Meetings - June 19, 2018 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
June 19, 2018 - 5:30pm
City Hall, Hearing Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

City and County of San Francisco
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
City Hall, Hearing Room 416
Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA  94102



Bryant Tan
Laura Thomas
Al Perez
Dori Caminong
Ben Bleiman
Steven Lee



Acting Director, Maggie Weiland
Senior Sound Inspector, Sean Burke
Sound Inspector, Michael Florentino
Senior Analyst, Community & Cultural Events, Dylan Rice
Commission Aide, Crystal Stewart


The meeting came to order at 5:36PM.

Laura Thompson was absent.


Members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission. With respect to agenda items, members of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes at the time such item is called. 

1. General Public comment.

No public comment was made.

2. Approval of Meeting Minutes.  Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes of May 15, 2018 Commission meeting.          [Action Item]

Vice Chair Thomas made a name correction to her name.
Commissioner Caminong moved to approve Commissioner Thomas second the motion -  

Yeas - Commissioner Caminong, Commissioner Perez, Commissioner Thomas, Commissioner Tan, Commissioner Lee and Commissioner Bleiman

2. Report from Acting Director: Legislative/Policy Update: Nothing to Report; Staff and Office Update: Update on Sound Inspector Hiring and New EC Retreat Date; Update on Board of Appeals Actions: Nothing to Report; Corrective Actions: Nothing to Report. [Discussion Item]

Dylan Rice – reported on the following:  Final edits and feedbacks from city departments great points were brought up to make the guide more clear.  He added he is working with Comm. Perez to make edits then the initial roll out of the guide and sharing with the stakeholders and get their feedback.  Single use plastic band use that speaks to events that take place on city property outdoor and indoor.  The must insure that 10% of the attendees have reusable cups. If the legislation gets drafted to make sure it’s clear and get as much data as possible.

4. Report from Sound Inspector: Inspector Sean Burke reports on recent venue inspections and activities. [Discussion Item] Insert Report

6/6/18 12:00 AM
Chug Pub 1849 Lincoln NP* Operator working directly with complainant to address concerns.
6/6/18 12:00
AM  Bond 3079 16th St POE Complainant states that sound is coming from a "noise deterrent" - left message for more information.
6/6/18 @ 2:30pm, 8pm, and 9pm Great Northern 119 Utah POE/EHP Spoke to organizer Brett Cline about noise complaints, regulations regarding outdoor event sound restriction. Encouraged to do more of neighborhood outreach.

SOUND TEST                                                                
6/6/18 1:30 PM Ghirardelli Square 900 North Point LLP Conducted outdoor sound tests for plaza area. Passed.

6/8/18 10:30 PM 3910 Geary
3910 Geary NP* After hosting karaoke without a permit for two weekends in a row, operator was not hosting any entertainment.
6/8/18 10:45 PM Riptide 3639 Taraval POE Door closed on arrival. No sound audible from across the street. New bar called "White Cap" had a door open.
6/8/18 11:15 PM 
Lone Star Saloon 1354 Harrison POE        Drapes on front door were closed. Not audible from street. Will continue to monitor.
6/8/18 11:30 PM F8   1192 Folsom POE/EHP Met with head of sound after complaint. Will be redoing their sound test with newer meter to ensure accuracy.
6/8/18 11:50 PM HUE 447 Broadway
POE ID Scanners in use. Guards wearing shirts with "security" in plain view. Small crowd. Safe dispersal of crowd.
6/9/18 1:30 AM Malibu 3395 Mission POE Audible from rear of building. In touch with neighbors. Will continue to monitor.
6/15/18 8:30 PM
F8 1192 Folsom POE/EHP Met with venue owners, conducted sound test to set ambient sound level. Will return to set max sound level.
6/15/18 9:45 PM   Playland   1351 Polk POE Spoke with managers about complaint and asked that they keep door closed.
6/15/18 1:15 PM   Redford    673 Geary NP* Has hosted entertainment without permit. Spoke with owner. Will connect with staff for permitting.
6/16/18 12:00 AM Halcyon 314 11th St POE/EHP Conducted sound inspection. Operator found to be in compliance.
6/16/18 12:15 AM Bergerac 316 11th St POE/EHP Organized line. Plenty of security in front. Inaudible from street.

ONGOING COMPLAINTS                                                            
Original: Since last hearing:
12/16/18 311 Great American Music Hall 
850 O'FFARELL POE Complaint 6/17 @ 11:30pm
8/20/17 311 Bender's 806 S VAN NESS POE Complaint 6/16 @ 11:23pm
10/29/16 Email Hue 447 BROADWAY POE No complaints since last hearing.
11/14/16 Text Halcyon 314 11TH ST EHP Complaints 6/3 @ 1:50am (sound) & Report of post 4am event
9/29/17 Text Double Dutch 3192 16TH ST POE No complaints since last hearing.

5. Report from the Senior Analyst: Dylan Rice shares an update on current projects to support the vitality of community and cultural outdoor events. [Discussion Item] Senior Analyst Dylan Rice – reported on the following: 

Senior Analyst Dylan Rice Stated the final edits and feedbacks from city department’s great points were brought up to make the guide clearer.  He added he is working with Comm. Perez to make edits then the initial roll out of the guide and sharing with the stakeholders and get their feedback.  Single use plastic band use that speaks to events that take place on city property outdoor and indoor.  The must insure that 10% of the attendees have reusable cups. If the legislation gets drafted to make sure it’s clear and get as much data as possible.

6. Police Department Comments & Questions. This item allows any member of the SFPD to address the Commission regarding matters related to nightlife and public safety. [Discussion Item]

No comments were made.

7. Hearing and Possible Action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the Entertainment Commission. [Discussion and Possible Action Item]

Consent Calendar:
All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine by the Entertainment Commission, and will be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the Commission.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Commission, the public, or staff so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing.

Consent Agenda:
a) EC-1449 – Clyde, Janet, Vesuvio, 255 Columbus Ave., Limited Live Performance Permit.
b) EC-1450 – Sison, Deanna and Mia Weening, Victory Hall & Parlor, 360 Ritch St., Limited Live Performance Permit.
c) EC-1424 – Murphy, Scott, Nate Valentine, and Chad Donnelly, August Hall & Fifth Arrow, 420 & 430 Mason St., amendment to include Mechanical Amusement Device Permit.

Commissioner Thomas moved to approve the consent calendar Commissioner Caminong second the motion
Yeas - Commissioner Caminong, Commissioner Perez, Commissioner Thomas, Commissioner Tan, Commissioner Lee and Commissioner Bleiman

8. Commissioner Comments & Questions. [Announcements]

No comments were made.

9. Public comment on all matters pertaining to Item 11 below, Closed Session, including public comment on vote for whether to hold Item 11 in closed session.  No public comment.

10. Vote on Whether to Hold Item 11 in Closed Session Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 and San Francisco Administrative Code Section 67.10(b). [Action Item]

Commissioner Camiong moved to approve Closed Session Commissioner Perez second the motion – All yeas
Yeas - Commissioner Caminong, Commissioner Perez, Commissioner Thomas, Commissioner Tan, Commissioner Lee and Commissioner Bleiman

Closed session begins 6:32 PM.

11. Closed Session Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 and San Francisco Administrative Code Section 67.10(b) – Public Employee Appointment:  Executive Director, Entertainment Commission.  Discussion and possible action to submit nominees to the Mayor pursuant to City Charter Sections 3.100(19) and 4.102(5).  [Discussion and Possible Action Item]

12. Reconvene in Open Session:  Vote to Elect Whether to Disclose Any or All Discussions Held in Closed Session.  (San Francisco Administrative Code Section 67.12(a).)   [Action Item]

Commissioner Lee moved to approve not to disclose closed session Commissioner Perez second the motion.
Yeas - Commissioner Caminong, Commissioner Perez, Commissioner Thomas, Commissioner Tan, Commissioner Lee and Commissioner Bleiman

Adjourned meeting at 7:30PM