Adoption Proceedings

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Adoption Timeline

March 27, 2008

The Planning Commission considered whether to recommend that the Board of Supervisors accept, reject, or adopt with modifications the Board of Supervisor's proposed amendments to the Market & Octavia Planning Code and Map ordinances.

February 25, 2008
The Land Use Committee forwarded the Market & Octavia Planning Code and Map Amendments to the full Board with recommendation. Please contact the Clerk of the Board for amended ordinances and related summary materials.

February 11, 2008
The Land Use Committee heard the Market & Octavia Planning Code and Map Amendments. An updated version of the Community Improvements Program document was presented to the committee. The item was continued to February 25th.

October 24, 2007
The Board of Supervisors adopted the Market & Octavia General Plan amendments. The approval of the Area Plan finalizes objectives and policies for the plan area. Future hearings at the Board's land use committee will focus on the planning controls and zoning map amendments.

October 15, 2007
The Plan will be heard at the Land Use and Economic Development Committee of the Board of Supervisors on October 15, 2007, 1PM, City Hall, Room 263. (M&O Plan is fourth item on the agenda.

September 21, 2007
The Plan will be heard at the Land Use and Economic Development Committee of the Board of Supervisors on October 3, 2007, 1PM (M&O Plan is second item on the agenda ). Read about this and more in the Market & Octavia Newsletter here.

July 30, 2007
The Planning Department transmitted the Market & Octavia Plan (see under Adopted Materials) to the Board of Supervisors. Read the transmittal memo here, and see supporting materials here.

July 12, 2007
The Planning Commission will consider adoption of a revised version of the Planning Code Section 249.33, which would re-direct a portion or all of the Van Ness and Market Density Bonus Program to an affordable housing fund. Click here for the complete case packet.

June 19, 2007
The Board of Supervisors upheld the Market and Octavia EIR. Click here for more information.


On April 5th after nine hearings, the Planning Commission adopted the Market & Octavia Neighborhood Plan, CEQA findings and certified the Environmental Impact Report. Materials adopted by the Planning Commission are available below.

Adopted Materials
General Plan Case Reports, Amendments, Resolution, Draft Ordinance Acobat PDF 4 MB
Planning Code Case Reports, Resolution, Draft Ordinance

"Trailing Legislation" Code Amendments Case Package
Acobat PDF 8 MB

Acobat PDF 2.1 MB
Zoning Map Case

Case Reports, Resolution, Draft Ordinance

Acobat PDF 4 MB
Historic Preservation Case Report, Interim Procedures, Motion Acobat PDF 200 KB
Community Improvements Program Document, Appendices Acobat PDF 3 MB
Environmental Review Certification Motions, CEQA findings, MMRP Acobat PDF 700 KB
Adoption Motions and Resolutions available in one file here.


As supporting materials for the Plan, the following documents have been submitted to the file of the Board of Supervisors.

Supporting Materials
Housing Element Memo Stating the Planning Department's findings of the consistency of the
Market and Octavia Neighborhood Plan with the 1990 Residence Element.
Acobat PDF100 kb
Studies referenced by draft Planning Code Section 326 in support of the findings. T Hummel, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research (Holland), and University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center, "Dutch Pedestrian Safety Research Review", November 1999. Acobat PDF 1.7 MB
Louise Stoney, "Framing Child Care as Economic development: Lessons from Early Studies", Manuscript, Cornell University, 2004. Acobat PDF 600 kb
Warner, Mildred. "Overview: Articulating the Economic Importance of child Care for Community Development". Journal of Community Development Society, Vol. 37, No. 2, 2006 Acobat PDF 400 kb
Memo Finding fee expenditure through section 249.33 on affordable housing would amount to a total requirement per unit that is below the nexus demonstrated by the citywide affordable housing nexus study. Acobat PDF 100 kb
Final Study Final Study, Demonstrating the potential negative impact on future development of impact fees in addition to those proposed by Planning Code Section 249.33 and 326. Acobat PDF 600 KB


Market & Octavia Area Interim Procedures

The Planning Commission on April 5th adopted a motion authorizing the Department to begin applying the interim permit review procedures to safeguard any potentially historic resource in the Plan Area. These procedures include, in summary:

  • Mandatory Discretionary Review (DR) required for all proposed new construction over 50 feet within the entire Plan Area.
  • All proposed demolition or major alteration cases for properties within the Plan Area for buildings constructed prior to1961 will be forwarded to the Landmarks Board.
  • All exterior modification building permit applications for the street facade(s) of historic resources within the Plan Area will be presented to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board.
  • All proposed new curb cuts and garage applications for buildings constructed before 1961 within the Plan Area will be reviewed by a Preservation Technical Specialist.
  • Neighborhood Association Block Book Notations (BBN) for all building permit activities reviewed by Planning Department.
  • All proposed projects within the increased scrutiny areas (see interim procedures posted above) requiring Planning Code Sections 311 and 312 notifications for new construction or alteration will be sent to the members of the Landmarks Board.


Share Your Thoughts

Market and Octavia Plan AreaThoughts on the Better Neighborhoods planning process? We welcome your thoughts on how the process has been going in Market and Octavia. Click here to view the comments we've received to date. Email Kearstin Dischinger with your comments on the draft plan or to be added to our mailing list for upcoming notices and events.

The Public Review Draft

This draft is the first complete presentation of the proposals developed over two years of community planning as part of the Better Neighborhoods Program. It outlines a bold new vision for the area that aims to provide housing in response to human needs, offer people choice in how they get around, and build a "whole" neighborhood around a public realm of the highest quality and a full range of services and amenities close to where people live and work.

With the Better Neighborhoods Program, the city is investing in the Market and Octavia area's potential as a vibrant, urban neighborhood, an essential part of the city. Come, get your copy of the plan, and see what all the excitement is about!

Download the Public Review Draft

  1. Introduction - PDF
  2. Overview - PDF
  3. Land Use and Urban Form - PDF
  4. Housing People - PDF
  5. Building With a Sense of Place - PDF
  6. Streets and Open Spaces - PDF
  7. Balancing Transportation Choices - PDF
  8. New Development on Key Sites - PDF
  9. A New Neighborhood in SoMa West - PDF
  10. Implementing the Plan - PDF
  11. Appendices - PDF
  12. Summary of Proposed Revisions - PDF

*You can also request a hardcopy of the plan at 558-6307.


Background Research and Documentation

Want to learn more about the thinking behind the plan? Extensive research and analysis was conducted in developing the plan proposals, describing the key issues dealt with in the plan, and providing recommendations on how to best address them.

The following documents provide detailed background on the full scope of transportation issues addressed by the plan, including traffic and transit, parking needs and trends in vehicle ownership in the plan area as well as the city overall.

We will be updating this site in the coming months with historical background on the plan area.


The Better Neighborhoods Vision

Envision an urban neighborhood that welcomes a mix of people of various incomes, ages and lifestyles.

  • A place where everyday shopping needs can be met within a short walk on a system of public streets that are easy and safe to get around on foot, on a bicycle and on transit.
  • A place intimately connected to the City as a whole where owning a private automobile is a choice, not a necessity, and the streets are active, friendly civic spaces.
  • A neighborhood that is repaired and rejuvenated by building on the strengths of its traditional character, yet is inherently dynamic, creative and evolving.


Guiding Principles

  • Do not displace people - no homes should be lost.
  • Encourage diverse and affordable housing.
  • Create choices for movement - foster alternatives to the car.
  • Make streets safe and attractive places to walk, bike and meet.
  • Repair and enhance the neighborhood's urban fabric - build on strengths.
  • Provide for convenient neighborhood services.
  • Value residences, shops and active uses over automobile parking.
  • Tear down the Central Freeway and build the new Octavia Boulevard.


Policy Initiatives

  • Allow flexible types of new housing to meet a broad range of needs.
  • Reduce parking requirements to encourage housing & services without adding cars.
  • Balance transportation by considering people movement over auto movement.
  • Build walkable "whole" neighborhoods meeting everyday needs.


Draft Plan Components

  • Infill guidelines for housing on the vacant Central Freeway parcels.
  • Freeway touchdown recommendations at Market and new Octavia Boulevard.
  • Strengthening the heart of Hayes Valley.
  • Guidelines for Market Street as a residential and retail spine.
  • Enhancements to the Church/Market/Duboce area.
  • A new residential center in SOMA West / South Van Ness area.
  • Changes to street circulation - restoring urban structure.
  • Area-wide streetscape and traffic calming improvements.
  • Opportunities for public open spaces.