Meetings - February 2, 2021 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
February 2, 2021 - 5:30pm

City and County of San Francisco

Entertainment Commission



Meeting was held remotely


 Tuesday, February 2, 2021

5:30 P.M.

Regular Meeting



COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:  Ben Bleiman (President), Dori Caminong (Vice President), Steven Lee, Laura Thomas, Cyn Wang, Al Perez, Dave Falzon


STAFF IN ATTENDANCE: Executive Director Maggie Weiland; Deputy Director Kaitlyn Azevedo; Senior Analyst Dylan Rice; Senior Inspector Antonio Savino; Commission Aide Crystal Kennedy






+ indicates a speaker in support of an item;

-  indicates a speaker in opposition of an item; and

= indicates a neutral speaker or a speaker who did not indicate support or opposition




  1. General Public Comment  


No public comment.

Members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission. With respect to agenda items, members of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes at the time such item is called. 

  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes.  Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes of the January 19, 2021, Commission meeting. [Discussion and Possible Action Item]

Public Comment: None

MOTION: Commissioner Thomas moved to approve the January 19, 2021 minutes, Commissioner Wang seconded the motion.


ACTION: Approved Minutes for January 19, 2021


AYES: Commissioner Caminong, Commissioner Thomas, Commissioner Bleiman, Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Wang, Commissioner Falzon, Commissioner Perez


NAYS: None


3.  Report from Executive Director: Legislative/Policy Update: reserve for any updates to relevant pending or passed legislation, and any updates to the San Francisco Public Health Order; Staff and Office Update: update on Commission requests for future agenda items, and upcoming virtual retreat; Update on Board of Appeals Actions: none; Corrective Actions: none. [Discussion Item]


Public Comment: None


  1. Presentation on Office of the City Administrator Racial Equity Action Plan: Office of Cannabis Director Marisa Rodriguez, Deputy Director Eugene Hillsman, and Associate Director Nikesh Patel present on the Office of the City Administrator’s racial equity action plan and the Entertainment Commission’s role and participation in supporting the plan. [Discussion Item]


Speaker   + Director of Office of Cannabis, Marisa Rodriquez

            + Deputy Director of Office of Cannabis, Eugene Hillsman

            + Associate Director of Office of Cannabi, Nikesh Patel 


Public Comment: None 


  1. Update on Nightlife Business Assistance in Response to COVID-19: Ben Van Houten, Business Development Manager, Nightlife and Entertainment Sector with the Office of Economic and Workforce Development provides an Update on Nightlife Business Assistance in response to COVID-19. [Discussion Item]


Public Comment: None


  1. Report from Deputy Director: Deputy Director Kaitlyn Azevedo reports on

      recent venue inspections and activities. [Discussion Item]

Public Comment: None


  1. Election of Vice President: This item allows the Commissioners to nominate and elect the seat of Vice President of the Entertainment Commission to fill out the term from February 2, 2021 to July 6, 2021. [Action Item]

Public Comment: None


MOTION: Commissioner Falzon nominated Commissioner Caminong as Vice President for the Entertainment Commission, Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion.

ACTION: Commissioner Caminong was elected as Vice President of the Entertainment Commission through July 6, 2021.


AYES: Commissioner Caminong, Commissioner Thomas, Commissioner Bleiman, Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Wang, Commissioner Falzon, Commissioner Perez


NAYS: None


8. Election of President: This item allows the Commissioners to nominate and elect the seat of President of the Entertainment Commission to fill out the term from February 2, 2021 to July 6, 2021. [Action Item]


Public Comment: None

MOTION: Commissioner Thomas nominated Commissioner Bleiman for President of the Entertainment Commission, Commissioner Wang seconded the motion.


ACTION: Commissioner Bleiman was elected as President of the Entertainment Commission through July 6, 2021.


AYES: Commissioner Caminong, Commissioner Thomas, Commissioner Bleiman, Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Wang, Commissioner Falzon, Commissioner Perez


NAYS: None

9. New Business Request for Future Agenda Items. [Action item] (This item is to allow Commissioners to introduce agenda items for future consideration).

Public Comment: None


10. Commissioner Comments & Questions.


Public Comment: None