Full Commission - September 27, 2017 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
September 27, 2017 - 4:30pm
50 Van Ness Ave
San Francisco, CA 94102

San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission

Full Commission Meeting | Mid-Year Planning Retreat

Wednesday, September 27, 2017, 4:30- 7:30 p.m. PDT

50 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102



1.  Call to Order and Roll Call

Commissioner Khojasteh called the meeting to order at 4:40 pm

Present: Commissioner Khojasteh, Commissioners Ricarte, Wong, Kong, Radwan, Enssani (6:27 PM), Gurvits (5:01 PM), Paz (5:04 PM), Rahimi (4:50 PM), Roy (5:43 PM), and Chair Kennelly.

Not Present: Commissioners Fujii (excused), Gaime (excused), Wang (excused)  

Staff Present: Executive Director Pon, Deputy Director Sykes, Commission Clerk Richardson, Senior Policy Analyst Hsieh



2.  Public Comment

There was no public comment.



3.  Discussion Items: IRC 2017-18 Strategic Planning Session


  1. Roles, Responsibilities & Purview
  2. Policy and Advocacy Issues & Themes
  3. Hearing, Activities & Event Planning

Senior Policy Analyst Frances Hsieh facilitated a presentation and discussion on Immigrant Rights Commission roles, responsibilities and scope. Hsieh facilitated several brainstorming activities to assist the commission in planning and prioritizing activities for the coming calendar year, referring to priorities and goals set in prior planning retreats. A summary of the goals gathered from these were: raise the Commission’s public profile; expand language access in San Francisco; host more events for visibility; recognize immigrant accomplishments; host more special district hearings; educate immigrants on their rights; and take a more active role in the larger community.

Director Adrienne Pon facilitated an activity and discussion for commissioners to identify the Commission’s key priorities and activities. From this activity, Director Pon identified the commission’s top issues/priorities which included:

I.Safety Net for Immigrants

II.Clean DREAM Act

III.Unaccompanied Minors

Commissioner Khojasteh recommended that the Commission develop a set of talking points for each key priority area, as well as access to a directory of immigrant services.

Director Pon stated that staff would provide access to the online “immigrant portal” currently being developed for a list of immigrant service providers.

Deputy Director Sykes led a discussion with commissioners on their tools to address the previously identified top issues, which include: writing statements, urging the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and/or Mayor to take action(s), writing reports and resolutions, hosting special topic-based hearings, and proposing legislation.

Director Pon led an activity for commissioners to develop Ad-Hoc Committees per each top priority issue. Each Ad-Hoc committee appointed a coordinating leader, as follows:

I.Safety Net Task Force: Vice Chair Paz

II.Clean DREAM Act: Commissioner Khojasteh

III.Unaccompanied Minors: Commissioner Roy

Director Pon stated each Ad-Committee will need to contact staff with a regular meeting times to notice for the public. Director Pon added that staff would send templates and work plans to each group.



4.  Old Business


  1. Administrative announcements & scheduling

Clerk Richardson made an announcement about email responses and meeting RSVPs.

Chair Kennelly reminded commissioners to continue to share information on hearings and events within their own networks.


5.  New Business

There was no additional new business.


6.  Adjournment

Commissioner Khojasteh adjourned the meeting at 7:45pm.







Minutes prepared by the Clerk, Jamie Richardson and reviewed by Executive Director Adrienne Pon.