Meetings - January 6, 2015 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
January 6, 2015 (All day)
City Hall, Hearing Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

City and County of San Francisco
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
City Hall, Hearing Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA  94102



Audrey Joseph
Glendon Hyde
Al Perez
Steven Lee
Liam Frost



Executive Director, Jocelyn Kane
Deputy Director, Cammy Blackstone
Sound Inspector, Sean Burke
Sound Inspector, Jordan Pauley
Commission Aide, Crystal Stewart


Vice Chair Hyde called the meeting to order at 5:37PM.


Director, Jocelyn Kane called the Roll. 

Present at the meeting were Commissioners, Audrey Joseph, Al Perez, Glendon Hyde, Steven Lee, Liam Frost.

Absent were Bryant Tan and Demetri Moshoyannis

1. Public Comment

Members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission with respect to agenda items, members of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes at the time such item is called.

No public comment.

2. Review and approve the minutes of December 16, 2014 [Action item]

Corrections were made to the December 16, 2014 minutes to add Al Perez and Audrey Joseph in attendance for meeting.

Commissioner Perez moved to approve to include Commissioner Perez and Commissioner Joseph Commissioner Joseph second the motion


AYES – Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Lee Commissioner Hyde, Commissioner Joseph and Commissioner Perez

Absent Commissioner Tan and Commissioner Moshoyannis

Director Jocelyn Kane presented Vice President Glendon Hyde with a certificate of appreciation on his last day as a Commissioner of the Entertainment Commission.

Vice President Hyde thanked the Commission and it was great to be of service to the Commission.

Supervisor Jane Kim presented Commissioner Hyde with a proclamation from the Board of Supervisors for his years of service on with the Entertainment Commission. 

3. Report from Executive Director Legislative/Policy Update: Update on legislation regarding protection of POE and new residential uses; Staff and Office Update:  New Year’s Eve Report; Late Night/Early AM Transportation Plan update; KQED Forum appearance 12/30/2014;  Corrective Actions: Director’s response to request from SFPD for 72-hour public safety suspension pursuant to Police Code Sec 1060.20.3 for Atmosphere, POE #EC-953, located at 447 Broadway, SF. Report from the Sound Inspector’s Sean Burke and Jordan Pauley report on recent venue sound inspections and report of activities by staff. [Discussion Item]

Inspector Burke - Notes for EC meeting 1/6/15

12/31/14 - 10:30 PM Hotel Vitale 8 Mission: No permit. No issues. Permit application in progress.
12/31/14 - 10:45 PM Region 139 Steuart: See attached Inspection Report.
12/31/14 - 11:00 PM Terra Gallery 511 Harrison: Big crowd, good lines, strong security presence.
12/31/14 - 11:00 PM Sound Factory 525 Harrison: Big crowd, good lines, strong security presence.
12/31/14 - 11:15 PM Temple Nightclub 540 Howard: Big line. Well managed. See attached report.
12/31/14 - 11:20 PM W Hotel 181 3rd St: Minimal line. Well staffed.
12/31/14 - 11:25 PM Marriot Marquis 55 4th St: No line.
12/31/14 - 11:30 PM 1015 Folsom 1015 Folsom: Minimal line. Well staffed.
12/31/14 - 11:50 PM The Parlor 2801 Leavenworth: No line.
1/1/14 - 12:35 AM Pena Pachamama 1630 Powell: Live entertainment. No permit. Will follow up.
1/1/14 - 1:30 AM Julia Morgan Ballroom 465 California: No line. Strong security presence.

1/3/15 - 9:00 PM Jaxon 3231 Fillmore: Approved.

12/26/14 - 8:16 AM Mayes 1233 Polk: Windows open on Polk Street side. Loud bass and patrons.

12/28/14 - 1:18 AM The Chapel 777 Valencia: In violation of decibel level limit. See attached NOV.
1/1/15 - 1:35 AM Carbon 383 Bay: Issued by SFPD. Multiple violations. See attached for details.
Inspector Pauley - Notes for EC meeting 1/6/15


12/31/2014 10:50PM Bruno’s 2389 Mission St.: Stopped at the bar because of ill-managed sidewalks.
1/1/2015 12:15AM The W. Hotel 181 3rd St.: Performed a summary inquiry into their event’s happenings. In compliance.
1/1/2015 12:45AM Infusion Lounge 124 Ellis St.: Performed a summary inquiry into their night’s events. In compliance.
1/1/2015 1:00AM The Cellar 685 Sutter St.: Performed a summary inquiry into their night’s events. In compliance.
1/1/2015 1:20AM Harper & Rye 1695 Polk St.: Performed a summary inquiry into their night’s events. In compliance.
1/1/2015 2:20AM The Armory 1800 Mission St.: Performed a summary inquiry into their night’s events. In compliance.

12/30/2014 11:30AM American Karaoke Center 870 Taraval St.: Received a report from the Taraval Police station documented numerous violations observed. The violations were in regards to ordinances regarding noise abatement, the posting of signage, security plan requirements, and unlawful alcohol service.


12/31/2014 10:50PM Bruno’s 2389 Mission St.: An NOV will be issued because of ill-managed sidewalks. This has been a chronic issue at the location.


1/2/2015 9:00PM Bocce Café 748 Green St.: Contact information was updated. An updated permit will be issued.

4. Police Department Comments & Questions. [Discussion Item]

(This item allows any member of the SFPD to address the Commission regarding matters related to nightlife and public safety).

Officer Steve Mathias stated the last few weeks were relatively quite.  He added NYE had a lot going on but he felt the clubs did a good job. He added on NYE the Westin St. Francis had a party and one person was escorted out and attacked security and another person and was arrested.  He added a patron at the Condor assaulted a manager and was arrested as well.

He added there was a notice of violation at Carbon 383 Bay at 1:35AM for violation of the Good neighbor policy and excessive noise, no POE permit and blocking of the sidewalk and patrons were yelling and screaming.  He added

The Parlor now called Fort 1 they went there on New Year’s Eve around 1am to 2am a female throwing up over intoxication another individual drunk for over serving of patrons he began to realize the venue was selling alcohol to intoxicated individuals.  He added he noticed loitering at the venue and spoke to the security and the manager of the issues and the ALU generated a report listing the violation.   He added they talked about the gun brandishing at parking lot across from the Cellar. A patron stated the person was at the Cellar.  He added there was an assault at.

Lt. Dave Flazon stated he met with commanders Redman and Commander Tom who are the commanders of his patrol division after NYE overall they were pleased with entertainment in the city.  He added the city performed pretty well that NYE night.  He added he spent time in the northern district which was surprisingly quiet and the mission was average.  He added Polk Street was active but manageable. Broadway went well he mentioned Atmosphere was closed that evening.

No public comment.

5. Hearing and Possible Action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the Entertainment Commission.   [Action item]

Consent Agenda:

All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine by the Entertainment Commission, and will be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the Commission.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Commission, the public, or staff so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing.

Ivor Bradley dba Horner’s Corner, 1199 Church St. Limited Live Performance permit.

Cyril Hackett dba Mad Dog In The Fog, 530 Haight Street, Billiard Parlor permit.

Public comment

No public comment.

Commissioner Hyde moved to approve the Consent Calendar Commission Frost second the motion


AYES – Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Lee Commissioner Hyde, Commissioner Joseph and Commissioner Perez

Absent Commissioner Tan and Commissioner Moshoyannis

Regular Agenda:

Jordan Langer dba The Empire Room, 555 Golden Gate Place of Entertainment permit.

Public comment

No public comment.

Commissioner Joseph moved to approve Commissioner Lee second the motion


AYES – Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Lee Commissioner Hyde, Commissioner Joseph and Commissioner Perez

Absent Commissioner Tan and Commissioner Moshoyannis

Jordan Langer, dba Odd Job, 1337 Mission St.  Place of Entertainment permit.

Officer McGoldrick stated SFPD recommends approval.

Commissioner Frost moved to approve Commissioner Joseph second the motion


AYES – Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Lee Commissioner Hyde, Commissioner Joseph and Commissioner Perez

Absent Commissioner Tan and Commissioner Moshoyannis

Harris, Rosenbloom dba Great Star Theater, 636 Jackson Place of Entertainment permit.

Jason Wanigatunga dba Fort 1, 2801 Leavenworth Place of Entertainment permit.

Public comment

Richard sated he lives around the corner of The  Great Star Theatre and supports the permit application.

Commissioner Joseph moved to continue items E & F at the request of the applicants Commissioner Perez second the motion seconds the motion 


AYES – Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Lee Commissioner Hyde, Commissioner Joseph and Commissioner Perez

Absent Commissioner Tan and Commissioner Moshoyannis

6.  Commissioner Comments & Questions.   [Discussion item]

Commissioner Joseph stated NYE went well.

Commissioner Frost stated the inspector’s SFPD and staff should be commended on their work with the venues on running NYE events. 

Commissioner Perez thanked Commissioner Hyde for his service on the Commission.

Commissioner Lee stated every venue had a party for NYE.

7.  New Business Request for Future Agenda Items. [Action item]

(This item is to allow Commissioners to introduce agenda items for future consideration).

The February 17, 2015 meeting was cancelled.

Adjourned 7:02 PM