimously.
8. Action Item: Letter on Inclusion of Immigrant Perspectives in Efforts to Address Housing Crisis in San Francisco (Commissioner Souza)
a. Adoption of letter on inclusion of immigrant perspectives in efforts to address housing crisis in San Francisco
This item was heard out of order. Commissioner Souza provided an overview of the letter she drafted on inclusion of immigrant perspectives in efforts to address the housing crisis. In response to questions from Commissioner Ricarte, she clarified that the objective of the letter is to initiate a discussion. She suggested holding a hearing on the matter. Chair Kennelly discussed several hearings the Executive Committee is currently planning on language access, ending Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) hate, and the Commission’s annual strategic planning retreat. Commissioner Wang motioned to adopt the letter, seconded by Commissioner Souza. The letter was adopted unanimously by the 10 Commissioners present.
9. Committee Report Back
a. Language Access Survey and Follow-Up Actions (Executive Committee, Language Access Committee, OCEIA Staff)
Director Pon provided an update on the Language Access Ordinance compliance report and the survey report. Commissioner Souza thanked Director Pon and OCEIA staff. Commission Clerk Shore provided an overview of the survey findings. In response to a question from Commissioner Wang, she provided information about OCEIA’s work with City College of San Francisco’s English as a Second Language (ESL) department. Officer Noonan and Director Pon answered a question from Commissioner Latt about the City’s language access complaint process. In response to a question from Commissioner Obregon, Commissioner Souza discussed the Commission’s next steps. Director Pon noted that the survey report would be released with the Language Access Ordinance report, and the recommendations will be informed by OCEIA and the Commission.
b. Newcomer Working Group (Commissioner Obregon)
Commissioner Obregon provided an overview of the Newcomer Working Group’s first meeting. Commissioners Obregon and Mena have volunteered to conduct research by collecting existing data and interviewing community-based organizations that work with newcomers, refugees, and asylum seekers. Commissioners discussed different needs of newcomer communities and how community members receive information. Vice Chair Paz suggested asking Alameda County for data on newcomer populations. Director Pon said she will follow up with Alameda County’s City Manager. Commissioner Gaime will follow up with AILA of Northern California and immigration court.
c. Executive Committee (Chair Kennelly)
Chair Kennelly provided an overview of the Executive Committee’s work. OCEIA staff sent the Commission’s letter and resources on ending AAPI hate to the Mayor’s Office, Board of Supervisors, and City departments. Chair Kennelly has moved the Commission’s annual strategic planning retreat to March 14, 2022. She asked Commissioners to respond to OCEIA staff’s poll on their availability, and to block that afternoon for the retreat. Director Pon and Chair Kennelly provided an overview of the format of the retreat.
10. Staff Reports (Director Pon)
a. Director’s Updates
Director Pon thanked Commissioner Souza and OCEIA staff for volunteering at the San Francisco Pathways to Citizenship Initiative workshop on December 4, 2021.
b. Vaccination Requirements for Commissioners
Director Pon reminded Commission members about Mayor Breed’s October 8, 2021, emergency order requiring members of City policy bodies to be fully vaccinated by December 31, and to submit their information as soon as possible. The order applies to members of City boards, commissions, committees, task forces, and other policy bodies—including advisory bodies—established under the Charter, City ordinance or California statute that are subject to the Brown Act’s open meeting requirements.
c. Implicit Bias Training Requirement for Commissioners
Commissioners who have not taken the implicit bias training are required to complete it.
d. Updating Commissioners’ Photos and Bios for SF.Gov Website
OCEIA staff are updating the Commission’s website, and Director Pon asked Commissioners to submit their photos and bios to the Commission Clerk.
e. 2022 Strategic Planning Retreat
Chair Kennelly previously announced that the retreat has been tentatively scheduled for March 14, 2022. Director Pon has sent Commissioners the Good Government Guide along with the memo from the City Attorney.
11. Old Business
There was no old business.
12. New Business
There was no new business.
13. Adjournment
Chair Kennelly thanked Director Pon and OCEIA staff, and adjourned the meeting at 7:26 p.m.