Meetings - June 15, 2021 - Minutes
City and County of San Francisco
Entertainment Commission
Meeting was held remotely
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
5:30 P.M.
Regular Meeting
COMMISSIONERS PRESENT, Ben Bleiman (President), Dori Caminong (Vice President), Steven Lee, Laura Thomas, Al Perez, Dave Falzon, Cyn Wang
STAFF IN ATTENDANCE: Executive Director Maggie Weiland; Senior Analyst Dylan Rice; Senior Inspector Antonio Savino; Commission Aide Crystal Kennedy
+ indicates a speaker in support of an item;
- indicates a speaker in opposition of an item; and
= indicates a neutral speaker or a speaker who did not indicate support or opposition
- General Public Comment
Members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission. With respect to agenda items, members of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes at the time such item is called.
No public comment.
- Approval of Meeting Minutes. Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes of the June 1, 2021 Commission meeting. [Discussion and Possible Action Item]
Public Comment: None
MOTION: Commissioner Wang moved to approve the June 1, 2021 meeting minutes; Commissioner Falzon seconded the motion.
ACTION: Approved Minutes for June 1, 2021
AYES: Vice President Caminong, Commissioner Thomas, Commissioner Wang, Commissioner Falzon, President Bleiman, Commissioner Perez, Commissioner Lee
NAYS: None
3. Report from Executive Director: Legislative/Policy Update: Reserve for any updates on the San Francisco Public Health Order rules and directives, the “Just Add Music” or JAM Program, current and pending legislation, and the SF Music and Entertainment Venue Recovery Fund; Staff and Office Update: none; Update on Board of Appeals Actions: none; Corrective Actions: none. [Discussion Item]
Public Comment: None
4. Report from Senior Inspector: Senior Inspector Antonio Savino reports on recent enforcement activities. [Discussion Item]
Public Comment: None
5. Hearing and Possible Action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the Entertainment Commission. [Discussion and Possible Action Item]
Regular Agenda:
- EC-815 – Ross Crum and Lawrence Metzger of TDG Inc., dba SF Mix, 4086 18th Street, Place of Entertainment permit – amendment.
Public Comment: None
MOTION: President Bleiman moved to continue the item to the call of the chair; Commissioner Falzon seconded the motion.
ACTION: Item a) Continued to the call of the chair.
AYES: President Bleiman, Vice President Caminong, Commissioner Thomas, Commissioner Perez, Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Falzon, Commissioner Wang
b) EC-1593 – Thomas Mills of Kinross LLC, dba Nickie’s Irish Pub, 466 Haight Street, Place of Entertainment permit
Speaker: Thomas Mills, Kinross LLC, dba Nickie’s Irish Pub
Public comment: None
MOTION: Commissioner Lee moved to approve the Place of Entertainment Permit with staff recommendations; Commissioner Wang seconded the motion.
ACTION: Approved Place of Entertainment Permit.
AYES: Vice President Caminong, President Bleiman, Commissioner Thomas, Commissioner Perez, Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Falzon, Commissioner Wang
c) EC-1592 – Susan Peko c/o CBRE Inc. for 301 Battery, LLC, dba The Reserve, 301 Battery Street, Place of Entertainment permit.
Speakers: Syr Icban, The Reserve
Susan Peko, The Reserve
Public comment: None
MOTION: Commissioner Thomas moved to approve the Place of Entertainment Permit with Good Neighbor Policy and staff recommendations; Commissioner Perezseconded the motion.
ACTION: Approved Place of Entertainment Permit.
d) EC-1589 – Richard Yu of Northern Bubbles, LLC, dba Northern Ducks, 1355 Market Street Suites 120 & 180, Place of Entertainment permit.
Speakers: Sarah Samuel, Northern Bubbles
Jose Montoya, Northern Bubbles
Public comment: None
MOTION: President Bleiman moved to approve the Place of Entertainment Permit with staff recommendations; Commissioner Perez seconded the motion.
ACTION: Approved Place of Entertainment Permit.
AYES: Vice President Caminong, President Bleiman, Commissioner Thomas, Commissioner Perez, Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Wang, Commissioner Falzon
6. Commissioner Comments & Questions; New Business Request for Future Agenda Items: This item is to allow Commissioners to introduce agenda items for future consideration, and to make announcements. [Action item and Announcements]