Full Commission - March 12, 2018 - Minutes
San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission
Full Commission Meeting
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Chair Kennelly called the meeting to order at 5:43 pm.
Present: Chair Kennelly, Vice Chair Paz, Commissioners Fujii, Khojasteh, Kong, Radwan, Rahimi (5:45 pm), Ricarte, Roy, Wong.
Not present: Commissioners Enssani (excused), Gaime, Gurvits (excused), Wang.
Staff present: Director Pon, Deputy Director Fernandez Sykes, Office Manager Chan, Senior Communications Specialist Richardson, Clerk Shore.
2. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
3. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
a. Approval of February 12, 2018 Full Commission Annual Retreat Minutes
Chair Kennelly invited Commissioners to review the minutes from February 12, 2018. Commissioner Ricarte made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Kong seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
4. Ad-Hoc Committee Report Back
Chair Kennelly thanked staff and Commissioners for an energetic retreat and stated that she looked forward to follow-ups from the retreat.
Through the Chair, Director Pon suggested that the Immigration Policy Committee reschedule its meeting time because it conflicted with the other two committee meetings.
Chair Kennelly reminded the ad-hoc committee chairs to submit their minutes to be adopted by the Executive Committee. She invited the ad-hoc committee chairs to share updates from their last meeting.
a. Safety Net / Health & Well-Being
Vice Chair Paz stated that the Safety Net Committee did not have a quorum for its meeting.
b. Immigration Policy and Muslim Ban
Commissioner Rahimi rescheduled the Immigration Policy Committee meeting to 5:45 pm on the third Monday of each month. The Communications Committee and the Safety Net/Health & Well-Being Committee will continue to meet on the third Monday of the month at 5:00 pm.
Commissioner Ricarte offered to be a nonvoting member of the Immigration Policy Committee. Director Pon stated that that would not be necessary because its meeting time no longer conflicted with the other committee meetings.
c. Communications
Commissioner Ricarte shared an update on the Communications Committee’s first meeting. Among the topics discussed were the importance of going out into communities; calendaring future events; increasing coverage in mainstream and ethnic media; making the findings of the hearings on DACA and the Muslim Ban available to the public; and social media policies for Commissioners.
5. Immigrant Support Hub Demonstration
Director Pon stated that the Office of Civic Engagement and Immigrant Affairs (OCEIA) has been developing the online San Francisco Immigrant Support Hub with the help of the City’s Digital Services team. Senior Communications Specialist Jamie Richardson introduced the new website and gave a brief demonstration.
Commissioners shared their feedback on the hub and asked about strategies for promotion and the process for expanding information and resources listed on the site.
Richardson stated that the hub is currently in beta mode and any additional suggestions could be emailed to her. She said staff are using social media to promote the hub and have been meeting with City departments to give employees access to the site. Commissioners interested in a presentation to their organization may contact Richardson. She also encouraged Commissioners to submit their feedback online.
Chair Kennelly thanked Richardson for her presentation and OCEIA’s social media presence. Chair Kennelly asked Commissioners to “like” OCEIA on Facebook and retweet them on Twitter.
6. Old Business
a. Staff Report (Director Pon and OCEIA Staff)
Director Pon provided an update on the 2020 Census. Commission Chair and Vice Chair will act as advisors to the Complete Count Committee. Commissioners should discuss the importance of the Census when they meet with community members. Vice Chair Paz encouraged Commissioners to be engaged in efforts to promote the 2020 Census.
Director Pon stated that she would provide the Executive Committee with the staff’s plan for listening tours.
Director Pon provided an update on the Willie L. Brown Fellow.
Director Pon introduced Deputy Director Fernandez Sykes who presented the findings of the quarterly Language Access Ordinance complaint report. She stated OCEIA issued the annual Summary Compliance Report on February 1, 2018, as required by law.
Chair Kennelly thanked staff for the report. Commissioner Radwan made a motion to approve the Language Access Ordinance Summary report. Commissioner Wong seconded the motion. The report was approved unanimously.
Director Pon reminded Commissioners that Statement of Economic Interest Forms (Form 700) are due by April 1, 2018. She stated that the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) can fine officials for not filing the form.
Director Pon stated that she would send application information to Board-appointed Commissioners whose terms are expiring this year. Commissioners must resubmit their signed applications and go through the hearing process with the Rules Committee.
b. IRC Retreat Follow-Up
Chair Kennelly invited Commissioners to discuss follow-up items from the annual retreat. Commissioner Rahimi discussed issuing a report to follow up on the Muslim Ban special hearing. Chair Kennelly suggested that short, medium and long term recommendations from the hearing be developed.
Director Pon suggested that Commissioners refer to the hearing minutes and staff will need the Commission’s recommendations to complete the report. She suggested that the committee bring its recommendations to the Executive Committee.
c. Calendar Reminders
Commission Clerk Shore noted that the calendar had been updated with the date of the ad-hoc committee meetings.
Director Pon noted that Shore also had provided Commissioners with an updated legislative matrix that tracks state and federal immigration policy. In response to questions from Commissioners, Pon stated that the matrix was an internal document and that any questions should be directed to staff.
d. Annual Immigrant Leadership Awards Event Update
Chair Kennelly stated that the Commission is considering changing the date of the Immigrant Leadership Awards from June 11 to May 31, 2018. Chair Kennelly asked Commissioners to begin thinking about nominations for awardees.
7. New Business
Vice Chair Paz discussed recent HUD regulations that may result in significant rent increases for immigrants in mixed-status families who reside in subsidized housing in San Francisco. He recommended that the Commission invite speakers to discuss the issue at the next Commission meeting. Commissioner Rahimi asked if Congressional staff should also be invited. Director Pon said that staff would be happy to follow up.
Director Pon stated that the next SF Pathways to Citizenship workshop is scheduled for April 21 at Microsoft. She invited Commissioners to visit the workshop or volunteer. Director Pon invited Office Manager Melissa Chan to share information about the upcoming workshop. Chan stated that Commissioners interested in volunteering may go to SFCitizenship.org and click on the volunteer link or call the OCEIA office.
8. Adjournment
Chair Kennelly adjourned the meeting at 7:03 pm.