Meetings - May 17, 2016 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
May 17, 2016 - 5:30pm
City Hall, Hearing Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

Continued Minutes

City and County of San Francisco
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
City Hall, Hearing Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA  94102


Bryant Tan
Steven Lee
Audrey Joseph
Liam Frost


Deputy Director, Maggie Weiland
Sound Inspector, Sean Burke
Sound Inspector, Jordan Pauley
Commission Aide, Crystal Stewart


Chair Tan called the meeting to order at 5:32PM.


Deputy Director, Maggie Weiland called the Roll. 

Present at the meeting were Commissioners
Bryant Tan, Audrey Joseph, Steven Lee and Liam Frost.
Absent were Al Perez, Laura Thomas and Dori Caminong.

1. Public Comment

Members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission with respect to agenda items, members of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes at the time such item is called.

No public comment.

2. Approval of Meeting Minutes.  Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes of the May 3, 2016 Commission meeting. [Action item]

Commissioner Joseph moved to continue the minutes of May 3, 2016 due to lack of a quorum.  Commissioner Lee second the motion


Yeas - Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Tan, Commissioner Joseph, Commissioner Frost
Absent - Commissioner Perez Commissioner Thomas and Commissioner Caminong

3. Report from Inspectors. Report from the Sound Inspectors Jordan Pauley and Sean Burke report on recent venue sound inspections and report of activities by staff. [Discussion Item]

Report from Inspector Sean Burke.

NEW COMPLAINTS                        

5/10/17 Milan Pizza 606 Geary St

Complaint of boisterous patrons between the hours of 2am and 4am.

5/17/16 Café Royale 800 Post St.
Complaint of music audible from establishment.                                                       


5/7/16 10:25P Love & Propaganda 85 Campton Place
Observed flow of patrons entering and exiting. Well-staffed and organized lines.

5/7/16 10:45P   Hue 447 Broadway
Minimal line outside establishment. Crowd not impeding flow of foot traffic.

5/8/16 1:00A Asiento 2730 21st St
Took measurements during live entertainment. Compared to previous ambient measurements, and found no violation.

5/14/16 12:30A Building 181
1 Ave of Palms   Organized check-in process. Professional, and distinctively clothed security presence. Not overcrowded.

5/14/16 1:00A Temple
540 Howard St   Organized line, thorough screening of patrons.

5/14/16 1:30A Kells Irish Bar
530 Jackson St
Observed flow of patrons exiting at close. Staff directing patrons and traffic to ensure safety.

5/15/16 2:45A Venue 550
550 15th St. Permitted Extended Hours Premises. Good lines and distinctively clothed security presence.

5/15/16 3:15A Milan Pizza
606 Geary Staffed with security at entrance. No crowds gathered. Inspection concluded without incident.

Inspector Pauley - Notes for EC meeting 5/17/16


5/14/2016 11:20 PM Bissip Baobab 3372 19th St.: Performed a walkthrough inspection to check for properly posted signage.


5/14/2016 12:15 AM Delirium 3139 16th St.: Previously had issues with patrons congregating in alleyway. In compliance.
5/13/2016 11:00 PM The Knockout 3223 Mission St.: Venue had been previously warned and cited for having open doors during entertainment. In compliance.
5/7/2016 11:15 PM Monroe 473 Broadway: Talked with venue and complainant about meeting to hash out noise issues.
5/6/2016 5:30 PM The Square Bar & Kitchen 1707 Powell St.: Speakers were removed from wall. Situation is better though complainant not totally happy. In compliance.


4/22/2016 1:00 AM Noe Valley Ministry 1021 Sanchez St.: Received a complaint in regards to noise and possible unpermitted events happening at location. Inquiring with planning about the details of what the establishment is allowed to do.

Establishment promoting a ticketed event slated for the weekend of 20May16. Activity looks like entertainment. Will make contact this weekend.

4. Police Department Comments & Questions.

This item allows any member of the SFPD to address the Commission regarding matters related to nightlife and public safety. [Discussion Item]

5. Consent Calendar

All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine by the Entertainment Commission, and will be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the Commission.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Commission, the public, or staff so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing.

6. Hearing and Possible Action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the Entertainment Commission. [Action item]

Regular Agenda:

ECLSP-5228 – Lobatz, Tova, dba Heron Arts, The Detroiter Benefit Show, Heron Street and Berwick Place, 7/30/2016, 4PM – 12AM, Loudspeaker Permit.

Deputy Director Wieland stated the permit application for this evening is a loudspeaker permit for an event called the Detroiter Benefit Show taking place on July 30th, 2016 at Heron Street and Berwick Place in front of the Heron Arts Studio. This location is in SOMA and is closest to 8th and Harrison Streets. The applicant is requesting to have DJs play music until 12pm, so since it is past 10pm I wanted to bring this to Commission this evening to seek your recommendation. The applicant has done neighborhood outreach with the letter in your files, and we have not received any negative feedback about the upcoming event. They have received a street closure permit from ISCOTT, and they have been given approval by Southern Station with four conditions attached on page 2 of this application. The applicant, Tova Lobatz is here to tell you more about her application.

No Public comment.

Commissioner Joseph moved to approve with SFPD conditions Commissioner Frost second the motion


Yeas - Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Tan, Commissioner Joseph, Commissioner Frost
Absent - Commissioner Perez Commissioner Thomas and Commissioner Caminong

EC-1347 – Kwon, Beung, Paina Restaurant & Lounge, 1865 Post Street, Limited Live Performance Permit, Change in Ownership.

Deputy Director Wieland stated the permit application for this evening is a change in ownership for a Limited Live Performance space for Paina Restaurant & Lounge located at 1865 Post Street in Japantown. Paina was originally on calendar with us for October 2015, but ran into an issue with Planning at that time. That issue has since been resolved, and the Planning Department have given their approval for this premises to again be an LLP. Paina plans to have live music and comedy shows as an accessory use to their existing Hawaiian fusion themed restaurant and bar. They have done neighborhood outreach and have received some signatures of support that you will see in your files. They have also reached out to neighborhood organizations in the area including Kimochi, but have not heard back. I have not received any opposition about this permit application. Northern Station approves this permit application with the good neighbor policy as a condition. Here to tell you more about his permit application is owner Beung Kwon.

No Public comment.

Commissioner Joseph moved to approve with the Good Neighbor Policy Commissioner Lee second the motion


Yeas - Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Tan, Commissioner Joseph, Commissioner Frost
Absent - Commissioner Perez Commissioner Thomas and Commissioner Caminong

EC-1367 – Mahmood, Hassan, Coin Op Game Room, 508 4th Street, Mechanical Amusement Device Permit.

Deputy Director Wieland stated the final permit application for this evening is for a Mechanical Amusement Device permit for Coin Op Game Room located at 508 4th Street in the space that formally was the Drake. The owner plans to use the space as a restaurant with a group-share plate focused menu as well as specialty craft cocktails and California microbrew menu with retro arcade games for ambiance. The owner has reached out to all of the businesses in the area and I’ve attached their letters of support in response here. I did not receive any negative feedback about this application. Southern Station approves this permit application with attached basic conditions. Here to tell you more about the application is owner Hassan Mahmood.

No Public comment.

Commissioner Liam moved to approve with SFPD’s conditions Commissioner Joseph second the motion


Yeas - Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Tan, Commissioner Joseph, Commissioner Frost
Absent - Commissioner Perez Commissioner Thomas and Commissioner Caminong

Commissioner Comments & Questions.   [Discussion item]

Commissioner Joseph stated she would be moderating a panel this Thursday for Leadership San Francisco on entertainment in the city called Sex, Drugs & Rock n Roll.

Chair Tan stated the Commission is canceling the July 5, 2016 meeting.

7. New Business Request for Future Agenda Items. [Discussion item] (This item is to allow Commissioners to introduce agenda items for future consideration).

Commissioner Joseph stated she would like to add to vote for an alternate member for the Residential review Committee.