Meetings - August 7, 2018 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
August 7, 2018 - 5:30pm


  City and County of San Francisco


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

City Hall, Hearing Room 416

Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA  94102








Bryant Tan

Laura Thomas

Al Perez

Dori Caminong

Ben Bleiman

Steven Lee







Acting Director, Maggie Weiland

Senior Sound Inspector, Sean Burke

Sound Inspector, Michael Fiorentino

Senior Analyst, Community & Cultural Events, Dylan Rice

Commission Aide, Crystal Stewart








The meeting came to order at 5:36PM.




Members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission. With respect to agenda items, members of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes at the time such item is called. 


  1. General Public comment.





2. Approval of Meeting Minutes.  Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes of June 19, 2018 Commission meeting. [Discussion and Possible Action Item]


Commissioner Caminong moved to approve with correction from Commissioner Thomas to add name and correct spelling


Yeas - Commissioner Caminong, Commissioner Perez, Commissioner

Thomas, Commissioner Tan, Commissioner Lee and Commissioner



3. Report from Acting Director: Legislative/Policy Update: Update on Plastic and Litter Reduction Ordinance, File #180519; Staff and Office Update: Update on Sound Inspector Hiring and New EC Retreat Date; Update on Board of Appeals Actions: Nothing to Report; Corrective Actions: Nothing to Report. [Discussion Item]

4. Report from Sound Inspector: Inspector Sean Burke reports on recent venue inspections and activities. [Discussion Item]




6/23/18 10:30 PM 

Benders 806 S Van Ness POE Door open.

6/29/18 11:30 PM Lone Star


Saloon 1354 Harrison POE Doors open and in excess of established sound limit.


7/30/18 10:30 PM Underground SF 

424 Haight POE GNP Policy #7 Violation: front and rear doors open.



6/23/18 2:00 AM     

3910 Geary NA Operating without permit.


7/20/18 10:40PM  

RS94109   835 Larkin LLP Operating past 10pm with LLP.


7/27/18 10:00 PM  

Paramount Superstar   

939 Clement NA Operating without permit.


7/27/18 11:15 PM 

Lone Star Saloon   

1354 Harrison 

POE In excess of established sound limit.


6/30/18 9:30 PM             

Tank 18 1345 Howard LLP 

"Bass from music shaking the windows in our building across the street." - In touch with operator re: complaint


7/2/18 1:18 PM Rock Bar

80 29th St. NA "This has been ongoing ever since they opened…" - in the process of bringing them into compliance.


7/20 11-11:30 PM SPiN                     

690 Folsom POE 3 complaints from 3 separate complainants re: outdoor speakers. These speakers will no longer be utilized.


7/23/18 12:35 AM 800 Larkin  

 800 Larkin BP "Bar playing loud music, please ask them to stop." In touch with operator who is investigating.


7/25/2018 8-10 PM

Google Private Event Lot A OTE  

10 complaints from various residential addresses.


7/28/18 12:00 AM 

Bootleg Bar 2360 Van Ness LLP 

Brought in PA instead of using in-house PA.



7/29/18 9:40 PM  

Audio 314 11th St EHP Bottle thrown inside club. Patrons escorted out. More to follow from SFPD.


ONGOING COMPLAINTS                                                            

Original:                                                                        Since last hearing:



311 Great American Music Hall 850 O'FFARELL   POE Only complaint since last hearing was regarding bus generators. Venue stated that generators were only in operation for 5 minutes prior to leaving.


8/20/17 311 

Bender's 806 S VAN NESS POE  

2 complaints from one complainant on 7/7 - NOV issued 6/23.


11/14/16 Text      

Halcyon 314 11TH ST EHP 

2 complaints from 2 separate complainants on 8/4 @ 4:30 AM.


9/29/17 Text      

Double Dutch 3192 16TH ST POE       

Complaint on 7/3


5. Police Department Comments & Questions. This item allows any member of the SFPD to address the Commission regarding matters related to nightlife and public safety. [Discussion Item] 


No comments were made.


6. Hearing and Possible Action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the Entertainment Commission. [Discussion and Possible Action Item]   


Regular Agenda:


  1. ECOTE-18-183 – Restivo, Steven, Conga Connect West, Kaplan Lane between Clementina and Terminus, One Time Outdoor Entertainment Event Permit, request to extend hours of entertainment to 11:30 P.M.  


Steve Restivo spoke on logistics of his event and stated it was a private event they did the event last year. This year they requested a 90 minute extension for the reception. He added neighborhood outreach was done.  

No public comment.


Commissioner Caminong moved to approve Commissioner Thomas second the permit.



Yeas - Commissioner Caminong, Commissioner Perez, Commissioner

Thomas, Commissioner Tan, Commissioner Lee and Commissioner



b) EC-1453 – AT&T Park, AT&T Park, 24 Willie Mays Plaza, Place of Entertainment Permit  


Jack Bare Director spoke on the permit application. He added they will have 14 non baseball events per year.


No public comment


Commissioner Thomas moved to approve with the conditions attached Commissioner Bleiman second the motion.



Yeas - Commissioner Caminong, Commissioner Perez, Commissioner

Thomas, Commissioner Tan, Commissioner Lee and Commissioner



Commissioner Lee arrived at 6:07PM


7. Election of Vice President: This item allows the Commissioners to nominate and elect the seat of Vice President of the Entertainment Commission. [Action Item]


Laura Thomas nominated Dori Caminong as Vice President of the Commission Bleiman second the Motion


Yeas - Commissioner Caminong, Commissioner Perez, Commissioner

Thomas, Commissioner Tan, Commissioner Lee and Commissioner



Commissioner Dori Caminong stated she was honored to serve as Vice President of the Entertainment Commission.


Dori Camiong nominated Ben Bleiman Commissioner Lee Second the motion



Yeas - Commissioner Caminong, Commissioner Perez, Commissioner

Thomas, Commissioner Tan, Commissioner Lee and Commissioner



9. Commissioner Comments & Questions. [Announcements] 


Commissioner Tan stated he was honored to serve as president on the Entertainment Commission for 5 years and will continue to serve as commissioner.