Full Commission - February 10, 2020 - Minutes
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Chair Kennelly called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m.
Present: Chair Kennelly, Commissioners Enssani, Fujii, Gaime, Khojasteh, Kong (5:55 p.m.), Monge, Radwan, Rahimi (5:49 p.m.), Ruiz.
Not present: Vice Chair Paz (excused), Ricarte (excused), Wang (excused), Wong (excused).
Staff present: Commission Director Pon, Commission Clerk Shore, Administrative Programs Coordinator Alvarez, Office Manager Chan, 2020 Census Project Manager Clinton, Spanish Language Specialist Cosenza.
2. Public Comment
Chair Kennelly invited members of the public to make comment.
Magick Altman
Magick Altman shared concerns regarding ICE and CBP, and said that on March 9, the Controller’s Office would provide the Commission with a list of companies that do business with these entities and with the City and County of San Francisco. She asked the Commission to compose a letter to send to these businesses so that the letter can be part of the agenda item and approved on March 9 for delivery. She said a rally will be held on the steps of City Hall.
3. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
a. Approval of January 13, 2020 Full Commission Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Radwan motioned to approve the January 13, 2020 minutes. Commissioner Fujii seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
4. Action item: Annual LAO Report
a. Adoption of Annual Language Access Ordinance Report (Director Pon)
Chair Kennelly thanked OCEIA for its annual Language Access Ordinance (LAO) report, which was sent to the Commission by email. Commissioner Enssani motioned to adopt the report. Commissioner Rahimi seconded the motion. The report was adopted unanimously.
5. Invited Speakers
a. Public Charge Update (Hong Mei Pang, Chinese for Affirmative Action, and Chandra Johnson, Human Services Agency)
Hong Mei Pang, Chinese for Affirmative Action
Hong Mei Pang, director of advocacy of Chinese for Affirmative Action, provided an overview of the final rule on “public charge” and the Supreme Court’s decision allowing it to go into effect while the case is decided in court. She recommended that the City and County of San Francisco continue to invest in community-based strategies, ensure the availability of accurate, timely, and linguistically accessible information, and help connect community members to legal screenings and services.
Chandra Johnson, Human Services Agency
Chandra Johnson, communications director of the Human Service Agency, discussed the public charge rule slated to go into effect February 24, 2020, and the fear and uncertainty that it has created among community members. San Franciscans should consult an immigration attorney to see how these changes may or may not impact them. The City helps connect community members to organizations that provide immigration legal services through the Bay Area Legal Aid multilingual legal advice line and informational materials. HSA has partnered with OCEIA to reach out to ethnic media, produced Frequently Asked Questions in six languages, and is organizing trainings for staff and free bilingual workshops for clients.
Hong Mei Pang and Chandra Johnson responded to questions from Commissioners and highlighted the importance of providing accurate information in language, and connecting community members with qualified legal services providers.
b. Census Training for the IRC: How Commissioners Can Help Increase Participation in 2020 Census (Robert Clinton, Office of Civic Engagement & Immigrant Affairs)
Chair Kennelly welcomed Robert Clinton, 2020 census project manager with the Office of Civic Engagement & Immigrant Affairs (OCEIA). Project Manager Clinton provided an overview of the 2020 census and what Commissioners can do to encourage all San Franciscans to participate. The census website opens March 12, 2020 and the phone line opens March 9, 2020.
Commissioners can be trusted messengers, dispel myths, highlight resources such as SFCounts.org, and motivate people to participate. OCEIA’s SF Counts campaign is providing promotional materials in multiple languages, trainings for community messengers, and mini-grants for non-profit organizations.
Project Manager Clinton responded to questions from Commissioners and stated that Commissioners are welcome to volunteer at SF Counts events.
6. Chair and Vice Chair Reports
a. Retreat Follow-up and Strategic Plan Updates
(Chair Kennelly and Vice Chair Paz)
Chair Kennelly noted that the Commission’s top priorities for the year are Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), the 2020 census, and participation in the 2020 elections. The Executive Committee will meet to discuss the outcomes of the retreat, review the strategic plan, and report to the Full Commission. Chair Kennelly will appoint subcommittees.
Chair Kennelly nominated Commissioner Fujii to the awards planning committee. Commissioner Fujii accepted, and requested assistance from other Commissioners. Chair Kennelly will ask Commissioner Ricarte if he is available, and encouraged other Commissioners to participate. Commissioner Rahimi volunteered to join the committee.
7. Staff Reports
a. Director’s Updates
Director Pon recommended that all Commissioners complete the City’s online ethics training, and proposed that the Commission invite the Ethics Commission to conduct a training.
b. OCEIA’s Annual Budget Overview
The City Administrator will host a department budget meeting in City Hall’s North Light Court at 3:00 p.m. on February 13, 2020.
c. Implicit Bias Training and Form 700 Compliance
OCEIA staff provided Commissioners with instructions to complete the Form 700, which is due on April 1, 2020. All Commissioners must file the form, including Commissioners who are leaving office.
Director Pon thanked Commissioners who have completed the implicit bias training, and reminded those who have not completed the training to do so immediately.
d. Policy Updates
OCEIA staff is tracking and analyzing changes to immigration policy, including the expansion of the travel ban and the suspension of the Trusted Traveler program in New York state.
Chair Kennelly thanked Director Pon for the update, and agreed that an ethics review would be helpful for Commissioners.
8. Old Business
Chair Kennelly invited Commissioner Monge to present old business.
Commissioner Monge has contacted the Controller’s Office to ask for a list of companies that do business with ICE or CBP and have a contractual relationship with the City. He proposed that the Commission invite the Controller to present at its next meeting. Chair Kennelly agreed.
Chair Kennelly asked Director Pon about drafting a letter to businesses. Director Pon asked if the request had come from the Commission. Chair Kennelly said the request came from a member of the public. Chair Kennelly and Director Pon will review the drafting of a letter (item needs to be calendared for discussion and researched).
9. New Business
Commissioner Enssani asked about fear and discrimination surrounding the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. Director Pon asked if Commissioner Enssani would like the Chair and Vice Chair to work with OCEIA on a statement on behalf of the Commission. Commissioner Enssani agreed.
Chair Kennelly noted that the Immigrant Rights Commission has been invited by the Human Rights Commission to host a joint hearing on the subject of hate crimes. The tentative date is March 12, 2020, during the same week as the Commission’s regular hearing on March 9, 2020. Chair Kennelly stated that the Commission will meet on both dates. Director Pon noted that the joint hearing on March 12, 2020 begins at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioner Gaime requested that the Commission write a statement condemning the expansion of the travel ban. OCEIA staff will draft the statement on behalf of the Commission.
10. Adjournment
Chair Kennelly adjourned the meeting at 7:03 p.m.