Rent Board 2009 Gender Analysis Update

Rent Board

2009 Gender Analysis Update


On January 28, 2009, the Rent Board provided an update on its Gender Analysis at the Commission on the Status of Women meeting, as seen in the Minutes of that meeting below:




Delene Wolf, Executive Director of the San Francisco Rent Board provided an update on the implementation of gender analysis at the Rent Board. Since the last time the Rent Board reported to the Commission Supervisor McGoldrick sponsored and passed legislation to have rental applications include an inquiry of the number of school-aged children that live in the house. Then-Supervisor Matt Gonzalez also sponsored legislation prohibiting evicting families for adding a family member to the rental unit. The Rent Board is one of the first City departments to implement work life balance policies. Currently several staff attorneys telecommute, counselors have the option of working 9/80 days, and staff has a 1 year maternity leave option. Ms. Wolf reported that the Rent Board has very little staff turnover due to these work life balance policies. She concluded that though the gender analysis process was extremely demanding and time-consuming, it resulted in positive change within her agency. The Commission thanked Ms. Wolf for her report and her on-going work to promote gender equity within city government.