Meetings - January 20, 2015 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
January 20, 2015 (All day)
City and County of San Francisco
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
City Hall, Hearing Room 416
Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102


Bryant Tan
Steven Lee
Liam Frost
Al Perez
Demetri Moshoyannis


Executive Director, Jocelyn Kane
Deputy Director, Cammy Blackstone
Sound Inspector, Sean Burke
Sound Inspector, Jordan Pauley
Commission Aide, Crystal Stewart


Vice Chair Hyde called the meeting to order at 5:32PM.


Director, Jocelyn Kane called the Roll.

Present at the meeting were Commissioners, Bryant Tan, Al Perez, Steven Lee and Liam Frost.

Absent were Audrey Joseph.

1. Public Comment

Members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission with respect to agenda items, members of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes at the time such item is called.

No public comment.

2. Review and approve the minutes of January 6, 2014. [Action item]

Commissioner Perez moved to approve the minutes of January 6, 2015 Commissioner Frost Second the motion.
AYES – Commissioner Perez, Commissioner Lee Commissioner Hyde, Commissioner Perez and Commissioner Frost
Absent – Commissioner Joseph
Sustain – Commissioner Moshoyannis and Commissioner Tan

Motion fails for lack of quorum.

Commissioner Perez moved to continue the minutes of January 6, 2015 Commissioner Frost Second the motion.
AYES – Commissioner Perez, Commissioner Lee Commissioner Hyde, Commissioner Tan, Commissioner Moshoyannis, Commissioner Perez and Commissioner Frost
Absent – Commissioner Joseph

3. Report from Executive Director Legislative/Policy Update: Late Night/Early Am Transit Working Group Board update; Request for LLP changes in SOMA Staff and Office Update: GSA update; Late Night Bus ride with BART board members; Corrective Actions: Nothing to Report. Report from the Sound Inspector’s Sean Burke and Jordan Pauley report on recent venue sound inspections and report of activities by staff. [Discussion Item]

Benjamin Van Houten with the Office of Economic and Workforce Development spoke on behalf of the late night bus transit service and additional bus service. He added that Bart would be evaluating and monitoring the success of the pilot program.

Inspector Pauley - Report for EC meeting 1/20/15
Subject: The Cellar / California Parking

On Monday, January 12th, 2015, a meeting took place between Permit Officer Steve Matthias, a representative of California Parking, Permit Officer O’Meara, officers of SFPD’s ALU, CEO of SIS security John Windsor, representatives of The Cellar, me, and Inspector Sean Burke. The meeting was in regards to both California Parking managed parking lots located near The Cellar. After a candid debate, it was established that the Police department would direct the management of California Parking to provide a security plan as required by SFMPC 1215. Best practices were also discussed and debated on. Overall, the meeting was good. Security is now definitely in place at one of the two California Parking managed lots at this location. At this time, the issue has been resolved to a satisfactory level.

Inspector Burke - Notes for EC meeting 1/20/15
1/10/15 Lou’s Fish Shack 300 Jefferson St.
1/17/15 Latin American Club 3286 22nd St.
1/17/15 El Valenciano 1153 Valencia St.
1/17/15 Bocce Cafe 478 Green St.
1/17/15 United Irish Cultural Center 2700 45th Ave.
1/17/15 Ha-Ra Club 875 Geary St.
1/17/15 Molotov’s 582 Haight St.
1/17/15 The Outsider 894 Geary St.
1/17/15 Friends Bar 558 Monterey Blvd.
1/16/15 -5:00 PM Oasis 298 11th: Approved.
Pour House 1233 Polk: Door open, loud music, entertainment past 10pm w/ LLP
Audio 316 11th St: “extremely loud bass heavy music 3 days a week from 9p-5a”
1/9/15 - 11:20 PM Pour House 1327 Polk St: Door open, in violation of 10pm LLP cutoff time
1/9/15 - 11:30 PM Mayes Oyster House 1233 Polk St: Door open, in violation of dB limit, 49 MPC
1/10/15 - 9:50 PM La Oficina 4234 Mission: Door open, 49 MPC
Public comment

Jim Meko spoke on the Limited Live Performance permits in SOMA and was present to defend an 18 year community planning process. He added he served on the Entertainment Commission and every time they met he would explain what the latest issues were in SOMA regarding entertainment, yet during the entire 8 years not a single Commissioner bother to attend any of the community meetings. He added Director Jocelyn Kane attend two or three meetings. He added in general every month they met four or five times, about neighborhood fabric, land use and transportation and entertainment. He added in western SOMA a processed that involved 100’s of neighbors who live, work and play in SOMA they met specifically on entertainment more than 60 times. He added it was not a perfect plan but a balance to improve life for everybody.

Jerome Newton spoke on the 800 bus route for the late night bus transportation. He added he used the bus route and frequent a lot of the entertainment venues Monday through Friday. He added a lot of the venues hold shows run past midnight and you lose that connectivity and entertainment revenue. He added he resides in Oakland and he was not the only one and there are people who are setting their cell phones to time the 800 bus that will hit Market Street and don’t want to stand out there for an hour. He added it was vital they pass it and implement the service because it was useful and appreciated.

Public comment closed.

3. Police Department Comments & Questions. [Discussion Item] (This item allows any member of the SFPD to address the Commission regarding matters related to nightlife and public safety).

Officer Steve Mathias stated with regards to a meeting to go over the issues of Cellar for SFPD help with security and best practices for the club. He added they spoke about the incidents at the parking lot and about the robbery. He added also there is an illegal food vendor in the area that generates 20 -30 people creating noise for the residents and possible fights. He added there will be security Friday and Saturday nights at the parking lot. He added they recommended having bottle service be served as it was a temptation for patrons and recommend monitor Saloon threat by security, aggravated assault at Tupelo, there was a disturbance of peace at club Atmosphere and the incident was being investigated. He added at 10:30 AM there was an incident on Broadway relating to drug dealing, violence and use. He added undercover officer went to Cosmo and they did drug bust and the seller attempted to assault the officer.

5. Hearing and Possible Action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the Entertainment Commission. [Action item]

a) EC-1286 Harris Rosenbloom dba Great Star Theater 636 Jackson, Place of Entertainment Permit.

Mark Rennie spoke on behalf of the applicant. He added there were issues with the Planning Department due to lack of records from the Planning Department. He added the theater was important to the arts community. He requested a two week continuance to the February 3, 2015 meeting.

Public comment
No public comment.

Commissioner Perez moved to continue Commissioner Lee second the motion
AYES – Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Lee Commissioner Hyde, Commissioner Perez and Commissioner Joseph

b) EC-1289 Janene Summerland dba Whole Foods 1150 Ocean Avenue, Limited Live Performance permit.

Janene Summerland spoke on behalf of the permit.
Commissioner Perez stated he lived near the store and thanked the applicant for their permit applicaiton.

Public Comment

Neil Ballet stated the event was successful that was held.

Stefano Castallano supports the permit application.

Commissioner Lee moved to approve Commissioner Perez second the motion
AYES – Commissioner Perez, Commissioner Lee Commissioner Hyde, Commissioner Tan, Commissioner Moshoyannis, Commissioner Perez and Commissioner Frost
Absent – Commissioner Joseph

6. Discussion and possible action to approve the special permit procedure for certain dates per SF Police Code section 1060. 29.1. [Discussion item]

Lt. Dave Falzon stated this is being driven by Entertainment Commission Legislation. He added they didn’t pick the 40 days and he thought the discussion would be about dates and policy and procedure and agreed there should be about dialog.

No public comment was made.

7. Commissioner Comments & Questions.
[Discussion item]

Commissioner Frost stated they need to
agendize the selection of a new vice president.

Commissioner Perez inquired about when the next retreat may take place.

Director Jocelyn Kane stated possibly in June or July 2015 after a new commissioner is appointed.

Commissioner Moshoyannis stated he had a great meeting with staff to discuss some issues around public health and what they can do from the Commission’s perspective. He added they discussed trying to work with the Department of Public Health to see if they have any data they are collecting that the Commission could overlap with places of entertainment for emergency transport and to see it the data compares with other cities. He added what could come out of it is the need of a preventative campaign for harm reduction. He added if possible find out who at DPH they could work with and get the data and report back to the Commission as it’s available.

8. New Business Request for Future Agenda
Items. [Action item] (This item is to allow
Commissioners to introduce agenda items for future consideration).

Election of vice president for the February 3, 2015 meeting.

Adjourned at 6:56 P.M.