Historic Preservation Commission - August 2, 2017 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
August 2, 2017 - 12:30pm



Meeting Minutes

Commission Chambers Room 400,
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689

Wednesday, August 2, 2017
12:30 p.m.
Regular Hearing

COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:   Wolfram, Matsuda, Pearlman, Johns, Johnck, Hyland


STAFF IN ATTENDANCE:  Jeff Joslin – Director of Current Planning, Susan Gygi, Roberta Salgado, Shelley Caltagirone, Desiree Smith, Justin Greving, Tim Frye – Historic Preservation Officer, Jonas P. Ionin –Commission Secretary

+ indicates a speaker in support of an item;

  • indicates a speaker in opposition to an item; and

= indicates a neutral speaker or a speaker who did not indicate support or opposition.


At this time, members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission except agenda items. With respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the Commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting.  Each member of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes.



1. Director’s Announcements


2. Review of Past Events at the Planning Commission, Staff Report and Announcements

Tim Frye, Preservation Officer:
First of all I'll like to bring to your attention and welcome some of our summer planning interns that are in the audience today. The summer internship program at the Planning Department is a 12 week program that starts on -- in June and it will end on August 25th. There are a total of 27 interns this summer, some are high school students from the City's Youth Works Program, and all the interns are paid internships. There were over 500 applicants this year, so we had an amazing time deciding on which candidates were best suited for the projects that were proposed by staff this year. Of the preservation related ones, I want to bring to your attention the projects we're working on currently are promoting resources documented by the civil rights under-represented communities grant, that's a national park service grant, we currently are working on drafting many historic context statements as part of our citywide survey effort and developing window and replacement wood siding standards and guidelines. As part of the 12 week program, each intern is paired with a planner who mentors and supervisors their work. There are also weekly discussions, site visits and special presentations led by staff members to highlight the work we do in the Department. In the final weeks of the program the interns will present their final work products to staff during a weeklong noontime lecture series and invitations regarding these presentations will be forwarded to you and we encourage you to attend if you so wish and then the Department is very appreciative of all of their work the interns are doing and we look forward to providing our continued support for the program, so thanks again. Two other items to share with you, the LGBTQ Cultural Heritage Strategy progress report was continued from the July 26th Public Safety and Neighborhood Services Committee hearing, we essentially got bumped, there wasn't enough time; they are working on a new date for this fall and we will let you know what that is when confirmed. Also wanted to introduce you to Rebecca Salgado, she will be presenting at today's hearing and she comes to us from Garavaglia Architecture of San Francisco, a preservation architecture firm where she worked for two and half  years as an architectural historian and conditions assessment specialist. Before that, Rebecca worked as a landmark preservationist at the New York City Landmark Preservation Commission and as a book editor at the Princeton Architectural Press. We're very happy she's part of our team and please join us in welcoming her to the commission and commissioners that concludes my comments unless you have any questions. Thank you.


3. President’s Report and Announcements


4. Consideration of Adoption:

ACTION: Adopted
AYES: Wolfram, Matsuda, Pearlman, Johns, Johnck, Hyland

5. Commission Comments & Questions

Commissioner Pearlman: 
I am proud to announce that the Hibernia Bank, the seismic upgrade of the Hibernia Bank, has won a 2017 California Preservation Foundation Award, so in craftsmanship and preservation technology. It was a fascinating, technologically, it was a fascinating process to strengthen that building which came out extremely well in my humble opinion and I think it's ironic that the award are being presented on Friday October 13th.; on Friday the 13th we'll receive that award, but it's exciting. We've had a couple other technology awards from other organizations but this is very exciting to be part of that.

Commissioner Matsuda:
I just wanted to share with the commission that I've been the representative for the HPC on an ad hoc committee with the Small Business Commission to find ways in which we could create a logo for the Legacy Businesses and it has gone out to bid and we will be reviewing this month; hopefully, I'll have an announcement to make or Rick will have an announcement to make by our September meeting.


6.                                                                       (S. GYGI: (415) 575-9194)
PENINSULA CORRIDOR ELECTRIFICATION PROJECT – Informational Presentation on the Peninsula Corridor Electrification Project (PCEP).  The PCEP is a project led by the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (JPB) to electrify the Caltrain Corridor between 4th and King Station in San Francisco south to San Jose.  The project would have some effects on four historic railroad tunnels within San Francisco. The informational presentation will provide information about the project description, the character of the four historic tunnels, the project's modifications to those tunnels, minimization measures incorporated into the project, and the status of CEQA, NEPA, Section 106 consultation and construction of the project.
Preliminary Recommendation:  None-Informational

SPEAKER: = Susan Gygi – Staff report
+ Stacey Gock – Electrification project presentation
+ Rich Walter
ACTION: Reviewed and Commented
Include a specification in the contract regarding the design of the tunnels to ensure the arch openings at the top of the four historic tunnels align with the brick coursing.
LETTER: 0081

7. 2017-006323COA                                            (R. SALGADO: (415) 575-9101)
1800 MISSION STREET – southwest corner of Mission and 14th Streets, Assessor's Block 3547, Lot 001 (District 9) – Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the repair and restoration of portions of the building's brick and decorative plaster parapet at the north (14th Street), west (Julian Avenue), and south elevations. The subject property is San Francisco Landmark No. 108, and is located within a UMU (Urban Mixed Use) Zoning District and 68-X/45-X Height and Bulk Limit. 
Preliminary Recommendation:  Approve with Conditions

SPEAKER: = Roberta Salgado – Staff report
- Richard Sergio-Arellio – God's house, parapets
ACTION: Approved with Conditions
AYES: Matsuda, Pearlman, Johns, Johnck, Hyland
RECUSED: Wolfram
MOTION: 0310

8. 2017-002197COA                                  (S. CALTAGIRONE: (415) 558-6625)
2321 WEBSTER STREET – west side between Jackson and Washington Streets; Lot 002 in Assessor's Block 0605 in a RH-2 (Residential, House, Two-Family) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District (District 2) – Request for Certificate of Appropriateness to insert a two-car garage at the basement level; construct a finished basement; rebuild the side passage and relocate its entrance doors; reconstruct a rear deck; renovate the rear annex; add new windows at the side (south) and rear (west) elevations; remove a chimney; and, restore the original front porch and stairs. The subject property is a contributor to the Webster Street Landmark District designated in Article 10 of the Planning Code.
Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions

SPEAKER: = Shelley Caltagirone – Staff report
+ Michael Okana – Project presentation
+ Pamela Oliva Okana – Project presentation
+ Ruth Todd – Project presentation
ACTION: Approved with Conditions
AYES: Wolfram, Matsuda, Pearlman, Johns, Johnck, Hyland
MOTION: 0311

9a. 2017-008645LBR                                                     (D. SMITH: (415) 575-9093)
1607 OCEAN AVENUE – on the south side of Ocean Avenue near Capitol Avenue. Assessor's Block 6935, Lot 026 (District 7). Consideration of adoption of a resolution recommending Small Business Commission approval of a Legacy Business application. The Ave Bar is a neighborhood bar serving the Ingleside neighborhood community since 1949. The Legacy Business Registry recognizes longstanding, community-serving businesses that are valuable cultural assets to the City. In addition, the City intends that the Registry be a tool for providing educational and promotional assistance to Legacy Businesses to encourage their continued viability and success. The subject business is within the Ocean Avenue NCT (Neighborhood Commercial Transit) Zoning District and 45-X Height and Bulk District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval

SPEAKER: = Desiree Smith – Staff report
= Richard Kurlow
+ Lucia Fuentas – Ave Bar
+ Linda Ares Frederick – Phoenix
+ Mark Lundt – Jeffrey's Toys
+ Speaker – Jeffrey's Toys
+ Brad Erickson – The Phoenix Theater
+ Martha Sanchez – Casa Sanchez
+ Speaker – Casa Sanchez 5th generation
+ Dennis McIntyre – The Phoenix
+ John Mendoza – Casa Sanchez
+ Deborah Ruth – The Phoenix
+ Richard Kurlow – Pacitas Bakery, Ave Bar
+ Hellen Notes – The Phoenix
+ Claudia Barr – The Phoenix
+ Brown Katz – The Phoenix
+ Dan Weaver – Ave Bar
+ Cathy Inamasu – Nihonmachi Little Friends
+ Louise Licea – Casa Sanchez
+ Arnie Lerner – The Phoenix Theater
+ Raul Rupio – The Phoenix Theater
+ Ray Carolino – The Phoenix Theater
+ Karen Kai – Nihonmachi Little Friends
+ Alice Kawahatsu – Nihonmachi Little Friends
+ Paul Wermer – Nihonmachi Little Friends
+ Greg Marutani – Nihonmachi Little Friends
+ Bill Sugaya – Nihonmachi Little Friends
ACTION: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval
AYES: Wolfram, Matsuda, Pearlman, Johns, Johnck, Hyland

9b. 2017-008656LBR                                                 (D. SMITH: (415) 575-9093)
250 NAPOLEON STREET – on the north side of Napoleon Street between Jerrold Avenue and Evans Avenue. Assessor's Block 4343, Lot 021 (District 10). Consideration of adoption of a resolution recommending Small Business Commission approval of a Legacy Business application. Established in 1924, Casa Sanchez is a family-owned distributor of Mexican food products now operated by the fourth and fifth generation members of the Sanchez family. The Legacy Business Registry recognizes longstanding, community-serving businesses that are valuable cultural assets to the City. In addition, the City intends that the Registry be a tool for providing educational and promotional assistance to Legacy Businesses to encourage their continued viability and success. The subject business is within PDR-2 (PDR Production, Distribution, and Repair) Zoning District and 65-J Height and Bulk District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval

SPEAKER: Same as Item #9a.
ACTION: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval
AYES: Wolfram, Matsuda, Pearlman, Johns, Johnck, Hyland

9c. 2017-008669LBR                                             (D. SMITH: (415) 575-9093)
45 KEARNY STREET – on the west side of Kearny Street between Post and O'Farrell Streets. Assessor's Block 0310, Lot 003 (District 3). Consideration of adoption of a resolution recommending Small Business Commission approval of a Legacy Business application. Jeffrey's Toys is a family-owned toy store serving San Francisco since 1972. The Legacy Business Registry recognizes longstanding, community-serving businesses that are valuable cultural assets to the City. In addition, the City intends that the Registry be a tool for providing educational and promotional assistance to Legacy Businesses to encourage their continued viability and success. The subject business is within a C-3-O (Downtown-Office) Zoning District and 80-130-F Height and Bulk District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval

SPEAKER: Same as Item #9a.
ACTION: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval
AYES: Wolfram, Matsuda, Pearlman, Johns, Johnck, Hyland

9d. 2017-008670LBR                                                  (D. SMITH: (415) 575-9093)
1830 SUTTER STREET – on the north side of Sutter Street between Webster and Buchanan Streets. Assessor's Block 0676, Lot 071 (District 5). Consideration of adoption of a resolution recommending Small Business Commission approval of a Legacy Business application. Nihonmachi Little Friends is a bilingual and multicultural organization providing high quality, affordable child care services in San Francisco's Japantown neighborhood. The Legacy Business Registry recognizes longstanding, community-serving businesses that are valuable cultural assets to the City. In addition, the City intends that the Registry be a tool for providing educational and promotional assistance to Legacy Businesses to encourage their continued viability and success. The subject business is within a RM-3 (Residential- Mixed, Medium Density) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval

SPEAKER: Same as Item #9a.
ACTION: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval
AYES: Wolfram, Matsuda, Pearlman, Johns, Johnck, Hyland

9e. 2017-008810LBR                                         (D. SMITH: (415) 575-9093)
10 PERSIA AVENUE – on the south side of Persia Avenue between Mission Street and London Street. Assessor's Block 6955, Lot 043 (District 11). Consideration of adoption of a resolution recommending Small Business Commission approval of a Legacy Business application. Pacitas Salvadorean Bakery has served hand-crafted Salvadorean breads to the Excelsior neighborhood since 1996. The Legacy Business Registry recognizes longstanding, community-serving businesses that are valuable cultural assets to the City. In addition, the City intends that the Registry be a tool for providing educational and promotional assistance to Legacy Businesses to encourage their continued viability and success. The subject business is within the Excelsior Outer Mission Street NCD (Neighborhood Commercial District) Zoning District and 65-A Height and Bulk District.
Recommendation: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval

SPEAKER: Same as Item #9a.
ACTION: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval
AYES: Wolfram, Matsuda, Pearlman, Johns, Johnck, Hyland

9f. 2017-008812LBR                                               (D. SMITH: (415) 575-9093)
414 MASON STREET – on the east side of Mason Street between Post and Geary Streets. Assessor's Block 0307, Lot 008 (District 3). Consideration of adoption of a resolution recommending Small Business Commission approval of a Legacy Business application. Phoenix Arts Association Theatre was founded in 1985, incubating and hosting hundreds of live theatric productions and workshops for over three decades. In addition, the City intends that the Registry be a tool for providing educational and promotional assistance to Legacy Businesses to encourage their continued viability and success. The subject business is within a C-3-G (Downtown-General) Zoning District and 80-130-F Height and Bulk District.
Recommendation: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval

SPEAKER: Same as Item #9a.
ACTION: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval
AYES: Wolfram, Matsuda, Pearlman, Johns, Johnck, Hyland

10.                                                                           (J. GREVING: (415) 575-9169)
FAÇADE RETENTION – During two previous hearings, on December 2, 2015 and April 6, 2016, the Historic Preservation Commission discussed the topic of façade retention with the goal being to formulate a policy on the subject matter. As directed by the HPC, planning staff have prepared a draft policy memo on façade retention for HPC Review and Comment.
Preliminary Recommendation: Review and Comment

SPEAKER: = Justin Greving – Staff report
+ Mike Buhler – Interpretative displays
ACTION: Reviewed and Commented

11.                                                                          (D. SMITH: (415) 575-9093)
LANDMARK DESIGNATION WORK PROGRAM QUARTERLY REPORT – Discussion of the HPC's Landmark Designation Work Program.
Preliminary Recommendation: None - Informational

SPEAKER: = Desiree Smith – Staff report
+ Bill Sugaya – Japanese language school
ACTION: None – Informational

12.                                                                            (A. KIRBY: (415) 575-9133)
PRESERVATION ENFORCEMENT ANNUAL UPDATE – Review of the 2016 -2017 progress, statistics, and status of priority projects.
Preliminary Recommendation: Review and Comment

SPEAKER: = Ali Kirby – Staff report
ACTION: None – Informational