Meetings - February 21, 2017 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
February 21, 2017 - 5:30pm
City Hall, Hearing Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

City and County of San Francisco
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
City Hall, Hearing Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA  94102


Bryant Tan
Steven Lee
Al Perez
Liam Frost
Dori Caminong
Laura Thomas


Executive Director, Jocelyn Kane
Deputy Director, Maggie Weiland
Sound Inspector, Sean Burke
Commission Aide, Crystal Stewart


Chair Bryant Tan called the meeting to order at 5:32PM.


Executive Director Jocelyn Kane called the Roll.

Present at the meeting were Commissioners, Bryant Tan, Laura Thomas, Steven Lee, Liam Frost, Dori Caminong and Al Perez.

1. Public Comment

Members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission with respect to agenda items, members of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes at the time such item is called.

Complaints regarding noise were made against Halcyon.

Tony Lou stated he lived near the venue and stated there has been a long history with the venue regarding and ongoing issue residential noise.  He added he has been before the Commission previously to voice his concerns regarding noise.

Kelly Ellis shared her concerns about her mental health and well-being.  She added her residence is directly across the street from Halcyon and lives on the second floor.  She added like the previous speaker she has been in contact with the Entertainment Commission about the ongoing issues with the sound system inside the venue as well as intoxicated crowds loitering outside.   She added the noise from the venue is like physiological torture and sleep deprivation. She added she loved her neighborhood and wants entertainment to exist but would also like a balance in the mixed use area.

Stillman Wong stated he lives behind the venue.  He added he would like to find a resolution to the existing noise he and his neighbors have been experiencing with the noise coming from the venue.   He added he tries to block out the noise with earplugs, the television and white noise.

Emery Mandell he added he lives on Norfolk Street he has been in the area for 13 years.  He added the common thread with the buildings was the physical structure of the building.  He added Gina Milano was a top flight operator.  He added so far they have not been able to find the sweet spot Halycon and their ability to have peace and quiet.  He asked the Commission to find an agreeable solution.

Public comment closed.

Commissioner Perez arrived at 5:41PM

Commissioner Frost arrived at 5:45PM

2. Approval of Meeting Minutes.  Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes of December 6, 2016 & February 7, 2017 Commission meeting. [Action item]

Commissioner Lee moved to approved Commissioner Thomas second the motion.


Yeas - Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Caminong, Commissioner Thomas, Commissioner Perez and Commissioner Tan
Noes - None

3. Report from Executive Director: Legislative/Policy Update; Staff and Office Update. [Discussion Item]

No comments were made.

4. Report from the Sound Inspectors: Jordan Pauley and Sean Burke report on recent venue sound inspections and report of activities by staff. [Discussion Item]

Inspector Pauley - Notes for EC meeting 2/21/17


2/19/2017 1:15 AM Infusion Lounge 124 Ellis St.: Performed a walkthrough.
2/18/2017 8:00 PM Harper & Rye 1695 Polk St.: Performed walkthrough and observance of operations.


2/9/2017 11:00 AM Monroe 473 Broadway: Received a noise complaint about the venue. Talked to venue and property management. Issue resolved.


2/19/2017 2:00 AM Hue 447 Broadway: On sight for their end of the night operations. Venue very busy; let outs very busy.

Inspector Burke - Notes for EC meeting 2/21/17

NEW COMPLAINT                          

1/24/17              El Toro            2470 San Bruno  Music being heard one block from venue.


2/11/17 11:45P  960 Folsom    960 Folsom        Load in activity witnessed at location of reported illegal afterhours venue.
2/12/17 12:00A  RS94109        1800 Mission     Performance extended past permitted time. Open containers on sidewalk. Operator admonished.
2/15/17 10:00P  Halcyon          314 11th St.       Extensive sound testing done from rooftops of nightlife establishments and neighboring residential buildings.

5. Report from the Senior Analyst – Community & Cultural Events: Dylan Rice and volunteer consultant Joyce Chai share findings and recommendations from a forthcoming evaluation report on fostering, sustaining, and promoting outdoor events in San Francisco. [Discussion Item]

Senior Analyst for Community & Cultural Events Dylan Rice gave a presentation and slide show with consultant Joyce Chai since. He added he was working with the Mayor’s office of Civic Innovation who are doing a program called Civic Bridge which matches private sector experts with public sector challenges to improve outdoor events.   He added he would share the status update with the fourth coming evaluation report, the scope and the key findings.  He added the point of the report was to help the Entertainment Commission lay the foundation for making policy and legislative change in order to help foster ascertain and promote outdoor events.  He added from the data collected they found three major challenges consistent across the board.  1) reducing the complexity of the permitting process; 2) to increase the transparency of the rules and regulations  3)  the need to address social economic pressures on outdoor events in the changing landscape of San Francisco.

6. Police Department Comments & Questions. This item allows any member of the SFPD to address the Commission regarding matters related to nightlife and public safety. [Discussion Item]

No Police comments were made.

7. Hearing and Possible Action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the Entertainment Commission. [Action item] 

Regular Agenda:

EC-1393 – Evans, Charlie, Bruce Jennison, Yayoi Mirande, Lone Star Saloon, 1354 Harrison St., Place of Entertainment and Billiard Parlor Permits.

Deputy Director Weiland stated the one permit applications for this evening was a change in ownership Place of Entertainment and Billiard Parlor permits for Lone Star Saloon located at 1354 Harrison Street. Lone Star Saloon is a bar in SOMA that historically is recognized as the birthplace of the Bear Movement. The bar’s new owners have been involved in the operations and management for years, and are planning to jeep operations very similar to the previous ownership. They will have DJs, fundraisers, and trivia nights, and will continue to use their premises as a billiard parlor as well. The applicants have reached out to all of their surrounding neighbors, and have received letters of support that you will see in your file. One letter from neighbor Gayle Rubin is detailed in regard to her relationship with the previous owners, and how she is giving her support to the new owners in the confidence that they will abide by the Good Neighbor Policy’s conditions. Southern Station approves this permit with attached conditions. Here to tell you more about Lone Star Saloon is owner Charlie Evans.

Commissioner Thomas moved to approve Commissioner Frost

Yeas - Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Caminong, Commissioner Thomas, Commissioner Perez and Commissioner Tan
Noes - None

8. Election of Vice President. This item allows the Commissioners to nominate and elect the seat of Vice President of the Entertainment Commission. [Action Item]

Commissioner Tan moved to continue the item to the next Commission meeting Commissioner Frost second the motion.

Yeas - Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Caminong, Commissioner Thomas, Commissioner Perez and Commissioner Tan
Noes - None

9.  Commissioner Comments & Questions. [Discussion item]

No comments were made.