Full Commission - November 14, 2022 - Agenda
Note: As authorized by California Government Code Section 54953(e) and the Mayor’s 45th Supplement to her February 25, 2020 emergency proclamation, this meeting will be held remotely without providing a physical location. Members of the Immigrant Rights Commission will participate and vote by video. Members of the public may observe the meeting and provide public comment online. View instructions for providing public comment.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Ramaytush Ohlone Land Acknowledgment
This item is to allow the Commission Chair to acknowledge that the Commission is on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco Peninsula.
3. General Public Comment
This item is to allow members of the public to address the Commission on matters that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission and that do not appear on today’s agenda.
4. Action Item: Resolution to Allow Teleconferenced Meetings
a. Adoption of resolution making findings to allow teleconferenced meetings under California Government Code Section 54953(e)
Discussion and possible action to approve a resolution making findings to allow for continued remote meetings due to the COVID-19 emergency. Explanatory Document: Findings Resolution
5. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
a. Approval of October 17, 2022 Full Commission Meeting Minutes
Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes of the Immigrant Rights Commission’s October 17, 2022 Full Commission meeting. Explanatory Document: IRC Full Commission Minutes - October 17, 2022
6. Discussion/Action Items
a. Update on Efforts to Create a Universal Basic Income Pilot Program for Immigrants (Chiamaka Ogwuegbu, Mayor’s Office)
Information, discussion, and possible action on efforts to create a Universal Basic Income pilot program for immigrants in San Francisco.
7. Chair and Vice Chair Reports
a. Chair and Vice Chair’s Updates (Chair Kennelly and Vice Chair Paz)
Report on Executive Committee and Commission activities and announcements. This item allows the Chair and Vice Chair to provide brief updates on the work of the Executive Committee and the Full Commission.
b. Rescheduling of November Executive Committee Meeting and Cancellation of December Meetings
Information on changes in scheduled meetings for November and December. The Executive Committee meeting has been rescheduled to November 30, 2022, and the IRC’s December Full Commission and Executive Committee meetings have been canceled.
8. Staff Reports
a. Director’s Updates
Report on OCEIA and IRC activities and announcements. This item allows the Director to provide brief updates on activities and announcements. If the Commission would like a full report, we can place that matter on the agenda for a future meeting.
b. Reappointment Hearings
Report on vacant seats and four Board-appointed Commissioners whose seats are up for reappointment: Commissioners Ruiz, Gaime, Khojasteh, and Enssani.
c. Parivar Bay Area Symposium
Update on Parivar Bay Area’s Transgender Immigrant Symposium and Global South Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 18, 2022 in San Francisco.
9. Old and New Business
a. This item is to allow Commissioners to provide updates on items the Commission has previously discussed, and to introduce new agenda items for future consideration by the Commission.
10. Adjournment