Orders of Determination 2009
Orders of Determination 2009
Click on the Order of Determination, Referral or Response to obtain the related documents. These files are provided in PDF format and requires Adobe Acrobat to open and read.
File No. | Complainant | Respondent | Order of Determination, Referral or Response | |
09002 | Michael Petrelis | Public Health | Order of Determination | |
09003 | Rita O'Flynn | Technology | Order of Determination | |
09004 | Ray Hartz | City Attorney | Order of Determination | |
09006 | Arce & Brooks | SFPUC | Order of Determination | |
09007 | David Larkin | Public Works | Order of Determination, EC referral EC response | |
09008 | Ray Hartz | Police Commission | Order of Determination | |
09009 | Charles Pitts | Public Health | Order of Determination | |
09013 | Steve Lawrence | SFPUC | Order of Determination | |
09014 | Dr. Ahimsa Sumchai | Board of Supervisors | Order of Determination | |
09015 | Raymond Banks | HIV Planning Council | Order of Determination | |
09016 | Peter Green | Public Health | Order of Determination | |
09017 | S-O-R-E | SFPUC | Order of Determination | |
09018 | Anonymous Tenants | Bldg. Inspection | Order of Determination | |
09020 | Anonymous | MTA | Order of Determination | |
09021 | S-O-R-E | SFPUC | Order of Determination | |
09022 | Raymond Banks | SF-HIV-HSPC | Order of Determination | |
09023 | S-O-R-E | SFPUC | Order of Determination | |
09024 | Paul Weston | Human Services | Order of Determination | |
09027 | Alvin Xex | Mayor's OEWD | Order of Determination | |
09028 | Alvin Xex | Human Resources | Order of Determination | |
09029 | Paul Weston | St. Vincent de Paul | Order of Determination | |
09030 | Ann Grogan | Police Commission | Order of Determination | |
09031 | Kenneth Kinnard | Human Rights Com | Order of Determination | |
09032 | Dominic Maionchi | Rec & Park | Order of Determination | |
09033 | Sue Cauthen | Library Commission | Order of Determination, EC referral EC response | |
09034 | Brian Tomina | Building Inspection | Order of Determination | |
09035 | Dave Schneider | COB/BOS | Order of Determination | |
09038 | Anmarie Mabbutt | Rec & Park | Order of Determination | |
09039 | Rita O'Flynn | Mayor (Housing) | Order of Determination, EC referral, DA referral EC response | |
09042 | Peter Warfield | Library Admin | Order of Determination, EC referral EC response | |
09044 | Peter Warfield | Board of Appeals | Order of Determination, EC referral EC response | |
09052 | Charles Pitts | Shelter Monitoring Cmt | Order of Determination | |
09057 | Peter Warfield | Clerk of the Board | Order of Determination, EC referral EC response | |
09067Â Â Â Â | Library Users Association | Historic Preservation Committee | Order of Determination | |
09069 | Asian Law Caucus | Mayor's Office | Order of Determination | |
09075 | Bred Starr | City Attorney's Office | Order of Determination | |
09076 | Anmarie Mabbutt | Mayor's Office | Order of Determination | |
09077 | Melvyn Banks | Public Health | Order of Determination | |
09078 | Anonymous Tenants | Planning Department | Order of Determination | |
09079 | Kenneth Kinnard | Human Rights Comm | Order of Determination | |
09082 | Melvyn Banks | Public Health | Order of Determination | |
09083 | Ellen Tsang | Building Inspection | Order of Determination | |
09085 | Mike Addario | Arts Commission | Order of Determination | |