Proposed Amendments to Section 136 of the Planning Code

Section 136 in the San Francisco Planning Code outlines the types of obstructions/overhangs, such as bay windows or decorative architectural elements, which may be permitted over streets and alleys.

Over the last several years, Staff has received a significant number of innovative and appropriate proposed architectural designs that are not allowed under the current Code Section 136(c).  Planning is proposing to amend the Planning Code to permit some obstructions/overhangs in Section 136, and to allow some bay windows that do not currently meet the standards to apply for a Zoning Administrator waiver.

The intention of this legislation is to allow for more flexibility in architectural projections that enhance a building’s design and may even assist in increasing the environmental sustainability of buildings (as is the case with sunshades and some projecting fins). Any proposed obstruction would still be required to undergo all applicable design review processes and meet all required design standards.

The proposed ordinance is scheduled to be heard at the Historic Planning Commission on Wednesday, September 19, and at the Planning Commission for adoption on Thursday, October 4. Find more information on this effort here.

Planning will be hosting a community meeting on Wednesday, September 5th to answer questions and hear feedback. For more information, to RSVP, or if you would like Staff to come to your neighborhood group meeting to speak more about this effort, please contact Audrey Butkus at

Community Meeting on Proposed Amendments to Planning Code 136
Wednesday, September 5
3 - 4 p.m.
1650 Mission St, 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA

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