City and County of San FranciscoDepartment on the Status of Women

Mayor's Task Force on Human Trafficking - April 23, 2014 - Meeting Agenda

Mayor's Task Force on Human Trafficking - April 23, 2014

Mayor’s Task Force on Human Trafficking Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, April 23, 2014   1:30 pm - 3:30 pm      City Hall, Room 305

1 Dr Carlton B Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102

Meeting Objectives:

  1. Review and approve data collection tool;


Handouts:  Meeting Minutes (2-26-14); Data Collection Tool; Summary of First Year’s Work


  1. Welcome, Introductions, Agenda Review [Dr. Emily Murase & Diana Oliva-Aroche]                  ACTION: To approve the agenda.                                                    1:30 pm – 1:40 pm     


  1. Review of Minutes from February Meeting [Minouche Kandel]    1:40 pm – 1:45 pm

ACTION: To approve the agenda.


  1. Review and approval of data collection tool [Stephanie Nguyen]            1:45 pm – 2:15 pm

ACTION:  To approve the data collection tool    


  1. Update on SB 1193 Efforts [Minouche Kandel]                                2:15 pm – 2:35 pm                  DISCUSSION                       


  1. April 5, 2014 Cross Bay Community Day of Action
  2. Enforcement Protocol


  1. Presentation on New DPH Crisis Response Teams [Ken Epstein]   2:35 pm – 2:55 pm



  1. Caravan Studios Presentation on SafeNight mobile app              2:55 pm – 3:10 pm



  1. Update on Demand Abolition Project [Tara Anderson]                 3:10 pm – 3:15 pm



  1. Next Steps                                                                                          3:15 pm – 3:20 pm
    1. Next meeting: 6-25-14, 1:30 – 3:30 pm; City Hall, Room 305
    2. Agenda for next meeting


  1. Department Updates & Announcements                                        3:20 pm – 3:30 pm



Action Item



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