Full Commission - July 13, 2020 - Minutes
San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission Remote Hearing Minutes
1. Call to Order and Roll CallÂ
Chair Kennelly called the meeting to order at 5:42 p.m.Â
Present: Chair Kennelly, Vice Chair Paz, Commissioners Fujii, Gaime, Khojasteh, Radwan (left early), Rahimi, Wang.
Not present: Commissioners Enssani (excused), Monge (excused), Ricarte (excused), Ruiz (excused).
Staff present: Director Pon, Commission Clerk Shore, Administrative Programs Coordinator Alvarez, Office Manager Chan, Deputy Director Whipple.Â
2. Public CommentÂ
OCEIA staff provided instructions for making public comment.
Vinay Ramesh
Vinay Ramesh introduced himself to the Commission and expressed his interest in serving as a Commissioner.
Chair Kennelly thanked him for his comments and his interest in the Commission. She asked Director Pon to provide guidance on how members of the public can apply to the Commission. Director Pon stated that there are three vacancies on the Commission and provided general information on how members of the public can apply.
3. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
a. Approval of June 8, 2020 Full Commission Meeting Minutes
Chair Kennelly asked Commission Clerk Shore to take a roll-call vote. The minutes were approved unanimously by the eight Commissioners present.
4. Discussion/Action Item:
a. Follow-Up from June 8, 2020 Special Hearing (Commissioner Rahimi)Â
Chair Kennelly invited Commissioner Rahimi to provide an overview of the Commission’s follow-up actions on the special hearing. Commissioner Rahimi stated that the Executive Committee met and discussed the recommendations received from community members during the June 8, 2020 special hearing. The Executive Committee is planning to send a letter with its recommendations to the Mayor’s Office, Board of Supervisors, and Economic Recovery Task Force. Commissioner Rahimi drafted a letter, which staff will edit and share with the Executive Committee.
5. Staff Reports
a. Director’s UpdatesÂ
Director Pon provided an update on San Francisco’s self-response rate in the 2020 census. She thanked the Chair and Vice Chair for their participation in the Complete Count Committee’s steering committee, and asked Commissioners to promote the census to their networks.Â
Director Pon provided an update on OCEIA. Staff is tracking and analyzing changes to immigration policy including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and asylum; recently completed a language access training for all City departments; and Community Ambassadors have been deployed as Disaster Service Workers or are providing essential services in the field, including meals distribution, testing, and census outreach.
Chair Kennelly thanked Director Pon and OCEIA staff for their work and encouraged Commissioners to follow OCEIA on social media. Vice Chair Paz asked how the Commission can support OCEIA. Director Pon stated that the Commission can continue to advocate for resources to for immigrant communities and help promote the Census.Â
Commissioner Gaime asked for information to present at an upcoming virtual community meeting. Director Pon said OCEIA staff can provide Commissioners with materials.
Commissioners discussed other ways to encourage San Francisco residents to participate in the 2020 census, including outreach through Nextdoor, ethnic media, City College of San Francisco, and San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD). Director Pon asked Commissioners to promote the census in their networks, including faith-based networks, and highlighted the need to reach residents who are Limited English Proficient (LEP), do not have internet access, or are unmotivated to participate. Chair Kennelly asked if OCEIA staff can present on the 2020 census at the next Full Commission meeting. OCEIA staff will add the item to the next agenda.Â
6. Old Business
There was no old business.Â
7. New Business
There was no new business.Â
8. AdjournmentÂ
Chair Kennelly thanked Commissioners and invited Director Pon to make final comments. Director Pon thanked Commissioners for their leadership and expressed her appreciation for the important work of the Commission. Chair Kennelly thanked OCEIA staff for their dedication and adjourned the meeting at 6:28 p.m.Â