Meetings - June 30, 2020 - Minutes
Meeting Date:
June 30, 2020 - 5:30pm
Related Meeting Content:
Entertainment Commission
City and County of San Francisco
Meeting was held remotely
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
5:30 P.M.
Regular Meeting
COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Ben Bleiman (President), Dori Caminong (Vice President), Al Perez, Steven Lee, Laura Thomas, Dave Falzon, Cyn Wang
STAFF IN ATTENDANCE: Executive Director, Maggie Weiland; Deputy Director, Kaitlyn Azevedo; Senior Analyst, Dylan Rice; Commission Aide, Crystal Kennedy
+ indicates a speaker in support of an item;
- indicates a speaker in opposition of an item; and
= indicates a neutral speaker or a speaker who did not indicate support or opposition
1. General Public Comment
Members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission. With respect to agenda items, members of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes at the time such item is called.
Public Comment: None
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes. Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes of the March 3, 2020 Commission meeting. [Discussion and Possible Action Item]
Public Comment: None
MOTION: Commissioner Caminong moved to approve the March 3, 2020 minutes, Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion.
ACTION: Approved Minutes for March 3, 2020.
AYES: Commissioner Caminong, Commissioner Thomas, Commissioner Bleiman, Commissioner Perez, Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Falzon, Commissioner Wang
NAYS: None
3. Report from Executive Director: Legislative/Policy Update: Update on the City and County of San Francisco’s response to COVID-19 as it relates to the work of the Entertainment Commission; Staff and Office Update: Director will provide a staffing update; Update on Board of Appeals Actions: none; Corrective Actions: none. [Discussion Item] 4. Update on Nightlife Business Assistance in Response to COVID-19: Ben Van Houten, Business Development Manager, Nightlife and Entertainment Sector with the Office of Economic and Workforce Development provides an Update on Nightlife Business Assistance in response to COVID-19. [Discussion Item]
4. Update on Nightlife Business Assistance in Response to COVID-19: Ben Van Houten, Business Development Manager, Nightlife and Entertainment Sector with the Office of Economic and Workforce Development provides an Update on Nightlife Business Assistance in response to COVID-19. [Discussion Item]
Ben Van Houten office has employed resource programs since Covid 19, Nightlife business are concerned that they were the first to close and the last to open. Mayor announced the safe reopening for San Francisco and guidelines. Office has been participating in the share space program to increase outdoor spaces for business, access to sidewalks, street closures, involved in the economic recovery program. Mayor submitted a Save our Small Business on the ballot.
5. Hearing and Possible Action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the Entertainment Commission. [Discussion and Possible Action Item]
Consent Agenda:
a) EC-1034 – Jose Ricardo Vallejo, dba 26 Mix, 3024 Mission St., Billiard Parlor permit.
SPEAKERS: = Deputy Director, Kaitlyn Azevedo, staff report
MOTION: Commissioner Caminong moved to approve the dba 26 Mix, 3024 Mission St., Billiard Parlor permit. Commissioner Perez seconded the motion.
ACTION: THE Billiard Parlor permit was conditionally granted to the applicant.
AYES: Commissioner Perez, Commissioner Falzon, Commissioner Bleiman, Commissioner Wang, Commissioner Caminong, Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Thomas
NAYS: None
6. Discussion and Possible Action to adopt written comments and/or recommendations to be submitted by the Executive Director to the Planning Department and/or Department of Building Inspection regarding noise issues for proposed residential and/or hotel/motel projects per Chapter 116 of the of the Administrative Code. [Discussion and Possible Action Item]
Regular Agenda:
a) 1526-1560 Folsom St, 276 11th St, 135 Kissling St, Bl/Lot: 1516/066-068, 1516/009. Discussion and possible action to adopt written comments and/or recommendations regarding noise issues for the proposed residential project at 1560 Folsom Street, which is located within 300 feet of Oasis (30'), Calle 11 (95'), The Holy Cow (80'), Halcyon (160'), Audio Nightclub (205'), all permitted Places of Entertainment.
SPEAKERS: = Deputy Director, Maggie Weiland, staff report
+ Daniel Belknap, Eric Tao, Project Sponsors
PUBLIC COMMENT: = Question from online chat - Will there be operable windows on the Folsom street side of the building?
Daniel Belknap stated yes however, one of the things found in the acoustic engineer’s report was in order to meet the FS noise ordinance the units have to be mechanically ventilated so if you are annoyed with the noise you can close the window and they are adequately ventilated and are not contingent on the window being open.
Gina Milano asked what was the time line and year for residents to move into the building and what would be the line of defense for venue owners in the neighborhood who had complaints about noise issues in the neighborhood.
Eric Tao stated, clubs that are impacted by COVID19 pandemic and also the capital market for real estate. He added they want to get the construction project on a time line but they do not have a timeline yet. He added the earliest construction would be the end of next year the earliest they would see residence in the building would be four years from now and would submit recommendations to mitigate noise in the rules and recommendations.
Public comment closed.
MOTION: Commissioner Thomas moved to approve the project with staff’s recommendations and the The Commission recommended that the Planning Department and/or Department of Building Inspection impose the standard “Recommended Noise Attenuation Conditions for Chapter 116 Projects,” on the development permit(s) for this project. Commissioner Falzon seconded the motion. Additionally, they recommended the following conditions.
1. The proposed residential Project at 1560 Folsom Street shall incorporate all recommended Noise Mitigation Measures as included in the June 26, 2020 Noise Study prepared by Wilson Ihrig, including the following:
a. The Noise Study has found that standard thermal windows with a minimum rating of STC 26 provide sufficient isolation to meet the requirements of the SF Noise Ordinance;
b. However, Project Sponsor shall incorporate windows with a minimum rating of STC 28 at all residential units throughout the project design;
c. And in order to provide additional isolation against actual noise levels measured in the field, the project sponsor shall incorporate upgraded windows with a minimum rating of STC 33 at the facades along Folsom Street and Burns Place into their project design.
2. Applicant shall incorporate into its standard Rules and Regulations a protocol for noise issues: 1) advise that tenant check and secure all outside windows and openings; 2) contact property management; and 3) call 311.
ACTION: Approved the residential development review project with staff recommendations.
AYES: Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Perez, Commissioner Caminong, Commissioner Thomas, Commissioner Falzon, Commissioner Wang, Commissioner Bleiman
NAYS: None
7. Commissioner Comments & Questions.
Commissioner Thomas recognized it was a strange time but she was acutely aware of the nightlife venues they have lost. She added it was a hard time for everyone and recognized the folks who work in the nightlife industry and was happy to see the queer nightlife fund raising money for folks who work in nightlife. She encouraged people to donate to the Patreon and Go Fund Me for bars and venues. She added she was eager to be back in live music venues.
Commissioner Perez welcomed newly appointed Commissioner Wang to the Entertainment Commission.