Meetings - June 4, 2019 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
June 4, 2019 - 5:30pm


Entertainment Commission    
City and County of San Francisco


Draft Meeting Minutes


Room 416, City Hall

1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

San Francisco, CA. 94102


Tuesday, June 4, 2019,

5:30 P.M.

Regular Meeting


COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Ben Bleiman (President), Dori Caminong (Vice President), Bryant Tan, Steven Lee, Al Perez, Laura Thomas




STAFF IN ATTENDANCE: Executive Director, Maggie Weiland; Deputy Director, Kaitlyn Azevedo; Senior Analyst, Dylan Rice





+ indicates a speaker in support of an item;

-  indicates a speaker in opposition of an item; and

 = indicates a neutral speaker or a speaker who did not indicate support or opposition





1. General Public Comment - None.

Members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission. With respect to agenda items, members of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes at the time such item is called. 

2. Approval of Meeting Minutes.  Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes of the May 21, 2019, Commission meeting. [Discussion and Possible Action Item]

MOTION: Commissioner Thomas moved to approve the May 21, 2019 minutes, Commissioner Perez seconded the motion.

ACTION: Approved Minutes for May 21, 2019

AYES: Commissioner Perez, Commissioner Thomas, Vice President Caminong, President Bleiman, Commissioner Lee

NAYS: None


ABESENT: Commissioner Falzon

3. Report from Executive Director: Legislative/Policy Update: Possible update on BOS File No. 181211 re: Health, Planning, and Police Codes - Small Business Permit Streamlining; Staff and Office Update: nothing to report; Update on Board of Appeals Actions: nothing to report; Corrective Actions: nothing to report. [Discussion Item]

SPEAKERS:  = Executive Director, Maggie Weiland, staff report

4. Report from Deputy Director: Deputy Director Kaitlyn Azevedo reports on recent venue inspections and activities. [Discussion item]

Attendance note: Commissioner Tan arrived at 5:36 PM

SPEAKERS:  = Deputy Director, Kaitlyn Azevedo, staff report

Enforcement Report Highlights:

New Complaints Wed 5/22/2019  12:36:07 AM

El Trebol

3149 22nd St


El Trebol Bar operates as a loud club but keeps its doors wide open so you can hear loud music from half a block away until 2am every single day. Do they have a license for this?! ACTION: Deputy Director Azevedo spoke with the manager in charge and told him they are not allowed to have live entertainment without a permit. They are operating out of compliance with the EC and do not have an active health permit. Deputy reminded the owner that the EC has already issued an NOV and next would be a citation. In the PIM they are not zoned for a POE; Deputy encouraged the manager to visit the Planning Info Center to see what they are eligible to apply for. Manager said he would share info with the owner who is currently out of the country. Inspector Fiorentino visited the venue the following Friday and spoke with the manager. The manager said he would follow up with Deputy Director's email.

Tues 5/28/2019  10:20:01 PM

Oracle Park

Reported as: 145 KING ST


Extremely loud fireworks happening at 10:20pm that keep vibrating buildings.  What type of permit would ever allow this? ACTION: SF Giants adopted a new policy that states fireworks will commence by 11 pm Sun-Thurs and 11:30pm Fri-Sat. They were in compliance with that policy during this firework show. Deputy Director Azevedo forwarded the fireworks complaints to the SF Giants contact. She followed up with the complainant about the firework policy at Oracle Park.

Fri 5/25/2019  12:58:41 AM


835 Larkin St


Inspector Savino stopped by to check on 2 am event. When he arrived, the owners were speaking with a tenant who came down to ask them to turn down the bass, which they did. We did not receive any complaints from 311 or the neighbors. The owner sent Deputy Director Azevedo an email expressing concerns about the crowd outside of the neighboring bar, Kung Fu Laundry. Per the owner, they spoke with Kung Fu's manager and security as people were loitering on the streets and breaking bottles. The venue was in compliance with their security.


5. Police Department Comments & Questions. This item allows any member of the SFPD to address the Commission regarding matters related to nightlife and public safety. [Discussion Item]


6. Hearing and Possible Action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the Entertainment Commission. [Discussion and Possible Action Item]   

Consent Calendar:

All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine by the Entertainment Commission, and will be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the Commission.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Commission, the public, or staff so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing.

Consent Agenda:

  1. EC-1236 – Molly Bradshaw of Mission Bowling Club, LLC, Mission Bowling Club, 3176 17th St., Limited Live Performance Permit - Amendment.

SPEAKERS:  = Deputy Director, Kaitlyn Azevedo, staff report

MOTION: Commissioner Tan moved to approve the consent agenda, Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion.

ACTION: The Limited Live Performance Permit was conditionally granted to the applicant.

AYES: Commissioner Thomas, Commissioner Perez, Vice President Caminong, President Bleiman, Commissioner Tan, Commissioner Lee

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Commissioner Falzon

7. Commissioner Comments & Questions. [Announcements]