WalkFirst Phase 1 - Framework
In 2010, the City received a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety to fund the first phase of WalkFirst, a project to develop a framework for how the City would prioritize future pedestrian improvements. This framework included a map of Key Walking Streets (streets where people are walking) and a map of Pedestrian High Injury Corridors (streets with the highest concentration of severe and fatal injuries) were developed.
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WalkFirst Phase 2 - Pedestrian Safety Prioritization
WalkFirst Phase 2, initiated in September 2013 took a data driven approach to prioritize pedestrian safety improvements on the Pedestrian High Injury Network develop as part of Phase 1. The City looked at pedestrian injury statistics and crash profiles to identify locations where safety improvements are most needed. A variety of criteria were then used to prioritize pedestrian safety projects and programs on the High Injury network. A capital project list was published in February 2013.
This work continues and is being implemented as part of Vision Zero. Vision Zero is a citywide commitment to reduce all traffic fatalities to zero. The Vision Zero Task Force meets quarterly and is chaired by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and Department of Public Health.
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WalkFirst Phase 3 - Streetscape Prioritization
WalkFirst Phase 3 is the remaining piece. Similar to what was done in WalkFirst Phase 2, WalkFirst Phase 3 starts with the Streetscape Network identified in Phase 1 (formally called the Key Walking Streets) and uses a data-driven process to identify and prioritize corridors for future streetscape improvements. Streetscape streets represent places where people are walking OR would walk if the conditions were better. The factors used to identify these streets include population density, transit ridership, land use, and priority pedestrian streets identified in streetscape plans. To view the specific criteria, click here.
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Project Timeline
Click here download detailed timeline (PDF)
Project Team & Staff Contacts
This project is a partnership among many City agencies, including the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, SF Planning Department, Department of Public Health, San Francisco Public Works, Mayor's Office, Public Utilities Commission and the Controller’s Office.
For more information, contact:
Lily Langlois, Planning Department
lily.langlois@sfgov.orgChava Kronenberg, SFMTA