City and County of San FranciscoDepartment on the Status of Women

August 17, 2011

Family Violence Council - August 17, 2011


Family Violence Council:

Addressing Violence throughout the Lifespan



Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

San Francisco Civil Court

400 McAllister St., Room 509, San Francisco, CA 94102


  Attendees   Attendees


Presiding Judge of the Superior Court, or designee


Director of Human Services Agency, or designee: (APS) Teresa Guillen


Mayor, or designee:


Director of Department of Aging and Adult Services, or designee


President of the Board of Supervisors, or designee


Director of Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families, or designee: Veronica Martinez


District Attorney, or designee: Maria Bee


Director of Child Support Services, or designee:


Public Defender, or designee: Simin Shamji


Director of Department of Animal Care and Control, or designee


Sheriff, or designee


Superintendent of San Francisco Unified School District, or designee: Ilsa Bertolini, Laurie Vargas


Chief of Police, or designee: Tony Parra, Tony Flores


Director of Domestic Violence Consortium, or designee:  Beverly Upton


President of Commission on the Status of Women, or designee: Stephanie Simmons


Director of Consortium for Elder Abuse Prevention, or designee: Mary Twomey, Talitha Guinn


Chief of Adult Probation, or designee:


Director of San Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Council, or designee: Kathy Baxter


Chief of Department of Emergency Management, or designee


Chair of Batterer’s Intervention Programs Subcommittee


Director of the Department of Public Health, or designee: Leigh Kimberg


Executive Director of the Department on the Status of Women, or designee: Emily Murase


Participants: Robin Brasso, Arati Vasan, Erica Falk,  Julie Peck, Jean Roland, Nakeisha Pealoul, Heidi Li

DOSW staff:Cynthia Vasquez, Katherine Ray, Helen Lei


I. Business

A. Reports

1.  San Francisco Police Department - Captain Tony Parra

  • After meeting with community advocates, Chief Greg Suhr has decided to move the Domestic Violence and Sex Crimes Units to the 5th floor, away from risky foot traffic and into spacious offices.
  • The Police Department now has access to a new computer database to track cases and criminals. The database enables searches for individuals under different fields such as gender, age, sex, and includes a comment box for additional characteristics to promote linkages with related cases.
  • The Vice Crimes Unit received a human trafficking grant from the U.S. Department of Justice. Domestic Violence Inspector Tony Flores has been promoted to oversee human trafficking cases as well. Lt. Art Stellini of the Elderly Financial Abuse Unit who has been doing an exceptional job with these complex cases has been reassigned.
  • The Police Department is facing a wave of retirements in the coming months. In response to the impending loss of know-how and experience, a Special Victims Unit is being organized to encourage cross-training between officers who are expert in domestic violence, sex crimes, child abuse, elder abuse, or human trafficking.


2.  Child Abuse Intervention Program - Kathy Baxter/Emily Murase

  • Met with Barbara Garcia (Director of the Health Department) who was very supportive of a pilot intervention program for convicted child abusers per state law. However, she expressed concern about the budget challenge. She committed to working with Adult Probation Chief Wendy Still and Paul Henderson, Director of the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice.


3.  Updates on Comprehensive Centers

  • Elder Abuse Forensic Center - Mary Twomey/Erica Falk

The Center focuses on very specialized crimes. The Center, which focuses on the complex crimes of physical and financial elder abuse has had challenges stemming from understaffing and high staff turnover. Fortunately, the Center was awarded a UC Hastings Grant to develop a master plan for the center entitled "Vision 20/20."


  • Child Advocacy Center - Kathy Baxter

With an opening date of fall 2012, the Center will be located on 3rd Street near Cesar Chavez. This center will house an advocacy center, youth and wellness facilities, and a forensic center.


4.  Batterers Intervention Programs 

  • The Adult Probation Department is in the process of certifying programs. Preliminary analysis suggests that currently available offerings do not fully meet the needs of clients in terms of languages and approaches.


5.  Department of Children, Youth, and their Families Violence Prevention Plan - Veronica Martinez

  • In the Department's report, different types of violence, including family violence, child abuse, and intimate abuse were identified. While acknowledging that violence affects every age range, the plan focuses on programs that address the population of 10-18 year olds, such as mentorships for youth at risk. Funds for girls programming in violence prevention has been increased.


6.  2010 Comprehensive Report on Family Violence in San Francisco - Emily Murase

  • Members of the Council testified at a hearing of the Board of Supervisors Public Safety Committee about the report, highlighting the findings of the report including the fact that family violence is the number one crime in San Francisco. During the hearing, Supervisors were concerned to hear the lack of child abuse intervention program as mandated by state law. They also asked about the impact of secure communities on immigrant communities and a reported rise in domestic violence among active drug abusers and the developmentally delayed.


7.  October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month - Beverly Upton

  • A list of upcoming events was distributed.


8.  Budget - Emily Murase

  • The Department on the Status of Women suffered a mid-year staff reduction of 11%, losing its only full-time policy analyst position that was responsible for staffing the Family Violence Council. Due to this staff cut, support for the Family Violence Council will likely be minimized.


B.  Secure Communities Presentation

  • Department on the Status of Women Graduate Intern Katherine Ray, a graduate student at the UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare, gave a presentation on the impact of Secure Communities on immigrant communities.


Next Meeting Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3-5 pm, 400 McAllister St, Rm 509

Meeting notes taken by Helen Lei, Heather Fong Public Affairs Fellow, Department on the Status of Women.