Full Commission - February 14, 2022 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
February 14, 2022 - 5:30pm
Online: https://ccsf.webex.com/ccsf/onstage/g.php?MTID=ec03b9990d04dff87a0437d74438b037c
Phone: 415-655-0001 / Passcode: 2494 730 6472
San Francisco, CA 94102

1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Vice Chair Paz called the meeting to order at 5:37 p.m.

Present: Vice Chair Paz (left at 6:36 p.m.), Commissioners Enssani, Fujii, Khojasteh, Latt, Mena, Obregon, Ricarte, Souza, Wang.

Not present: Chair Kenelly (excused), Commissioners Gaime, Rahimi (excused), Ruiz.

OCEIA Staff present: Director Pon, Commission Clerk Shore, Operations and Grant Administrator Chan, Spanish Language Specialist Cosenza, Language Access Unit Supervisor Jozami, Policy and Civic Engagement Officer Noonan, Deputy Director Whipple.

2. Ramaytush Ohlone Land Acknowledgment
Vice Chair Paz read the land acknowledgment statement.

3. Public Comment
Craig Scott, a cofounder of Rainbow Beginnings, provided an overview of the organization’s work. The organization works with LGBT asylum seekers and provides housing and other services. He said his organization is attempting to set up legal services for LGBT asylum seekers, and requested information on how to access legal services. He requested that the Commission follow up with him.

The Vice Chair directed staff to follow up with the speaker. 

4. Action Item: Resolution to Allow Teleconferenced Meetings
a. Adoption of resolution making findings to allow teleconferenced meetings under California Government Code Section 54953(e) (Director Pon)
Director Pon provided an overview of the resolution. Commissioner Enssani made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Commissioner Fujii. The motion was approved.

5. Action Item: Approval of Previous Minutes
a. Approval of January 10, 2022 Full Commission meeting minutes
Commissioner Ricarte motioned to approve the January 10, 2022 Full Commission meeting minutes, seconded by Commissioner Enssani. The minutes were approved.

6. Action Item: Language Access Compliance Summary Report
a. Adoption of 2022 Language Access Compliance Summary Report
Director Pon provided an overview of the 2022 Language Access Compliance Summary Report and answered questions from Commissioners Khojasteh and Souza. Commissioner Enssani motioned to adopt the 2022 Language Access Compliance Summary Report, seconded by Commissioner Souza. The report was adopted.

7. Committee Report Back
a. Language Access Survey and Follow-Up Actions (OCEIA Staff, Language Access Committee, Executive Committee)
Director Pon invited the Chair, Vice Chair, and Commissioner Souza to join her to present at the Board of Supervisors’ hearing on language access. Commissioner Souza agreed to help present the report and discuss the importance of language access.

b. Newcomer Working Group (Commissioner Obregon)
Commissioner Obregon provided an overview of the Newcomer Working Group and will present her preliminary research at the next Full Commission meeting.

c. Executive Committee (Chair Kennelly)
This item was deferred.

8. Discussion/Action Items
a. IRC Annual Strategic Planning Retreat and Officer Elections (Chair Kennelly)
Commission Clerk Shore sent Commissioners a poll on their availability for the strategic planning retreat and officer elections tentatively scheduled for April 11, 2022, with May 9, 2022 as a back-up date. Commissioners should respond to the poll by next week, when the Executive Committee will discuss retreat planning.

b. Anti-AAPI Hate Follow-Up Hearing (Commissioner Khojasteh)
OCEIA staff sent City departments a follow-up email asking for updates and inviting them to present at the Commission’s hearing on March 14, 2022. The Human Rights Commission and the Office of Supervisor Mar have responded. OCEIA staff are preparing a multilingual flyer for the hearing. Commissioners discussed the importance of hearing from law enforcement offices. Director Pon encouraged Commissioners to invite City departments they have relationships with.

c. Immigrant Leadership Awards (Chair Kennelly)
Director Pon stated that Chair Kennelly, or the Vice Chair in her absence, can appoint awards committee members. Commissioners Fujii and Ricarte have led the committee in the past. Commissioner Obregon volunteered to join the awards committee. Director Pon will contact Chair Kennelly to confirm whom she would like to appoint to the committee.

d. Proposed Hearing on Housing (Commissioner Souza)
Commissioner Souza thanked Commissioners for their support for issuing a letter on housing. The next step is to schedule a hearing with immigrant community members. The date has not yet been decided. Commissioners can send suggestions of questions, and community organizations to invite, to Commissioner Souza or Commission Clerk Shore.
e. Proposed Resolution on Chartered Commission (Commissioner Souza)

Commissioner Souza presented an overview of the process of chartering a Commission, and answered questions from Commissioners.

Vice Chair Paz left the meeting at 6:36 p.m. and Commissioner Khojasteh chaired the remainder of the meeting.

Director Pon noted that the Executive Committee has not reviewed or voted on the resolution. The Executive Committee needs to advance the resolution to the Full Commission for a vote.

Commissioner Khojasteh asked if the City Attorney’s Office could prepare a memo explaining the differences between a Chartered and a non-Chartered Commission. Director Pon will follow up with the Deputy City Attorney. She suggested that the Commission discuss the matter at their strategic planning retreat to develop priorities and determine if this item is more important than their other goals. Commissioners asked questions about the process, timeline, history, resources, and logistics of becoming a Chartered Commission.

Commissioner Khojasteh suggested that the item be calendared for the next Executive Committee and that the Executive Committee review information from the Deputy City Attorney.


9. Staff Reports (Director Pon)
a. Director’s Updates
Director Pon reminded Commissioners to respond to Commission Clerk Shore with their availability for the strategic planning retreat.

b. Implicit Bias Training Requirement for Commissioners
Director Pon reminded Commissioners to complete the implicit bias training.

c. Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700)
Commissioners’ Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700) is due April 1, 2022.

d. In-Person Commission Meetings
Director Pon previously sent Commissioners the notice from the Mayor’s Office regarding in-person meetings. Chartered Commissions will return to in-person meetings on March 7, 2022, and other Commissions will continue to meet virtually until they receive further instructions from the Mayor’s Office.

Commission Clerk Shore has sent Commissioners an announcement about OCEIA’s DreamSF program, which is now accepting new applications. Commissioners are encouraged to share the information with their networks.

10. Old Business
There was no old business.

11. New Business
Commissioner Wang proposed that the Commission draft a letter in support of City College of San Francisco’s Cantonese program. The item will be added to the next Executive Committee agenda.

12. Adjournment
Commissioner Khojasteh adjourned the meeting at 7:07 p.m.