Transportation 2030

Mayor's 2030 Transportation Taskforce

Transportation Task Force
Click here to download agendas, presentations and other meeting materials.

During his 2013 State of the City address, San Francisco Mayor Lee announced the creation of a Transportation Task Force to develop a coordinated set of priorities and actionable recommendations for funding the City’s transportation infrastructure between now and the year 2030. This Task Force represents a first in a generation look at identifying new local investment to address the City’s transportation needs.

On November 25, 2013, the Transportation Task Force presented its final findings and recommendations to the Mayor. The Final Report of the Task Force is now available for download.

About the Mayor's Transportation Task Force

The goal of the Transportation Task Force is to identify transportation capital priorities for the city and connect these plans and priorities to existing and new funding sources. This will include evaluating existing capital plans, proposed capital plans and visioning for other potential plans.

The Transportation Task Force will focus on the following systems and plans currently in development:

  • SFMTA Capital Plans, including Bike and Pedestrian networks, the Transit Effectiveness Project, Van Ness Bus Rapid Transit, Central Subway, the Eastern Neighborhoods Transportation Implementation Planning Study (EN Trips), and Rail, Signal and Fleet improvements
  • Planning Department multi-modal area plan improvements, including Market/ Octavia and Better Market Street
  • Regional connections and integration, including BART Metro, Caltrain and high speed rail

Current planning processes that will be evaluated include:

A visioning effort will take place that represents an effort to evaluate current proposals and articulate new proposals based on the San Francisco of the future – where are opportunities that are missing? 

Existing revenue and potential revenue sources will be evaluated. As the Task Force moves forward, the Task Force members will be asked to evaluate priorities, review plans and connect plans and priorities to funding sources that will be placed before voters.

Resources and Relevant Documents


Balboa Park Citizen Advisory Committee Meeting: March 25, 2014

Task Force Meeting: November 25, 2013

Task Force Meeting: November 18, 2013

Task Force Meeting: October 29, 2013

Task Force Meeting: September 24, 2013

Task Force Meeting: July 23, 2013

Task Force Meeting: June 25, 2013

Task Force Meeting: May 28, 2013

Task Force Meeting: April 30, 2013

Task Force Meeting: April 9, 2013

SFCTA Countywide Plan Draft


Chava Kronenberg
Office of the Controller, City Performance
City & County of San Francisco
(415) 554-7527