Full Commission - November 14, 2016 - Minutes
San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission
Full Commission Meeting
Monday, November 14, 2016
5:30 p.m. PDT
City Hall, Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102
1.  Call to Order and Roll Call Chair Kennelly called the meeting to order at 5:40 pm. Present: Chair Kennelly, Vice Chair Gaime, Commissioners Fuentes, Kong, Maldonado, Paz, Romanenko Not Present: Commissioners Enssani (excused) and Bernabeu (unexcused) Staff: Executive Director Pon, Deputy Director Sykes, Commission Clerk Richardson  |
2. Â Public Comment Chair Kennelly deferred Agenda Item 2, Public Comment to be heard at Agenda Item 5. Â |
3. Â Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
(Information/Discussion/Action) The Commission did not have quorum; approval of the Full Commission Minutes from June 6, 2016, September 12, 2016 and October 3, 2016 were deferred to next meeting Full Commission Meeting by Chair Kennelly. Â Tabled to next meeting. Â |
4. Â Action Item: Approval of Updates to the IRC Bylaws (Information/Discussion/Action) The Commission did not have quorum; approval of the updates to the IRC Bylaws were deferred to the next Full Commission Meeting by Chair Kennelly. Tabled to next meeting. Â |
5. Â New Business
(Information/Discussion/Action) Chair Kennelly made opening statements regarding the post-election impact on immigrant communities, stating the Immigrant Rights Commission and the City of San Francisco will continue to fight for protections and inclusivity for all immigrants.  Chair Kennelly instructed the clerk to play a short video submitted for testimony from the San Francisco Interfaith Council about Sanctuary City and how San Francisco became one. Chair Kennelly invited fellow Commissioner to make comment before opening up the floor to public comment and testimony. Commissioner Maldonado stated the community will not give into hate or fear, and we [the commission, the San Francisco community] will continue to work hard and work together. Vice Chair Gaime stated her inspiration for the galvanized efforts in light of the election results. Chair Kennelly welcomed invited speaker Sharon Hing, from the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) to come and present. Sharon Hing (ILRC) provided the commission with an outlook on the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) in light of the recent election and the campaign promises of the president-elect. Hing stated that the ILRC is recommending those who have DACA already should file for renewals in the event that a work permit could be secured for the time being; Hing then recommended that individuals who have not yet applied for DACA should refrain due to the cost of the application fee and no guarantee of deferred action protections. Chair Kennelly opening up the floor to public comment. Ryan Khojasteh, law student at University of California, Hastings gave public comment on the current state on his campus and sentiments of students. Khojasteh requested the Commission work with the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor to mirror California State Legislation to release an official statement in support of immigrants. Edwin Carmona Cruz, attorney at La Raza Centro Legal gave public comment on the fear in the immigrant community, and the necessity of San Francisco to continue to be a beacon of hope despite adversity. Carmona Cruz stated San Francisco must continue its commitment to Sanctuary City and not have City officials and law enforcement turn its back on its people and continue to not collaborate with ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement.) Madiha Khan, former DreamSF Fellow, gave testimony to her personal experience as an undocumented person in this country and the sense of security gained through DACA. Khan requested the commission to continue to uphold the Sanctuary City policy in San Francisco; to support undocumented students that will suffer a significant monetary loss should DACA be repealed by the President-elect’s administration; to diversify representation within this movement, particularly within DACA messaging and outreach; to support and make a statement for immigrants facing deportation proceedings and those that may face them in the coming years. Khan implored to take real, tangible action steps. Lariza Dugan Cuadra, Executive Direction at CARECEN, gave public comment on the work the Immigrant Rights Commission has cut out for it given the current climate in San Francisco and the nation, post-election. Dugan Cuadra urged the commission to support universal representation, stating the statistic that individuals facing deportation proceedings are 80% more likely to win a case than without representation. Anni Chung, President and CEO, Self-Help for the Elderly, provided the commission with updates on the San Francisco Pathways to Citizenship Initiative and the organization’s continued efforts to assist Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs) to become U.S. Citizens. Chung informed the Commission that the next workshop for SF Pathways is on Saturday, December 3, 2016 and that the organization stands in support of and with the Commission in support of immigrant communities in San Francisco. Esther Leong,  Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach testified to the Commission on her personal experience as a daughter of undocumented parents and how the fear and hateful messaging cannot be tolerated by City officials, department heads, and the Commission. Leong stated that special care and consideration should be taken with our children and the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD).  Chair Kennelly thanked all of the speakers that provided public comment, stating that the passion in these testimonies have inspired the Commission to continue its work, and to do it better. Chair Kennelly opened up the floor to fellow commissioners for comment. Vice Chair Gaime stated she was impressed with the testimony and requested those who made public comment to keep coming back to commission meetings and remind the commission to continue the work. Commissioner Paz echoed Vice Chair Gaime’s statement, inviting the public to continue to challenge the commission. Commissioner Maldonado stated that although they cannot take action tonight, requested that community continues to provide input on issues concerning the immigrant community, like universal representation. Commissioner Kong stated the Commission along with city leaders will continue to support San Francisco as a Sanctuary City because our nation is great because of immigrants and their hard work. |
6. Â Old Business Note: Items discussed out of order.
Director Pon gave an update on the Annual Consular Reception being held at the Irish Consulate office on December 8th, from 4-6 pm. a
Director Pon stated that staff has engaged with a consultant who is former commissioner, Christopher Punongbayan, to write the IRC Annual Report.
Director Pon gave a staff report in response to the public comment. Pon stated that it is important to consider broad issues and that OCEIA and the Commission is preparing for the 2020 census. Pon added that the Chair and Vice Chair should continue to uphold the values of the Commission moving forward, collecting impactful stories from the community. Â Chair Kennelly welcomed members of the public to make any closing comments. Lariza Dugan Cuadra provided closing comments in response to Agenda Item 6(a), Staff Report. Dugan Cuadra stated that the Commission should consider the urgency of the issues discussed this evening, an action is needed soon. Madiha Khan made closing comments in regards to a recommended follow-up and accountability strategy with the Commission, stating the urgency of the comments held this evening, but unsure of the shared urgency the Commission may have. Vice Chair Gaime responded to Khan, stating members of the public should come back and ask the commission for an updated on their asks and testimony. Commissioner Maldonado stated the protocols for commission work and action take a long time. She said a letter to the Board of Supervisors or the Mayor is the most immediate action. Director Pon stated there are creative actions that can be made. Chair Kennelly recommended that if a member of the public wants to commission active, to invite them and hold them accountable to showing up. Â Â |
7. Â Adjournment Chair Kennelly adjourned the meeting at 7:01 pm. Â Â ### Â Minutes prepared by Clerk Jamie Richardson and reviewed by Executive Director Adrienne Pon |