Policy Recommendation - 06.23.2003

Subject:   TTY phone training

Recommendation:  The Office of Citizen Complaints recommends that the San Francisco Police Department reevaluate the existing roll-call training concerning the use of TTY phone to incorporate hands-on training for those officers most likely to have contact with deaf and hearing-impaired individuals for whom they will need to facilitate the use of the TTY phones.

Case Background: 

Complainant, a hearing-impaired arrestee, reported that officers failed to effectively communicate with him.  Several of the officers who came in contact with the complainant at the district station stated that they had not received practical training on the use of the TTY phone and did not know how to use it. 

The TTY phone can be used as a means of communicating with deaf or hearing-impaired individuals.  Additionally, station-keepers need to know how to use the TTY phone to ensure that deaf and hearing-impaired individuals are given phone access.   Members may also need to answer the TTY phone line in the station or call someone back on the TTY line to follow up on an incident or to make a notification.

Investigated by: David Aulet
Prepared by: SAMARA MARION, Senior Attorney
Approved by: KEVIN ALLEN, Director
Date: June 23, 2003