Citywide Planning


Citywide Policy Planning develops planning policy to preserve and enhance San Francisco's quality of life. Citywide Planning maintains the city's General Plan which provides guidance to all city agencies and departments regarding urban design, land use, transportation, housing, open space and a variety of other issues. Citywide Planning also develops permanent controls–zoning, planning code controls and other regulations that implement the General Plan, both through community-based planning efforts and citywide initiatives. The Citywide Division acts as the urban design resource for the City, and gathers and analyzes data in support of land‐use policy. The Citywide Division proposes policy on a wide range of topics, including: housing, transportation, urban design, land use, community stabilization, and sustainability policy.

Learn more about Citywide Planning's priority projects we are currently working on.

Download a handout overview of the above priority projects (PDF).


Current Efforts

Land Use & Transportation



Perhaps no issue is more pressing than the City’s housing crisis. The Citywide Division works to improve housing affordability through a three-pronged approach of housing production, tenant protections, and housing stock preservation.



Planning for an effective, equitable, and sustainable transportation system.

Land Use and Community Plans

Land Use and Community Plans

These efforts seek to forge shared visions for the city’s existing and evolving neighborhoods, including large-scale development sites, to meet the needs of existing and future residents, workers, and visitors while achieving citywide goals for inclusivity, sustainability, and economic vitality.

Master Plans and Development Agreements

Master Plans and Development Agreements

The Planning Department, in coordination with the Office of Economic and Workforce Development, develops, reviews, and brings forward for approval master plans for major new development areas, including building form and design, land use, streets, open spaces and other public amenities.

Plans & Policies

Citywide Planning maintains the city's General Plan which provides guidance to all city agencies and departments regarding urban design, land use, transportation, housing, open space and a variety of other issues. The General Plan is the legal underpinning for land use and policy decisions and a vision for how the city will grow and evolve.

In support of the General Plan, Citywide Planning develops plans, policies and initiatives that represent the aspirations of the City to become more livable, sustainable, and equitable.

Resilience and Sustainability

Resilience and Sustainability

Core Functions

Information and Analysis Group

Information and Analysis Group

The Information and Analysis Group carries out the Division’s and much of the Department’s data analysis and reporting, graphic design, and mapping/GIS needs.

City Design Group

City Design Group

The City Design Group works to improve San Francisco's livability through concern for the physical qualities of the city.

Implementing Our Community Plans

Implementing Our Community Plans

The Implementation Group helps to turn the visions from recently adopted Area Plans into on-the-ground improvements, working with community members, development project sponsors, and City agencies.


Completed Planning Efforts

Land Use & Transportation



Land Use and Community Plans

Better Neighborhoods

Eastern Neighborhoods

Downtown Neighborhoods

Other Neighborhood Studies and Plans

Master Plans and Development Agreements

Plans & Policies

Equity and Community Development

Resilience and Sustainability

Public Realm Plans

Other Policy Initiatives