Full Commission - February 13, 2017 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
February 13, 2017 - 2:30pm
2nd Floor Atrium Conference Room
1 South Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102

San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission

Full Commission Meeting | Annual Planning Retreat

Monday, February 13, 2017, 2:30- 7:30 p.m. PDT

2nd Floor Atrium Conference Room

1 South Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102


1.  Call to Order and Roll Call

Director Pon announced prior to the meeting being called to order that nominations for officer elections will be closed after Agenda Item 3.

Chair Kennelly called the meeting to order at 2:38 PM.

Present: Chair Kennelly; Commissioners Paz, Khojasteh, Fujii, Kong, Maldonado (left at 4:00 PM, excused), Romanenko, Wang, Wong, Fuentes, Ricarte, Enssani (arrived at        5:30 pm, excused). 

Not Present: Vice Chair Gaime (excused). 

Staff: Executive Director Adrienne Pon; Deputy Director Isis Fernandez Sykes; Deputy Director Richards Whipple; Data/Research Specialist Aman Falol; Executive Coordinator/Office Manager Melissa Chan; Commission Clerk Jamie Richardson.



2.  Public Comment

There was no public comment.


3.  Action Item: Approval of previous minutes (Chair Kennelly)

  1. Approval of January 9, 2017 Full Commission Minutes


Chair Kennelly invited commissioner to review the minutes for approval. Commissioner Maldonado motioned to approved the minutes of January 9, 2017 Full Commission Meeting Minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kong. The minutes were passed unanimously.



4.  Action Item: Approval of Proposed Amendments to the Bylaws (Chair Kennelly)


Chair Kennelly announced the closing of nominations for officer elections.

Chair Kennelly opened the floor to any Commissioners with comments on the proposed amendments to the IRC bylaws. Commissioner Ricarte suggested a reconsideration of the committee structure, as outlined in the bylaws, particularly in reference to the Immigration Reform Committee. Commissioner Paz concurred with the suggestion. Director Pon provided an explanation of the structural and function decision to absorb the functions of smaller committees into the Executive Committee’s role. Chair Kennelly tabled the discussion and voting on the proposed amendments to the bylaws be deferred to later in the meeting.




5.  Action Item: Annual Officer Elections (Director Pon)


Per the Commission’s Election Process, Director Pon facilitated Officer Elections starting first with the office of Chair, followed by Vice Chair. 

Nominations for IRC Chair: Celine Kennelly, Mario Paz, Ryan Khojasteh. Commissioners Paz and Khojasteh declined their respective nominations.

Celine Kennelly was re-elected as Commission Chair with a 9-2 vote.

Nominations for IRC Vice Chair: Mario Paz, Haregu Gaime, Franklin Ricarte.

Mario Paz was elected as Commission Vice Chair with an 8-3 vote. Commissioner Gaime received 2 votes; Commissioner Ricarte received 1 vote.




6.  Action Item: Annual Report Update (Chair, Director)


Director Pon provided a brief update on the progress of the IRC Annual Report, stating the Executive Committee will soon be reviewing the latest draft from the consultant.




7.  Action Item: IRC 2017 Planning Session (Director & Deputies)


Director Pon with Deputy Director Whipple and Deputy Director Sykes facilitated a planning session with commissioners. Director Pon summarized the top issues identified by commissioners as a result of the planning session. These issues include the following:

  1. Immigration policy and Executive Orders
  2. Public Hearings; documenting constituent stories and policy Impacts; promoting immigrant assistance services
  3. Immigrant integration and citizenship

Director Pon identified the top actions commissioners identified as feasible and executable for the 2017 calendar year. These actions include the following:

  1. Conduct Public Hearings throughout the calendar year
  2. Publish an Annual Report coinciding with the Immigrant Rights Commission’s 20th Anniversary in June 2017
  3. Increased community engagement and involvement with the Commission
  4. Be  “Thought Leaders” on immigrant issues and immigration policy

Director Pon advised commissioners on the top items for the Commission’s effectiveness and visibility. These items include the following:

  1. Improved communication strategies and community involvement
  2. Strengthened credibility

Deputy Director Sykes facilitated a discussion on methods of improved accountability and effectiveness of the Commission. Deputy Director Sykes provided an explanation on the Commission’s role, scope and tools available. They include the following:

  1. All matters related to immigrants and immigrant serving entities in San Francisco
  2. Crafting meaningful and influential recommendations for the Board of Supervisor and Mayor on immigrants issues and immigration policy
  3. Convening public meetings and bringing a diversity of voices and underserved communities to the meetings to the table
  4. Publishing impactful statements and actionable items to have officially documented on public record

Deputy Director Whipple facilitated a discussion with commissioner on community needs, strategies for increasing impact, and strategic use of the Commission’s voice for relevant opportunities. Commissioners provided thoughts and opinions for this recorded brainstorming session. Deputy Director Whipple led Commissioners in an exercise to self-identify areas of interest and to make a commitment. Follow up on this exercise will be made for the next Full Commission meeting.



8.  Old Business

There was no Old Business.



9.  New Business

Chair Kennelly deferred the Approval of the Proposed Amendments to IRC Bylaws to the March 13, 2017 Full Commission Meeting. Chair Kennelly then opened up the floor to any New Business.

Director Pon stated that staff would disseminate templates for invitations for the March 13, 2017 Full Commission Meeting as a hearing to collect testimony.  Chair Kennelly will contact a Supervisor regarding availability of the Legislative Chamber.




10.  Adjournment

Chair Kennelly adjourned the meeting at 7:35 PM.






Minutes prepared by Clerk Jamie Richardson and reviewed by Executive Director Adrienne Pon.