Meetings - September 7, 2018 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
September 7, 2018 - 1:00pm
Fairmont San Francisco - Garden Room
950 Mason Street
San Francisco, CA 94108

City and County of San Francisco
Special Meeting
Friday, September 7, 2018, 1:00 P.M.
Fairmont San Francisco - Garden Room
950 Mason Street,
San Francisco, CA. 94108



Ben Bleiman
Dori Caminong
Bryant Tan
Laura Thomas
Al Perez
Steven Lee



Acting Director, Maggie Weiland
Senior Sound Inspector, Sean Burke
Sound Inspector, Antonio Savino
Senior Analyst, Community & Cultural Events, Dylan Rice
Commission Aide, Crystal Kennedy


The meeting came to order at 1:10PM.


Members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission. With respect to agenda items, members of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes at the time such item is called. 

1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: for special meeting and retreat of the Entertainment Commission.

2. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT: Members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission. With respect to agenda items, members of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes at the time such item is called.

Male speaker stated there should be more African American nightlife venues in the city of San Francisco.

3. INTRODUCTION BY COMMISSION PRESIDENT BEN BLEIMAN: The Entertainment Commission President will give an introduction to the meeting. [Discussion Item]

Chair Bleiman gave a brief introduction on the history of the Entertainment Commission.  He thanked the previous staff and commissioners who helped create the body of the Entertainment Commission. He added the Entertainment Commission was unique from other commissions because the responsibility was to regulate and promote entertainment. He added he was looking forward on how the Commission can continue encourage and promote responsible safe community oriented nightlife and how to continue to promote nightlife in a way to ensure that San Francisco was a world class city that has world class nightlife.

Public comment
No public comment was made.

4. INTRODUCTION BY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MAGGIE WEILAND: The Entertainment Commission Executive Director will discuss meeting agenda. [Discussion Item]
Executive Director Maggie Weiland thanked the staff and Commissioners for attending the retreat today.  She added it was an exciting time for the Commission and this was her first month as the Director and she wants to be a blank slate for the commission and staff.  She added and looked forward to implementing a lot of work with the Entertainment Commission going forward. 

5. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL: Deputy City Attorney, Leila Mongan, will discuss legal responsibilities of the Entertainment Commission. [Discussion Item]

Deputy City Attorney Leila Mongan introduced herself to staff and her role to represent the Department and City Attorney Brad Russi’s role to represent the Commission in hearings. She discussed the Commission policies and ordinances and adoption of rules.   She added the importance of the body of the commission as it relates to communication and interaction with the public and Supervisors.  She added it was important to keep consistency in voting and the importance of taking public comment before a vote. 

6. DISCUSSION WITH SALTER M. ASSOCIATES, INC. RE: BEST PRACTICES FOR SOUND STUDIES: Eric Mori and Jordan Roberts of Salter M. Associates, Inc. will discuss best practices regarding sound studies for residential development review projects. [Discussion Item]

Jordan Roberts with Salter & Associates gave an overview slideshow presentation on noise assessments and the demographics and locations that exceeded ambient noise and   determinations of measurement locations.  He discussed the daytime and nighttime measurements of venue locations and Salters window suggestions for venues and recommendations.  He discussed Place of Entertainment added Place of Entertainment POE studies and window STC increases and re-orienting project residences and changes needed. 

7. REPORT FROM BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER FOR THE NIGHTLIFE AND ENTERTAINMENT SECTOR: Benjamin Van Houten from the Office of Economic and Workforce Development shares an update on current projects and legislation in the local nightlife and entertainment sector. [Discussion Item]

Benjamin Van Houten from the Office of Economic and Workforce Development gave an over view of the state of the retail sector and the challenges and opportunities for San Francisco’s Neighborhood commercial District. The overview covered national tends the impact of national trends on San Francisco neighborhoods retail, other local challenges, business adaptions best practices for successful commercial districts and implications.  He added pending legislation SB905 would empower nine cities to participate services hours.  He added implementations start 2021 and would sunset after five years.  He added they are kicking off a music industry study sound diplomacy music strategies with cities to bring together different pieces of the industry with focus groups and stakeholders of the industry.

Chair Bleiman suggested Executive Director Wieland the Entertainment Commission have a strong seat at the table in this process discussed by Ben Van Houten.

No public comment was made.

8. REPORT FROM THE SENIOR ANALYST: Dylan Rice shares an update on current projects to support the vitality of community and cultural outdoor events. [Discussion Item]

No public comment was made.

Senior Analyst Dylan Rice discussed his role and how his position helps reduce the complexity of the permit process, increases transparency, address socio-economic pressures of events and addressing challenges and technical assistance. He shared a calendar of upcoming events with The Department of Emergency Management (DEM) to increase awareness, education and fostering networks. He added the Outdoor Events Guide was completed and approved as of September 7, 2018,  He added how was the commission addressing challenges and becoming more event friendly?  He added they were exploring establishments and a possibility of an Equity Grant Program for outdoor events, hotel tax funding, job training develop outdoor event “track” in the neighbor summit. He added the event guide was created to convey that event organizers should start earlier to be more flexible. 
Chair Ben Bleiman suggested that events percentages on the beer gardens be included because data collection is key.

No public comment was made.

9. DISCUSSION OF THE ENTERTAINMENT COMMISSION GOALS/OBJECTIVES/PRIORITIES: How to implement legal responsibility. [Discussion and Possible Action Item]
Director Maggie Weiland presented Strategy Café an exercise where the Commissioners and staff participated in group sessions on various topics focusing on nightlife and the future of the Entertainment Commission. 

No public comment was made.

Adjourned meeting at 5:10PM