Environmental Planning

View of city skyline

What is Environmental Review?

The Environmental Planning Division of the Planning Department reviews projects for potential environmental impacts on the City of San Francisco and its residents, a process known as environmental review. 

Reviews are conducted pursuant to CEQA and Chapter 31 of the San Francisco Administrative Code, which provides guidelines for implementing the CEQA process. The reviews identify any potential adverse environmental effects of proposed actions, assesses their significance, and proposes measures to eliminate or mitigate significant impacts. Certain actions identified by the state, known as Categorical Exemptions, are exempt from environmental review. Such exempt projects generally include small-scale new construction or demolition, some changes of use, some additions, and other generally small projects. These projects are enumerated in San Francisco Planning Commission Resolution No. 14952 Categorical Exemptions from the California Environmental Quality Act, adopted on August 17, 2000.

Further information about CEQA exemptions and the environmental review process is detailed in the Environmental Review Process Summary Handout and on the Environmental Review Process web page.

What is subject to Environmental Review?

Most development, infrastructure and transportation projects, proposed regulatory changes, and permitting applications are subject to the "environmental review process."

  • Local industrial, commercial, mixed use and residential developments or redevelopments
  • Local and regional transit and transportation projects
  • New or amended local, state, and federal rules and regulations

Current Documents for Public Review

Environmental Planning posts many documents for public review associated with the projects and proposed actions we are currently reviewing.