City and County of San FranciscoSoutheast Community Facility Commission

February 11, 2010

Southeast Community Facility Commission - February 11, 2010


Commission President Willie B. Kennedy called the Thursday, February 11, 2010, meeting to order at 6:12 p.m in the Alex L. Pitcher Community Room at 1800 Oakdale Avenue.

Commissioner Kennedy read the Sunshine Ordinance.


6:18 P.M. Acting Commission Secretary Lee Ann Prifti

Commissioners Present: Kennedy, Jones, Brown, Chung. Churchwell, and Sampson.

Commissioners Absent: Helen Yang

Staff Present: Toye Moses, Executive Director,

John Roddy, City Attorney,

Lee Ann Prifti, Acting Secretary


Commission President Willie B. Kennedy announced the Consent Calendar.

The consent calendar was moved by Commissioner Louise C. Jones and seconded by Commissioner Churchwell.


Acting Commission Secretary announced the following:

a) Press Release: Mayor Newsom Announces $19.2 Million in Funding for New Energy-Efficiency Projects.

b) Press Release: Mayor Newsom and SFMTA join elected and Community Leaders to Celebrate Groundbreaking for Central Subway

c) Press Release: Mayor Gavin Newsom Signs Legislation Creating New, Green Financing Program to Fund Energy, Water & Environmental Improvements to S.F. Buildings

d) Press Release: In YouTube Update Mayor Newsom lauds President Obama for Extension of JobsNow in Proposed Budget

e) Press Release: Mayor Gavin Newsom s Statement on the Passing of Evelyn Haas

f) Press Release: Mayor Newsom Invites Commission to Attend Year of the Tiger Celebration in City Hall on February 18th at 5:30 p.m.


Commission President Kennedy reported that the Mayor put out a call to all Commission Presidents to attend a mandatory meeting.

She attended the meeting on behalf of the Southeast Community Commission. The basic items the Mayor talked about were the deficit and how big the deficit is and how it has been whittled down from $500 Million to approximately $200 million dollars which is still a large deficit.

He wanted the Commission Presidents to help cut expenses in the departments which they oversee. President Kennedy told the Mayor, that when she was a member of the Board of Supervisors and various budget measure had been taken each, year; after the fact, a Sums of $20 or $25 million dollars would suddenly be found. The Mayor replied that he did not think that would happen again, that all funds have been drained in this case.

President Kennedy also advised the Commissioners of another meeting with Ed. Harrington PUC/General Manager, Tommy Moala PUC/Assistant General Manager, Director Toye Moses, and the Vice President Louise. C Jones. The purpose of the meeting was to apprise the PUC/General Manager some of the problems confronting the SECF Commission office. The main issue is shortage of staff and the Executive Director is stretched quite thin, two of his senior administrative staff are on extended sick leave.

President Kennedy also discussed the possibility of temporarily replacing employees who are out on medical leave and any assistance the General Manager could provide in filling these positions. The General Manager said he would see what he could do. Ed Harrington, PUC/GM was presented with the SECF Commission organizational chart that show staffing structure and staff vacancies.


Vice-Chair Louise. C. Jones said that she hoped that attendance would improve for the next meeting on February 18, 2010. at 1:00 p.m. She said that there will be a report after that meeting.


Director Toye Moses recognized John Powell from the Southeast Water Treatment Plant. Mr. Powell will now be in charge of Maintenance which helps give resources to manage the Southeast Facility. The Commission office is being remodeled and the PUC is providing the resources.

Two weeks ago, director Moses held a meeting with Dr. Hunnicutt Dean City College/Southeast Campus, City College Police Chief and Tenants of the Southeast Facility regarding security issues in and around the Southeast Community Facility. He also informed the Commissioners that the Human Services/One Stop staff from downtown will be moving in which means more people accessing the buildings looking for jobs. They discussed how to prevent crime on the outside and the inside of the Facility. There will be monthly security meetings and he will keep the Commission apprised of the outcome.


Mr. John Powell, the new Maintenance Manger introduced himself and commented that he had been on the job for about 12 hours. He is in a transition phase and will be familiarizing himself with the Commission needs and functions. He will be making reports in the future.


President Kennedy vacated the Chair and turned the meeting over to Acting Secretary Lee Ann Prifti for the 2010/2011, Election of Officers.

Secretary Prifti opened the floor for nominations for Commission President. Commissioner Churchwell nominated Willie B. Kennedy which was seconded by Commissioner Sampson and Commission Chung. The nominations were closed and a vote was taken. The vote was unanimous for Willie B. Kennedy to serve as Commission President for the years 2010/2011.

The floor was opened for nominations for Commission Vice President. Commissioner Churchwell nominated Louise C. Jones for Vice President which was seconded by Commissioner Brown and Commissioner Chung.

A vote was taken and unanimously elected Louise C. Brown to the office of Vice President for the year 2010/2011. Congratulations were extended to the 2010/2011 elections of President Kennedy and Vice President Jones!!

President Kennedy asked for any new business for future agenda items.

Director Toye Moses responded that a letter is in progress to invite the new BVHP Police Captain Greg Suhr to address the Commission. Additionally Assemblyman Tom Ammiano will be invited to address the Commission on what is currently taking place in Sacramento.

Commissioner Bobbrie Brown spoke about food lines in BVHP especially on Wednesdays. She is interested in getting an update on providers such as the Providence Baptist Church which provides a food bank for lines that are wrapped around the building at 7:00 am. She would like the Food bank director to address the Commission.

Director Moses suggested inviting Dr. Mitch Katz, Director of the Public Health Department to address the SECF Commission to talk about health issues (breast cancer, child obesity, asthma, environmental Hazard, etc) confronting the BVHP residents. He alluded that Cedric Jackson Director of One Stop is no longer at the SECF and his replacement Edwin Florentino/Center Director, DHS/Onestop should be invited to address the commission.


Tony Caruso [Decorative Plants Service next door]

He described: How he had told the Commission in the past that in association with the SFPUC and City College he wanted to start a class in Horticultural and Interiors. The plans with City College did not work out, but in lieu of that they found an instructor from the College of San Mateo and another instructor who works for the SF Recreation & Park Department as a nursery specialist in the Conservatory of Flowers and the class are going to go on.

In conjunction with the greenhouse he will be setting up a classroom at Decorative Plants to have both the academic process and the hands-on training in an 8 week course starting February 26th.

94124[Zip code] residents are eligible for a full scholarship to the course.

Others who are supplementing the course as industry professional at $250 per participant.

He left brochures and he has distributed 500 flyers to churches and community associations in BVHP. They have about 12 people signed up. Three of whom are scholarships and the others are paying. Mr. Caruso is very excited about this endeavor will continue to report to the Commission. President Kennedy extended sincere thanks for this wonderful class.


President Kennedy spoke of the Black Cuisine annual event sponsored by the Multi-Purpose Senior Center is being held in the first week-end in March with big tents set up on Yosemite St. with food and events for children. It starts in the morning and goes until late afternoon, with live music and good food. Additional information will be forthcoming.


President Kennedy adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m.