Market and Octavia Comments and Responses

The Comments and Responses Document for the Market & Octavia Neighborhood Plan is now available: 2003.0347E.

Pick up a copy at the Planning Department or download the entire Document below. The Planning Department is located at 1650 Mission Street.

The EIR was certified on April 5, 2007 by the Planning Commission.

Download the Comments and Responses Document as a PDF document in 11 parts.


C&R Part I - (500 kb) Includes: Cover, Table of Contents, Introduction, and List of Persons Commenting. Acrobat PDF icon


C&R Part II - (3,400 kb) Includes: Written Comments and Responses, Pages 1-50.


C&R Part III - (3,100 kb) Includes: Written Comments and Responses, Pages 51-100.


C&R Part IV - (4,000 kb) Includes: Written Comments and Responses, Pages 101-150.


C&R Part V - (3,500 kb) Includes: Written Comments and Responses, Pages 151-200.


C&R Part VI - (3,900 kb) Includes: Written Comments and Responses, Pages 201-250.


C&R Part VII - (3,600 kb) Includes: Written Comments and Responses, Pages 251-300.


C&R Part VIII - (6,400 kb) Includes: Written Comments and Responses, Pages 301-350.


C&R Part IX - (1,300 kb) Includes: Written Comments and Responses, Pages 350 on and Public Hearing Comments and Responses.


C&R Part X - (7,400 kb) Includes: EIR Text Changes.


C&R Part XI - (1,600 kb) Includes: Impact Analysis for Proposed Plan Revisions.


C&R Part XII - (6,600 kb) Includes: Transportation Technical Appendix.