Full Commission - March 13, 2017 - Minutes
San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission
Full Commission Meeting
Monday, March 13, 2017
5:30 p.m. PDT
City Hall, Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102
1. Â Call to Order and Roll Call Vice Chair Paz called the meeting to order at 5:39 pm. Present: Vice Chair Paz; Commissioners Fuentes, Fujii, Khojasteh, Kong, Maldonado, Wang (5:46 pm, excused), Wong. Not Present: Chair Kennelly (excused); Commissioners Gaime (excused), Ricarte (excused), Romanenko (excused). Staff:Â Executive Director Pon, Commission Clerk Richardson, Office Manager Chan. Â |
2. Â Public Comment There was no public comment. Â |
3.  Action Item: Approval of previous minutes  This Agenda Item was heard out of order, after Agenda Item #6.
(Information/Discussion/Action) Commissioner Khojasteh motioned to approve the Full Commission Annual Planning Retreat Minutes from February 13, 2017. Commissioner Maldonado seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously. Â |
4.  Action Item: Approval of Proposed Amendments to the Bylaws  (Information/Discussion/Action) Vice Chair Paz called for a motion to approve the proposed amendments to the IRC Bylaws, as discussed at the IRC Full Commission Annual Planning Retreat on February 13, 2017. Commissioner Wang motioned to approve the prosed amendments. Commissioner Fuentes seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.  |
5.  Action Item: April 10, 2017 Full Commission Hearing Planning (Vice Chair, Director) (Information/Discussion/Action) Director Pon provided an update on the planning for the Full Commission Special Hearing. Commissioners agreed that the intent of this meeting will be to hear from local experts, presenters and affected individuals on the impacts of federal policies and Presidential Executive Orders on immigrant communities. Director Pon discussed the proposed time and location of this special hearing with commissioners.  |
6. Â Information/Discussion Item:Â Immigration Defense Fund Overview (Michael G. Pappas, M.Div, Executive Director, San Francisco Interfaith Council) Executive Director of the San Francisco Interfaith Council, Michael G. Pappas, M.Div, provided a comprehensive overview and answered questions regarding the Immigration Defense Fund. Vice Chair Paz invited Mr. Pappas to consider the Immigrant Rights Commission a friend and to return to IRC Meetings with updates on the Immigration Defense Fund. Â |
7. Â Old Business This Agenda Item was heard out of order, after Agenda Item #5. a. Retreat Follow-ups and Commitments (Vice Chair & Director) Vice Chair Paz encouraged commissioners to submit their interest areas to staff if they have not yet indicated their areas of commitment. Director Pon provided an overview of upcoming OCEIA/IRC events and activities for commissioners to get involved and support. Commissioner Fujii gave a summary of a recent UC Hastings Immigration Advocate program she attended with Commissioner Khojasteh and encouraged fellow commissioners to attend similar trainings. Vice Chair Paz called for a motion to host the IRC May Full Commission Meeting as a neighborhood meeting. Commission Maldonado motioned to hold the May 9, 2017 Full Commission Meeting in District 9. Commissioner Fuentes seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously. Â |
8. Â New Business Director Pon reminded commissioners to submit their Form 700s as well as any applications for reappointment to the Commission, if applicable. Vice Chair Paz concluded the meeting with a moment of silence for the passing of Civil Rights Activist Aileen Clarke Hernandez. Â |
9. Â Adjournment Vice Chair Paz adjourned the meeting at 6:36 pm. Â Â Â Â ### Minutes prepared by Clerk Jamie Richardson and reviewed by Executive Director Adrienne Pon. |